There are a total of [-] human action patterns, that is, [-] movements, and each movement is drawn lifelike.

"Yes!" Ye Tian and the three answered directly without asking any further questions.

"Well, you can also practice it, it can complement the exercises." Li Zhenwu laughed, suddenly remembered something, and continued: "Also, if you can't finish the fall, you can hit me directly, don't keep your hands, It's okay to have no residue."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them took a deep breath.

"What? Are you really going to fight?" Chu Tianjun said in shock.

But seeing Li Zhenwu not joking, he suddenly felt a toothache and asked why.

"You don't need to ask why. The three of you can also supervise each other. If anyone can't complete the action and falls down, he can also hit him. If he doesn't hit the disabled, it's fine. If something goes wrong, I will bear it."

Li Zhenwu held the three of them with a smile, making them feel chills down their spines.

This is too cruel, and it is really necessary to start, and it is enough not to be disabled, which makes people feel cold.

An hour later, when three hundred people came back, they lined up neatly.

Chu Tian, ​​Ye Tian, ​​and Hu Ming looked at them with sympathy.

Next, naturally, it is to teach the movements. After all, Chu Tianjun and the others have practiced the exercises, and they can maintain their infuriating energy, which is easy to do.

But for these people, it is difficult to stand still for five minutes.

So, ten minutes later, a tall and thin man trembled all over, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his body softened, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

In the distance, Li Zhenwu put down the lemon juice, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he spoke lightly.


When the voice fell, the three hundred men still didn't know what was going on.

I saw Chu Tianjun bite the bullet, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, he flew forward and kicked out.

This kick was so powerful that it made a dull sound and sent a person weighing more than [-] kilograms flying five or six meters away before falling to the ground.


The man fell to the ground, dust was flying, his nose and mouth were bleeding, and he looked miserable.


The whole training ground was quiet.

Everyone's eyes fell on Chu Tianjun, and the invisible anger was almost on the verge of eruption.


In the crowd, a young man with a resolute face stepped out.

"Excuse me, Instructor, what did he do wrong, why did he use such a heavy hand?" As he spoke, a pair of fire-breathing eyes almost engulfed Li Zhenwu.

However, Li Zhenwu was too lazy to explain and waved his hand.

"The action has fallen, hit!"

When the words fell, Hu Ming gritted his teeth, and his heart was ruthless, he rushed out and bombarded it with a punch.

The power of the cultivator is indeed great.

With just one punch, the resolute-faced young man screamed miserably, fell to the ground, bowed his body, and clutched his lower abdomen in pain.

A mouthful of blood spurted out and rolled on the ground, horrific.

"Who has an opinion? Those who have an opinion can stand up."

Li Zhenwu lay on the rattan chair, glanced at everyone, and smiled faintly.

That genial smile fell in the eyes of everyone, and it was very hateful.

Chapter [-] Alternative special training!

On the training ground, it became quiet, and needles could be heard.

There were two young people lying on the ground, they were in pain and trembling all over. It was conceivable how much Chu Tianjun and Hu Ming attacked.

This is also what Li Zhenwu ordered. The main thing is not to be disabled. You can try to fight.

Three hundred soldiers came from all over the country.

They are the most advantageous talents in various fields, and they are also the sharpest knives in the original combination.

When they were transferred to the Yanjing Military Region, no one told them what to do.

The only requirement is a ban.

But now, watching his companion fall, he was inexplicably handed a heavy hand.

All of a sudden, all eyes were blood red, and they took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in their hearts.

It has to be said that the people who can be transferred here are not comparable to ordinary people.

Although he was furious, he could only dare to speak out, but the fierce light in his eyes stared at Li Zhenwu.

The anger of hundreds of people swept over, and even Chu Tianjun and Hu Ming had their scalps numb.

Li Zhenwu stood up with a smile, and seemed to find it very interesting. With his hands on his back, he stepped forward to the crowd.

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