Neither he nor Mox are ordinary people. They are extremely powerful and can't let go of their hands and feet on land.

The two confronted each other, and the momentum on their bodies climbed to their peak state.

I was about to make a move, but unexpectedly~ was interrupted.


The coast guard ship of Bangzi Country chased the fishing boat ahead and opened fire. The shells fell, causing thousands of waves.

If it weren't for the momentum of Li Zhenwu and Mox, who stirred the sea into turbulent blue waves and made the fishing boats sway with the huge waves, I'm afraid they would have been sunk long ago.

However, as the distance between the two ships was narrowed, it was only a matter of time before the fishing boat was sunk.

At a height of [-] meters, Li Zhenwu was in the hurricane. He turned his head slightly and glanced at him, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"That ship bothered me, you can deal with it." He raised his chin and said lightly.

Mox was stunned for a moment, then turned around with a wry smile on his face.

It's disturbing here and there, it's clearly just not pleasing to the eye.

However, since Li Zhenwu's orders, Mox dared to ask more, so he could only do as he did.


In an instant, the red glowing body gradually split, turning into bats flying all over the sky, densely packed, like dark clouds flying away.

"If you encounter it, then you should help Huaxia and add fuel to the fire of this world!"

Li Zhenwu raised his hand and waved, and the power of Zhenwu exploded, forming a rather strong suction that enveloped the dilapidated fishing boat.


The whole fishing boat shook suddenly, as if being pulled by an invisible big hand, the speed suddenly soared, breaking through the huge waves, and galloping towards the Huaxia border waters like an arrow.

That speed is simply riding the wind and waves, and instantly opened a kilometer distance from the coast guard ship of Bangzi Country.

"What's the matter?" The terrified people on the fishing boat were also stunned, completely dumbfounded.

In less than half a minute, he entered the quiet sea area. As for the coast guard ship, he didn't know where it was.

It can only be seen vaguely that at the end of the sky, the hurricane is raging on the sea surface, rolling the sea water, like a water column connecting the heaven and the earth.


At the same time, everyone on the Bangzi Coast Guard was stunned.

The captain was even more messy, looking at the vast sea in front of him, he was sluggish in place for a while.

The Huaxia fishing boat, which was still struggling a moment ago, flew out like an arrow the next moment.

No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel very strange.

"Captain, it's not good, there are a lot of bats..."

Suddenly, a scream containing fear came from the deck.

Hearing this, the coast guard on the ship looked up one after another, and saw a huge black cloud like a football field floating over the coast guard ship, making a clattering sound.

There are dark clouds here and there, and they are clearly black clouds formed by countless bats.

"Damn, hurry up, how can there be bats in the sea for no reason?"

In an instant, Captain Stick reacted, immediately urged to turn his head, and then took out a special communicator to contact the Coast Guard.

However, the surrounding signal seems to be cut off, and the signal cannot escape at all.


At this moment, the group of bats in the sky made sharp sound waves, and then flew down overwhelmingly.

The bat's fangs are extremely formidable, with tiny pupils showing a coquettish red glow, wrapped in the breath of death, directly wrapping the entire coast guard ship.

Da da da……

The next moment, dozens of marine guards on the deck decisively cut off their guns, and the flames weaved a large net, which was about to disperse the endless bats in front of them.

"I'm sorry everyone, adults have a life, you can only die."

In the bat colony, Mox's indifferent voice sounded.

This time, it was in English, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

"How is it possible, what are these bats?" Hearing the voice, Captain Stick's face turned pale, and fear instantly filled his body.

Fortunately, he was in the captain's room, and there was no danger for a while.

But, it's only for a while.

After all, looking out of the window, there are endless bats, and wherever they pass, it is like a locust crossing the border, not to mention people, even the metal firearms have fallen to the deck one after another.

In the distance, Li Zhenwu looked down from a height, his eyes were indifferent, he waved his hand gently, and sent the isolated signal to the outside world.

Captain's interior.

"Starfish, what happened, please answer when you receive it."

The sound of the communicator woke up Captain Bangzi, put it on his lips quickly, and cried out for help.

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