"En!" Chu Tianjun nodded indifferently.

After being confirmed, everyone felt even more inexplicable.

Not long after, Li Zhenwu came back, and he also commanded the logistical soldiers of the military region.

There was also a bucket of crushed ice on the table, and iced lemon juice.

This scene made people look at each other in dismay.

Even the three of Chu Tianjun felt a toothache, but they didn't dare to ask more.

"Keep lining up."

Li Zhenwu took a sip of lemon juice and waved casually.

Immediately, within three seconds, the three hundred people lined up in an instant, and Chu Tianjun reported that the number was all there.

Li Zhenwu waved his hand lightly, and then sat down without any orders.

This move is simply inexplicable. The three hundred people are even more angry in their hearts, but because of the order, they can only continue to stand.

It's just that everyone's mood is extremely bad.

It is not difficult to see that the thoughts in their hearts thought that Li Zhenwu would disarm them.

Chapter [-] Fight if you don't agree!

At this station, the people who stood there were dark and dark, facing the scorching sun, and almost fainted.

Looking at Li Zhenwu sitting on a rattan chair in the distance with a parasol next to him, his teeth itch even more with hatred.

What's going on here?

Everyone here is a good player in the original military area.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of coming to the Yanjing Military Region, I would have to accept this kind of torture.

"Well, it's all gone. Let's go to dinner first, get an hour's news, and then continue to come back and line up."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Zhenwu waved his hand and ordered.

With a helpless expression on his face, Chu Tianjun immediately stepped out and sent three hundred people away.


When they were freed, the three hundred people ran away as if they were running away, and they only cursed silently in their hearts.

The three of Chu Tianjun did not leave. For cultivators, it was not a big deal if they didn't eat food for a day or two.

"Hu Ming, go to Commander Lin to get some pen and paper." Li Zhenwu glanced over and gave a light command.

"Yes!" Hu Ming took the order and left.

In the field, only Chu Tianjun and Ye Tian looked at each other and felt the bitterness in each other's eyes.

Until Hu Ming came with a pen and paper, the three of them stood behind them, watching Li Zhenwu lower his head to draw and write, even more confused.

"Do you think I didn't train them?" Li Zhenwu asked lightly without raising his head.

Hearing this, the three of them froze.

"No, I just think that if Brother Zhenwu doesn't ask, will he be a little more ruthless?" Ye Tian asked cautiously.

As he spoke, he stared at Li Zhenwu's profile, and found that his expression remained the same, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've already said it, how to manage it, that's your business, I'm only responsible for doing what I should do, understand?"


The three answered in unison, thinking of what Li Zhenwu said yesterday, they really ignored it.

"Well, these people have already grown up, and their meridians have been shaped. If they want to grow into the realm of immortals in half a year, naturally they can't follow the ordinary method." Li Zhenwu said.

While speaking, he drew a few pictures and handed them over to the three of them.

Then, I continued to bury my head in writing, and a dense list of medicinal herbs came out soon.

"Hu Ming, give this list of medicinal herbs to Commander Lin. Three hundred copies a day will be boiled into medicinal soup for the three hundred people to use at night."

Hu Ming took a look at the list and couldn't help but stunned.

It's dazzling to look at. The medicinal materials are okay, but the labels are wild mountains, and the year of each medicinal material.

Roughly estimated, one medicinal material needs at least tens of thousands of soft sister coins, three hundred copies?

And every day?

This is a huge number.

Of course, if he knew, this is just the material in the early stage, or the cheapest one, I don't know how he would feel.

But after thinking about it, what kind of power is in the realm of three hundred immortals?

No matter how much money you spend, you will be willing to come to the senior management of Huaxia, and the three hundred immortals can continue to grow. In that way, it is definitely worth the money.

"These patterns, in order, let those people practice, as long as the practice is still for three hours and the breath is not messy, they can move on to the next action."

After Hu Ming came back, Li Zhenwu pointed at the papers in the hands of several people and ordered them to come down.

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