
Mox tilted his head slightly, glanced at the guard, and suddenly disappeared in place.


I saw a red glow turned into a beam of light, swooping down from the sky, and the speed was so fast that it swept past the guard in the blink of an eye.


Mox stood in front of the Blue House with his trouser pockets in his pockets, raised his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the window of the President's Office.

At this time, the guard behind him fell to the ground with a slam, and turned into a mummified corpse.

There are many guards in the distance, and the same is true in the end.

The blood demon clones scattered, killing anyone they saw, the strong smell of blood wafting in the wind.

On the ground, there were mummified corpses lying on the ground.

Chapter [-]: The Nature of the Blood Race

In the President's Office, a group of senior officials of the country, as well as Admiral Cowes, watched as the outside turned into Shura Hell.

When the blood clan looked over, their eyes collided.


A senior executive of Bangguo was trembling all over, his feet staggered back, and finally he fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, his limbs trembling with fear.

It's so scary!

The others were no better, stepping back a few steps away from the windows.


There was an eerie silence in the office.

Everyone trembled, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, as if they were quiet, as if they could not be noticed by the terrifying existence outside.

But, everyone knows it.

Since the other party dared to break into the Blue House, the goal was very clear.

"Where's the president's safe house? How long are you still in a daze? Hurry up and notify the army to come to support."

With an angry shout, the sluggish people woke up and turned their heads to look.

I saw Admiral Cowes sweating coldly, staring at them viciously, and reprimanded: "Army, call the army over immediately, hurry up, the best level of military action, and the president immediately goes to the safe house for refuge."

While speaking, he kicked open the office door and grabbed a pistol from the guard outside.

At this time, as an admiral of the United States, he is in charge of all affairs in the Asia-Pacific region.

He doesn't care about the life and death of the President of Bangguo, but in order to save his own life, he must do so.

After all, if the President of Bangguo dies, those troops will definitely be aimless, and they will not even dare to come. By then, everyone here will die.

"Yes, yes..." President Bangzi woke up and issued an order immediately.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of guards at the Blue House, and there are troops stationed there.

At this time, it played a good role, at least in the hearts of everyone present, they can delay for some time so that they can make effective preparations.

At the moment, the office was busy, the army immediately contacted, and the US troops stationed there, none of them were spared.

When Admiral Coase saw this, he walked out the door without a sound and took out a special communicator.

"Minister Max, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the mission. That blood clan is now attacking and entering the Blue House, what do we need to do?"

After the communicator was connected, he hurriedly spoke and reported the situation here in detail.

On the other side, Max was sluggish for a moment, and immediately issued an order: "No matter what method is used, the life and death of the President of Bangguo is not important. You try to get close to that blood clan, tell him our sincerity, and hope to do things for our Western Nations Alliance."

It has to be said that in such a panicked situation, still being able to think about what others can't, is really scheming.

However, this is also the tacit understanding of the Western Union, but no one has said it.

As for the Vatican's response, in the face of self-interest, there is nothing to say.

"Admiral Cowes is in command!"

After speaking, Admiral Coase turned off the communicator and turned to enter the office.

"It's ready, what do we do now?" Seeing Admiral Cowes coming back, President Bangzi hurriedly walked over to ask as if he had seen his own father.

"You guys at the Blue House should have prepared a presidential safe house. Now go inside for a while and wait for the army to clear it up."

While speaking, Admiral Cowes held a firearm and solemnly guarded the surroundings.

A group of people came out of the office, opened the elevator, went directly to the ground, and landed slowly.

The safe house of the President of Bangguo is a house made of alloy, which can withstand the frontal bombardment of missiles and is very strong.

After entering, the safe house is closed, and the facilities are fully equipped to ensure the supply of oxygen.

Of course, this was originally used to prevent the threat of the Jin family's nuclear bomb, but I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time, and everyone present was quite complicated.


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