"God bless, the vampires that disappeared hundreds of years ago actually reappeared."

The British CIA, issued a few painful screams, and no one seemed to want the blood family to appear.

Whenever the blood clan appears, it will cause countless bloody storms in Western countries.

This is not only the mortal enemy of the Holy See, but also the mortal enemy of the royal families of various countries. The blood family is the representative of evil in Western countries.


"The people from that fishing boat have been under house arrest in secret, and according to the crew and the captain, they don't know what happened at the time."

In the conference room, Xia Xiacheng looked at the old guys and spoke in a deep voice.

Qin Nantian smiled wryly, waved his hand and said, "No need to check, I think I already know who it is."

The words fell, and the five big bosses of Huaxia turned their heads to look at them one after another.

"Have you forgotten? Half an hour ago, there was news from the Yanjing Military Region that the Holy Father left with a young man from the West." Qin Nantian reluctantly spread his hands and reminded him.

"So that's it, it seems that the young man in the West is a blood clan who has disappeared for hundreds of years. He has turned into a bat, which is very suitable for the situation there."

"However, I'm a little confused. The Mox family obviously knows the Holy Father, so why do they fight each other?"

"I think it should be a discussion, right?"

Everyone here is a big boss in China, so naturally they are not stupid, it is obvious.

I just don't understand, why did the two fight for no reason?

For a moment, the meeting room fell into quiet contemplation.


vast sea.

Boom boom boom...

Two beams, one red and one green, retreated immediately upon touch, and a loud noise erupted.

The turbulent energy set off a huge wave of [-] meters, the entire sea area rioted, and the hurricane continued to rage.

"You only have this strength? I'm so disappointed." Li Zhenwu shook his head and sighed.


The red light flew like lightning, and his figure remained motionless, his right hand clenched into a fist and slammed out.

Immediately afterwards, facing the incomparable fist mark, Hongmang flew out at a faster speed and smashed into the sea.


That powerful impact, agitated hundreds of meters of water.

"Well, the so-called blood clan is nothing more than that." In the sky, Li Zhenwu sighed, as if he was disappointed that he could not find an opponent.

I have to say that Mox did keep his hands when they first fought and didn't do his best.

However, every time he attacked again strongly, Li Zhenwu easily stopped, and even sighed every time he blocked the next time.

Gradually, Mox burst into flames, the blood shone to the sky, and the momentum climbed to the extreme.

Unfortunately, the ending is still only beaten.


The sea broke open, rushing out a bloody light, and gradually condensed into a shadow in the air.

Mox was soaked all over, his long blond hair was drooping, his face was blue and purple, and his eyes were even more like panda eyes.

"Master Zhenwu, since you want to see the true strength of the blood clan, don't blame me for hurting you." He gritted his teeth, and his anger had nowhere to vent.


Li Zhenwu replied casually, and he didn't pay attention to that appearance at all.

In fact, I laughed at the bottom of my heart, and it was very difficult to hold back.

Boy, play with me, you are still a little tender.

Where did all that arrogance go?

I have to say that Li Zhenwu's aggressive tactics were very useful, and Mox's face was full of shame and anger, and his face was flushed.

You know, when he came, Mox was very reserved.

Now, what is reserved, what is noble, what is proud, has long been beaten by Li Zhenwu with one punch, which makes people lose their temper.

"Ah... offended!"

Mox roared, his body was full of blood, spurting out, reflecting the sea area, all red.


Immediately afterwards, in the endless blood light 663, blood-red figures flew out one after another, as if endless, comparable to an army of millions.

Countless blood-red Mox was suspended, and each of them exuded the breath of the lowest human and immortal realm.

Blood Demon Clone Dafa!

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