"Naturally, I think they are also old acquaintances of Mr. Li, and they are also cultivators. If they want to help, it shouldn't be too bad." Qin Nantian naturally wouldn't refuse.

At this critical moment, no matter of family or country is as important as Li Zhenwu's request.

"Very good, so be it!" Li Zhenwu 540 stood up.

When the two saw this, they immediately knew that they were going to see off the guests, and immediately went out respectfully.

The efficiency of the power of the whole country is absolutely terrifying. In less than three days, on the second day, people have come to report one after another.

The first people to come were naturally Hu Ming and Ye Tian.

It mainly shows the summer vacation. The two happened to be nearby, and they rushed over immediately after receiving the news. The joy in their hearts is beyond description.

"Brother Zhenwu!"

After meeting, Ye Tian and Hu Ming were well behaved, and their eyes were extremely hot.

"Just come here, what's the matter, I think you already know it?" Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

"Understood, it seems that Brother Zhenwu is going to take action in person. At that time, I hope that I can give him some pointers and I will use it for life."

Next, Chu Tianjun also arrived.

"Everyone, I won't say more, I can tell you clearly, I want to cultivate immortals now, and you are my assistants."

In the face of the three, Li Zhenwu had nothing to hide, and told them directly.

Hearing this, Rao was mentally prepared, and when he heard this sentence, he still felt a shock in his heart.

Want to cultivate fairy?

Those faint words contained confidence that people did not need to question.

Chapter [-] Crazy Mox!

If it was someone else who spoke madly like that, they would definitely slap it away.

But there is no doubt about what Li Zhenwu said.

One person is hostile to one country, hard against modern weapons, tearing up fighter jets, one after another brilliant deeds, you can see the word invincible in it.

Immediately, the three of them looked solemn, their hearts froze, and they quieted down.

"Of course, since you are following me, it will not be too bad. I can't guarantee anything else, but immortals are not your goal, it is just a transitional realm."

Li Zhenwu stared at the three of them, looking down condescendingly, with black hair on his shoulders, and fluttering in no wind.

That invisible momentum, like the center of heaven and earth, makes life impossible to resist.

"Understood, Brother Zhenwu, don't worry, it will never hurt you." Ye Tian and Hu Ming stated that if there is an accident, no one else will be needed, and their family will not let them go in the first place.

After all, according to the news, Huaxia will have a big move in the near future, and it may be related to Li Zhenwu.

Although the news is inaccurate, it is enough to make these families full of expectations.

"Yes!" Chu Tianjun was originally a soldier, but he was able to achieve the ban.

As for Ye Tian and Hu Ming, they naturally knew the importance.

At this time, when an accident occurs, they can't bear the responsibility, and they also know that the responsibility is great.

"Very good. At four o'clock tomorrow, we will lead the three hundred new people to combine. As for how to arrange it, that is your business, understand?"

Li Zhenwu smiled and said, very satisfied with the three people's answers: "One person and three hundred people, break up the people and form a team, and I don't need to teach other things."

"Yes!" The three answered in unison.

"Well, that's it, I'll go!"

After speaking, Li Zhenwu got up and sent the three out.

Back in the room, he sat cross-legged on the couch. This time, instead of entering the Chaos Clock, he closed his eyes and sat down, and his mind gradually calmed down.

"It's strange, Xiaohua's induction has disappeared."

After a little check, Li Zhenwu's face turned gloomy in an instant.

During this period of time, he was so busy that he forgot all about it. Who knew that he had just sensed that Xiaohua was in the Pacific Ocean, and soon disappeared.

And looking at the disappearing position, it turned out to be above the blue sea.

This is very strange!

"But fortunately, I can sense that Xiaohua is not in danger. On the contrary, her cultivation base has grown faster than usual."

After careful sensing, Li Zhenwu was amazed, and felt that Xiaohua should practice somewhere.

When I think about it, I feel relieved.


Xi'an, lush trees, silent forests.


A black whirlwind shuttled through the dense forest, like countless bats flying, emitting harsh sound waves.

Suddenly, thousands of meters away from the Qin family manor, the black whirlwind stopped, rolled in place, and turned into a handsome young man with blond hair.

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