
Suddenly, the airflow in the nearby sea area became messy, and gradually formed a tornado, one after another.

One, two, three...

It is densely packed, and the sea area with a radius of ten miles is completely sealed off.

"Let's do it anyway, if it doesn't satisfy me, I can't talk about it." Li Zhenwu's arms shook, the blue light appeared, and then it dimmed again.

"Master Zhenwu, offended!" Mox pleaded guilty, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

He is a Duke-level blood clan, equal to the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian of the cultivator.

In the face of Li Zhenwu's immortal realm, I don't say contempt, but I won't take it too seriously.


Mox floated in the void, his body tore apart again, and turned into countless bats, shuttled quickly between tornadoes.

This shot is just a test, for fear that Li Zhenwu will not be able to bear it.

However, Li Zhenwu's eyes sank and he sneered: "If this is your strength, then there is nothing to talk about."


The bat swarm rotates in the void, gradually condensing, like a dark dragon, suddenly roaring and hitting...

"Master Zhenwu, it's not that I don't use all my strength, it's the blood demon avatar. After I show it, I must see blood before I can stop."

Among the pitch-black dragons, Mox's helpless voice came.

Obviously, he is very confident, after all, the realm of the two is a big difference.

The energy of this world is boiling, terrifying, the sea seems to be boiled, and the waves are rolling.


The pitch-black giant dragon formed by the bat group spreads its teeth and dances its claws, and its momentum climbs to the extreme. Every bat has a coquettish red glow, like a metal, making a clicking sound.

The dense clicking sound made the scalp tingle.

After seeing that Li Zhenwu was full, Mox increased his strength, his attack power was unparalleled, and he wanted to suppress Li Zhenwu with one blow.

"Hmph, this is decent."

Li Zhenwu sneered, his arms trembled, his five fingers clenched into fists, and majestic power emerged from his eyebrows.

Then, with a bang, fists glowing with faint green light blasted towards the bat swarm.

Immediately, the rays of light soared into the sky, and a mysterious pattern formed in the void, instantly condensing into an incomparable fist mark.


The loud explosion and the powerful impact blasted away the bat colony by 4.5%, and countless bats were turned into fly ash and swept into the sky by the hurricane.


High in the sky, the bat swarm gradually condensed and turned into a young man with blond hair, handsome and noble, but at this moment, he was holding his head and howling miserably.

The fist mark just now made him instantly injured.

If it weren't for the quick response, if the body was condensed at the last moment, I don't know how badly it would hurt.

"I said, don't keep your hands in front of me, or you will suffer."

In the distance, Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, his body exuded a hazy blue light, and looked down at him with cold eyes.

I have to say that the blow just now really made Mox solemn.

Unexpectedly, under a big realm, he could easily hurt him, no wonder even the legendary Lord Cain, when he mentioned the true martial artist, was full of awe.

Chapter [-] The sea battle that shocked all countries!

The vision at sea was captured by spy satellites in space and instantly transmitted to the high-level officials of Western countries.

The Vatican, the Pope got the information immediately.

However, because the distance is too far, the picture is a little blurry.

But the general outline can still be seen. I saw that the item that looked like a dark cloud fell apart in an instant, and then condensed into a human shape.

"That's the blood race's method." The Pope stared at the figure with wide eyes, but he was more shocked.

In the picture, except for Mox's figure, because the tornado was too dense, it was impossible to capture the other existence.

However, it was still enough to shock the Pope.

To be able to break the bat clone, the means of existence is absolutely beyond imagination.

"My God, the energy there is too surging, I can't imagine how strong the blood race is."

Inside the Pentagon, a white man looked at the instrument in front of him and exclaimed.

Beside him, dozens of high-level officials from the United States watched, but everyone's faces were extremely solemn.

After all the aircraft 14 carriers were destroyed, the top US officials became more cautious.

When the news came from the Bangzi Kingdom, they contacted the Vatican immediately. Fortunately, this decision was correct. Looking at the fluctuation of the energy, it was at least the power of more than ten Tomahawk missiles.

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