Originally, to get Cain's mission, in addition to finding Li Zhenwu, he also had the responsibility of informing Li Zhenwu of the ancient secrets.

But now it seems that the other party knows everything.

In fact, Mox did not know that Li Zhenwu already knew everything in the tomb of the first emperor, and combined with the breath of the blood family, it was easy to guess.

Because, regardless of the Shura clan, or the blood clan in front of him.

They all have an air of the most yin, and compared with the holy breath of angels, they are simply two extremes. 813

The sea of ​​blood in the dojo of Old Ancestor Ming He is a place between heaven and earth.

Then, it is not difficult to guess that the Angel God created by the Second Sanctuary in the West is the spiritual body of the Supreme Sun, and the two can be described as natural enemies.

"Honorable Lord Zhenwu, since you already know everything, as your servant, Mox seems to have lost his mission and responsibility." Mox bowed, showing great respect.

"No, your mission is not to find me, but to protect the little flowers and grass."

However, Li Zhenwu shook his head and pointed out the key.

"What, even the two young ladies know this..." Hearing this, Mox felt a chill down his spine.

He didn't seem to have said Xiaohua Xiaocao, but the other party even knew this secret, what else did he not know?

"Don't be surprised, I know a lot."

Li Zhenwu glanced at Mox lightly, feeling amused in his heart.

You must know that Cain, whom Mox called, was rescued by Li Zhenwu. He lived in Wudang Mountain for countless years, and he was very familiar with Xiaohua and the others.

No need to calculate, since Xiaohua and the others were reincarnated, and they also let Mox's lineage guard them, it must be that person.

Chapter [-]: Dragon Palace Mixin

On the way to the island country, I met Xiaohua by chance, thinking of the non-mainstream dress, and being old-fashioned at a young age, obviously also influenced by Western culture.

Li Zhenwu's eyes fell on Mox, and he asked again, "What's wrong with Xiaohua Xiaocao?"

Immediately, he explained the encounter at the beginning in detail.

Mox broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and wailed in his heart. He didn't expect that he had already met him, and he met him when he ran away from home.

What is this called?

In the future, when Lord Cain is charged with one crime, let alone him, even Prince Dracula can't bear it.

"Respected Lord Zhenwu, I am wronged!"

Mox was sobbing and didn't dare to hide anything: "Actually, the two young ladies are Huaxia demon cultivators. My father and I met by chance when we came to Huaxia thousands of years ago to look for them."

"Fortunately, my father had met the two young ladies, and he was also instructed by Lord Cain. At that time, the two young ladies were weak and unable to protect themselves, so my father and I brought the two young ladies back to Europe to take care of them."

"Until the last few years, they suddenly woke up from their cultivation, especially Xiaocao, who secretly ran away from Europe and couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Later, Xiaohua sensed Xiaocao's location."

"And that location is on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. My father and I took Xiaohua to look for it and found..."

Speaking of which, Mox showed panic and helplessness on his face.

"What did you find?" Li Zhenwu frowned, because he sensed that Xiaohua's position was also the Pacific Ocean.

Mox took a deep breath and continued: "I found a dragon palace there, and Xiaocao was summoned by the invisible power of the dragon palace."

"However, that Dragon Palace is very strange. You can't get in. No matter what method you use, you can't help it. It's like a prison in heaven and earth."

"Undersea Dragon Palace?" Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows lightly, his eyes suddenly turned cold: "Could it be that the dragons are also here to join in the fun?"

"No no no..."

Feeling Li Zhenwu's killing intent, Mox waved his hands again and again, "There is no dragon family, and there is no danger in it. It is said that Xiaocao is practicing in it, which can be described as a thousand miles in a day, so we are relieved."

Practice thousands of miles in a day?

When did Dragon Palace have this magical effect?

However, after thinking that this place is not prehistoric, Li Zhenwu suddenly became interested, "Okay, take me to see it!"

While speaking, he stood up and made Mox stunned for a moment.

Immediately, with a helpless expression on his face, he spread his hands and said, "Sir, it's not that I don't want to take you there, but that I can't go there. The Undersea Dragon Palace will only be opened once a year at this time of year, and it can't be detected at ordinary times."

"I see!"

Li Zhenwu suddenly realized, it seems that Xiaohua must have known that this time has passed.

However, this is not a reason for him to give up.

If others can't, it doesn't mean that Emperor Zhenwu can't do anything, just like the mausoleum of the first emperor.

However, since the Dragon Palace is not in danger, and he can urge Xiaohua and the two to practice, Li Zhenwu really doesn't want to bother.

What's more, the world of Western mythology is about to come, and I don't have the heart to get together too much.

You must know that Li Zhenwu didn't want to destroy the willpower of all beings in the prehistoric world, and the result of the deduction against the sky, so he could only make plans after half a year.

Thinking of this, he sat back in his chair and stared at Mox with a meaningful smile on his face.

Mox was stared at his hair, his heart thumped, and he said weakly: "Sir..."

Before the words were finished, Li Zhenwu raised his hand to interrupt, and pointedly said: "You have a good cultivation base, you should have reached the realm of immortals, right?"

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