It was Mox who came.

Mox was wearing a suit and dress, wrapped in a cape, standing on the top of a mountain, standing against the wind, the black and red cape raised, forming a strange landscape.

At this time, his face was very good, and his heart was cold.

"It disappeared again, and I can't sense the breath of adults at all." Mox stared at the manor thousands of meters away and almost cried.

Starting from Wudang Mountain, after he separated from the housekeeper, he searched for Li Zhenwu's breath and came here alone.

However, after entering the dense forest, the seemingly useless tree turned out to be a simple maze.

In other words, if you don't know the details, without the leadership of the Qin family, it will be difficult to find this place.

Mox's strength, in this world, can be said to be powerful.

But he didn't understand the formation method, so after spending a few days around, he couldn't get close to the Qin family manor, which almost drove him crazy.

Later, he became ruthless and turned into a bat for a few days. He walked almost all over the dense forest with a radius of one kilometer before he found a breakthrough.

However, the breath of the adults disappeared!

Mox squeezed the jade plate in his hand, his face gloomy and terrifying.

"Both of the young ladies went in. It's all my responsibility. If Lord Cain finds out, they will peel off their skin even if they don't die."

Mox's scalp tingles at the thought of the legendary ancestor of the Cain vampire.

For hundreds of years, although he was naturally invincible in the world, apart from his own Lao Tzu, no one could hurt him, not even modern weapons.

"Hey, now it seems that the most important thing is to find Lord Zhenwu. I can't do anything about the place of the two young ladies, but Lord Zhenwu must have a way."

As soon as he thought of this, Mox's eyes flashed a coquettish blood-red light, his body leaped, and he flew into the air.


Shuttle through the big formation in the dense forest, this time driving with ease, and soon approaching the Qin family manor.

Suddenly, when he was about to land, dozens of figures flew out from both sides of the manor.


With a loud shout, the whole manor was alarmed.

Immediately, the alarm sounded, which meant that the manor responded instantly when encountering unknown dangers.

"Hello, my name is Mox, I'm here to find Lord Li Zhenwu."

Seeing that his avatar was exposed, Mox calmly introduced himself and explained his purpose.


Everyone in the Qin family looked at each other in dismay. I didn't expect this Westerner to speak authentic Chinese, which was really strange.

However, no one dared to be careless, after all, they could approach the manor without being discovered.

"Wait a minute, I'll report it right away."

Immediately, a young man turned around and entered the manor.

Not long after, when the man came out again, with a young girl, it was Qin Yao.

"This beautiful lady, I have no ill intentions, I just came to look for Lord Li Zhenwu."

Feeling the breath emanating from Qin Yao, Mox was personable and polite.

"Who are you?" Qin Yao's eyes were vigilant.

"I'm from Europe, and it's the Duke of the Mox family. As for looking for Lord Li Zhenwu, please believe me. As long as Lord Li Zhenwu sees me, he will naturally understand." Mox explained.

Qin Yao was not sure, so she could only contact Li Zhenwu directly in front of everyone.

This move made Mox feel uncertain. After all, he knew Li Zhenwu, but Li Zhenwu didn't know him, and he was stunned.

Chapter [-] Young Instructor!

In front of the manor, everyone in the Qin family entered a state of combat readiness, staring vigilantly at the Western youth in front of them.

Mox was uneasy in his heart, but he was very calm on the surface.

"Li Zhenwu, here is a young man from the West looking for you, saying that he belongs to the European Mox family."

The phone got through, Qin Yao told him in detail about the place.

On the other side, Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, and then helplessly said: "I don't know."

He didn't know the Western Mox family at all, and, from what Qin Yao said, it seemed that the other party was a Western blood family.

As a result, even more do not know.

"He said he didn't know him."

In front of the manor, when Qin Yao told Li Zhenwu, her pretty face tightened and her eyes were full of vigilance.

As soon as the words fell, the cultivators of the Qin family who were present all reacted, and a heavy aura erupted from their bodies, and their eyes were fixed on the person opposite.

Mox was helpless, thinking that of course he didn't know him, but he didn't panic, coughed dryly, and continued: "Miss, please tell Mr. Li Zhenwu, do you know Xiaohua Xiaocao?"

So, Qin Yao told the original, unexpectedly, the phone fell silent.

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