"Starfish for help, we are attacked by unknown creatures, no, we are attacked by thousands of bats, hurry up... ah..."

Before Captain Bangzi finished speaking, he saw the bat swarm condensed into a hurricane, spinning, whistling, and rushing towards here.


The hard glass windows could not be resisted at all, and shattered with a bang.

The bat swarm flooded the captain's room like a flood, and then flew out from the rear window, condensing and twisting into a human shape.

At this time, the captain's room was a mess, and the captain's body had long since turned into fly ashes.

Only the special communicator is still calling and asking.

Stick Country Coast Guard.

"Hurry up and notify the U.S. military stationed there. We are attacked by an unknown... bat swarm. Please ask for help as soon as possible."

An officer broke into a cold sweat and, without thinking, passed the information to the U.S. military stationed there.

It was sent back by the captain of the starfish, and it contained detailed information.

However, when the intelligence was relayed to the US military stationed there, it was quiet, as if nothing had happened.

Half an hour later, the countries of the Western Alliance received information from the Bamboo Country at the same time.

In the Vatican, the Pope stood barefoot in front of the ruins in plain clothes and prayed sincerely.

"Pope, there is information from the East!" A red-clothed archbishop came over and said respectfully.


The Pope slowly opened his eyes, took the document, opened it slowly and carefully, looked at it for a while, and shredded the document with no expression on his face.

Chapter [-] The Holy See's apprehension!

The shredded documents fell on the ground like snowflakes.

The Pope looked at the ruins with sincerity in his eyes, where there was originally a church, but it was destroyed by the invisible bell.

This church, standing since ancient times, has never been destroyed.

However, the Archangel Gabriel came with the oracle, but lost contact in the east.

Even the war girl, one of the twelve gods of Greece, lost contact at the same moment.

This made the entire Western executives panic.

However, the only consolation is that the cultivator of Huaxia has no news anymore.

In the eyes of high-level Western countries, this is a natural tendency to die together.

But the Pope knew very well that no matter what happened between the monk and the archangel, the bell that rang through the earth was dangerous.

very dangerous!

So much so that the Pope was full of jealousy towards China.

What the Holy See is paying attention to now is the strange bell of Huaxia. Unexpectedly, at this moment, there is news of the blood race.

"Lord Pope, the blood race is born, what should we do?" The red-clothed archbishop lowered his head and asked softly.

After all, the blood race and the Holy See are innate enemies, as long as they appear, the Holy See must be exterminated at all costs.

But now it doesn't work, thinking that there is still Huaxia, the existence of the shaking bell has not surfaced.

"Let all countries pay attention to that sea area at all times. I want to know everything that happened there." The Pope's face was painful, and his pure faith was actually polluted by not immediately killing the blood clan.


The Cardinal Archbishop led the way.

Not long after, the Pope's order appeared in the alliance of Western countries, and the countries also dispatched satellite spies to focus on the edge of the sea area of ​​the Bangzi country.

Of course, there are not many countries with satellite spies, but the exchange of information with each other can get more accurate information.

Bangzi country waters.

The hurricane formed by countless bats disappeared, replaced by Mox's blond youth.

The Starfish floated on the sea, bloodstains everywhere on the deck, and gun parts scattered all over the place.

"Lord Zhenwu, how am I doing?" Mox soared into the sky, hovered [-] meters in front of Li Zhenwu, and said with a grin.

Just now, he has transformed into countless bats. Although the attack power is not high, the secret method is only used to save life. There are thousands of bats, and it is difficult to kill all the enemies.

"It's normal!" Li Zhenwu snapped his fingers and smiled lightly.

As for Mox's other meaning, he didn't bother to pay attention, didn't he just want to show off in front of him?

"Let's start, I think it has already alerted all countries. Also, the plan I just told you, discuss it with your father after you go back. If you dare not make a move, let me know as soon as possible." Li Zhenwu thought of the plan for global unification, and also wanted to The blood race pulled into the water.

After all, the strength of their lineage is not bad on Earth.

"There's no problem if there is an order from a large audience." Mox laughed.

When the words fell, the whole sea area became quiet, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

The smiles of the two were restrained, their faces were expressionless, and their eyes gradually became cold, staring at each other.

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