What's more, the First World War in the island country had a great impact, and it was completely blocked in the military camp.

Therefore, ordinary soldiers have no way of knowing Li Zhenwu's strength, so those [-] people will be furious.

If you know, I am afraid it is a different attitude.

After all, the strength is here, and all fools know that it is training them.

Chapter [-] The blood race is coming!

Yanjing Military Region.

Following Commander Lin, Li Zhenwu suddenly thought of something, raised his head and asked, "By the way, is there a safe secret room here?"

"Yes, Mr. Li wants to bring the Westerner to the secret room for questioning?"

"En." Li Zhenwu suspected that Mox's arrival might be related to the grievances of the previous life, and he didn't want too many people to know about it.

"Well, I'll take Mr. Li there now, and then turn around and let someone bring that Westerner to you."

While speaking, Commander Lin turned his footsteps and walked straight towards the depths of the Yanjing Military Region.

The two walked one after the other, followed by a deputy, and came to a special house. The whole body was dark, and I don't know what kind of material it was made of.

"This is a special interrogation room for the military, which can effectively prevent outside peeping." Commander Lin explained.

The deputy at the back immediately stepped forward, took out the electronic card, opened the heavy metal iron door, then stepped aside and stood aside.

Looking in from the gate, it is an ordinary house, with a size of [-] to [-] square meters, a table and a few chairs, which are the furnishings inside, simple and practical.

Li Zhenwu walked in, the inside was spotless, clean and bright.

"Bring people, you can leave now." With his back to the door behind him, Li Zhenwu said lightly.

After he finished speaking, he walked to a chair and sat down, closing his eyes and not wanting to speak.

Seeing this, Commander Lin could only turn around to respond, escort Mox over, and before entering the gate, he undid Mox's handcuffs and pushed him in.


The heavy metal door closed instantly, and a faint blue arc was still flowing on the surface.

Apparently, it was to prevent accidental personnel from escaping.

When Mox saw this, he felt a toothache. If he didn't want to see Li Zhenwu, he could leave immediately, and he didn't have to worry about anything at all.

Calm down, he turned around, his eyes fell on Li Zhenwu, his face froze slightly.

At this moment, he stepped forward and looked at the young man with closed eyes in front of him. His eyes became more curious and more intense.

"Have you seen enough? Tell me what you know."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu closed his eyes, expressionless, and spoke lightly.

This change almost startled Mox, and when he thought of the person in front of him, his complexion changed dramatically, and his body couldn't help shivering a few times.

"You... are you Lord Li Zhenwu?"

Mox had already seen it in the picture, and had already sensed the familiar aura, but he just asked a few more questions while he was uneasy.

"Yes, tell everything you know." Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes suddenly sharp.

Under his dazzling gaze, Mox trembled all over, and the invisible pressure came from all directions, almost breaking down.

this is too scary!

In terms of cultivation, Mox has reached the realm of immortals.

But in front of Li Zhenwu, there is still no resistance at all, and one can imagine how terrifying it is.

'No wonder Lord Cain repeatedly told me not to be rude, I'm afraid Lord Cain will have a noble head in front of Lord Li Zhenwu.

Thinking of this, Mox restrained his contempt and said solemnly, "Dear Lord Zhenwu, do you know Lord Cain?"

"I don't know!" Li Zhenwu frowned.

Hearing this, Mox looked stunned, "How is it possible, if I don't know each other, how could Lord Cain send me here, in order to find the Lord, so as to protect the safety of the Lord, and grow up smoothly."

"I really don't know, but I think I already know the origin of your blood clan." Li Zhenwu thought of something, and suddenly showed a faint smile.

Yes, the so-called blood clan are just followers of the ancestors of the ancestors of the prehistoric Minghe.

At the beginning, there were three emperors of the Shura clan under the seat of the ancestor of Ming He. After the establishment of the Six Paths, the ancestor of Ming He had no choice but to send the Shura clan to the first cultivator, thus completing the three thousand avenues.

As for the three emperors of the Asura clan, one of them walked out of the sea of ​​blood and almost died of dryness, but was rescued by Li Zhenwu.

"The Cain you mentioned is a woman?" Li Zhenwu tapped his fingers on the table and asked with a light smile.

"how do you know?"

This time, Mox was really shocked and exclaimed.

The ancestor of the blood family, Cain, was a woman, and only their lineage knew this secret.

"Your blood clan's innate enemy is the god of Western mythology." Li Zhenwu said with a smile, his tone was very positive.

Hearing this, Mox was shocked again.

He widened his eyes, looked at Li Zhenwu in disbelief, and felt that the person in front of him was unfathomable.

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