But now, it's more excitement and anticipation.

All countries are eager for the blood race and the cultivator to squeeze together, and then they will have a chance to turn over.

It has to be said that after the World War I in the island country, the alliance of Western countries was already quite afraid of the Chinese Taoist monks.

Given the opportunity, they won't sit idly by.

However, if there is no [-]% certainty, naturally I dare not make a move.

The last 577 games of the island country, the silent annihilation of the aircraft carrier, the tragedy of Wall Street, the disaster of the European temples, and the deeds catalyzed by supernatural forces are still vivid in my mind.

"Notify the alliances of various countries that the energy there is gradually declining, and let the South Korean side send a reconnaissance fleet to enter."

After hesitating for a while, Max issued an order, and at the same time, he also notified the Vatican and Europe.

Soon, the information will be shared.

The alliance of various countries expressed their shock, as well as their worries about the birth of the blood race.

Korean Peninsula, US military base.

In an intelligence room, the door suddenly opened, and the young officer took a document and hurriedly left the base and went to the Blue House.

Stick President's Office.

After being informed, the white young officer strode in without salute, put down the document in his hand, and then spoke slowly.

"This is the place where the starfish lost contact. The president should immediately issue an order to send a [-]-strong investigation team to the place of the incident."

Although a request is used in the words, the tone does not necessarily mean much request.

"Admiral Cowes, you know what's going on in that sea area, and there's nothing we can do about it."

"The coast was hit by a tsunami like never before, with hundreds of people missing, of course I know that."

Admiral Coase's face turned cold, and he said in a commanding tone: "But now that it has calmed down, the crisis there has been lifted, why is there nothing I can do? You know, this is not a request, but the authorization of the President. "

The President's authorization is naturally not the president of the country, but the president of the United States, the owner of the country.

"But..." President Bangzi wanted to delay, but the sea area was really evil, and no one dared to act rashly.

"Are you trying to disobey? That's the China border sea line. The appearance of a mysterious event means you know what it means?" Admiral Coase interrupted him roughly and yelled loudly.

What that means, needless to say.

If the goal of the blood clan is China, then the blood clan with a Western face may also be accepted by the alliance of Western countries.

In this way, who cares about the original grievances.

Now the main thing is to suppress Huaxia. The cultivator who disappeared from the island country is not dangerous in the eyes of the Pope.

But some time ago, the ringing of the earth's bells is what all countries are afraid of.

After being reprimanded for a meal, President Bangzi was full of cold sweat.

"Don't worry, Admiral, I will issue the presidential order."

This is not the past. After the first World War in the island nation, for the whole world, no matter how powerful the military might be, there is not much confidence left.

"Well, hurry up then!"

Admiral Coase looked indifferent, turned around and strode away, not even bothering to look straight.

However, before he left the office, there was a sudden loud noise in the distance, as well as the sound of hot weapons.

"what happened?"

The sudden change made everyone in the office stunned for a moment.

Admiral Coase paused slightly, turned around suddenly, looked out the window, and couldn't help being sluggish.

Seeing this scene, everyone turned their heads one after another, also trembling with fright.

Outside the Blue House, there was a continuous sound of firearms, flames spit out, and bullets plummeted like a torrential rain.

A blood-colored figure with flying blond hair, spitting out endless blood light, like a blood moon, strange and coquettish.

swoosh swish...

In the blood light, blood-colored figures continued to fly out, moving in all directions, indifferent and ruthless. Wherever they passed, those guards instantly turned into mummified corpses.

"It's delicious blood, but it's still not as delicious as the energy seeds of Lord Zhenwu. Haha, since you are not pleasing to the eyes of the Lord, send them all to hell!"

Mox licked his dry lips, bright red lips, pale complexion, fangs, and the shape of a vampire.

There was a strong vibration in his heart.

A cyan seed is planted in his heart, and every time it beats, the heart will send magnificent power.

The vitality that was lost in the first battle is recovering at an incredible speed.

"Ah, the devil..."

Below, a guard was full of fear, with a gun in his hand, pointing at Mox and yelling.


Frightened, he pulled the trigger, and the bullet whirled past Mox's body.

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