Blue House.

Mox smiled slightly, with a refined temperament, raising his hands and feet, full of unspeakable nobility.

The place was full of dense bullet holes, solid concrete, potholes, gravel flying, and the ground was a mess.

Not far away, there were deep pits blown by shells, smoke filled with gunpowder, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

"It's a stupid human being who wants to run away in front of me."

Sensing the disappearing smell in the office, Mox had a gentle smile on his face, not in a hurry, as if he was enjoying a delicious dinner.

He likes the feeling of killing.

Before he came to Earth, he accompanied Cain to battle the stars and bloomed brilliantly in the rain of blood.

However, for some reason, after his lineage came, his cultivation base was suppressed and could not be recovered.

At the same time, he was also told by Cain not to make too many killings here.

You know, as a blood clan, the attraction of blood can be said to have reached the level of obsession.

If there is no killing, where will the blood be shed?

But Lord Cain had his life, so he could only restrain himself.

Mox's strength is not strong, and it can be suppressed with difficulty. His father Dracula is miserable. For hundreds of years, he has locked himself in the ancient castle. That day, it was terrible.

Now, I finally know Li Zhenwu.

That Lord Cain's order can finally be lifted.

The blood race was originally born for the sake of blood, but now with no scruples, the lethality is terrifying.

"Master Zhenwu really knows our blood clan too well. If it weren't for this, the young master would not let the young master take action on this place."

Suddenly, an old man with a white-haired western face quietly appeared beside Mox.

"Old man, have you seen it?" Mox laughed.

"I've seen it all, and Lord Zhenwu has also seen me." The old man bowed his head with surprise in his tone.

"What? Even you can see it, how is that possible?"

This time, Mox was really shocked, and there was a hint of panic on his face.

In the Mox family, the old butler is the second strongest, even stronger than Prince Dracula in some respects.

Such as perseverance, able to strictly implement Cain's orders, and have not even touched blood for thousands of years.

"Master, you must remember the words of Lord Zhenwu, or the consequences may not be bearable even by Lord Cain." The old butler sighed and reminded carefully.

At this time, the ground rumbled and trembled, and fighter planes passed by high in the sky, and a sharp whistling resounded through the world.

The Army of the Bamboo Country has arrived!

Chapter [-] Killing Feast! (recommended a book)

When the Blue House was attacked, the president issued an order from the crisis. The nearby army bases did not dare to delay and quickly assembled tens of thousands of modern soldiers.

On the coast not far away, three warships stood by.

There are more than [-] F-series fighters dispatched by the entire army, and hundreds of ground troops, led by tanks and armored vehicles, are also besieged here.

Temporary command center.

The operation was supervised and directed by an American major general throughout the process.

"Major General Peter, Admiral Cowes and the President of our country have entered the safe house, and the murderer is a Westerner who is in the Blue House." A staff officer stood at attention and reported.

In front of him, Major General Peter was wearing a military uniform, standing upright, staring sharply at the teleported picture.

Inside the messy Blue House, there was a blond young man and a white-haired old man standing on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Major General Peter's pupils shrank suddenly, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Since you have already entered the safe house, it is easy to do, and the people inside are already dead, so you don't need to worry about anything, order all the armies to pay attention and face the enemy. , free to attack."

"Now, the high-altitude troops, first come to a saturation attack to see the ability of the blood race, since it can compete with God."

The voice fell, and the herald led the way.

Soon, dozens of fighter planes flew from the end of the sky, and the rumbling sound was like a roaring beast.

swoosh swish...

When the fighter plane came over the Blue House, dozens or hundreds of missiles cut through the obstacles in the air, dragged a long tail, and dived towards the ground below.

"Master, the army is here!"

The white-haired old man reminded softly, doing his best, for fear of a little accident.

"Don't worry, this young master is a blood clan, how could I have been hurt by these ants." Mox's face was arrogant and dismissive.

The bloodthirsty nature radiated from the bottom of his heart, and the dazzling blood light rose to the sky in an instant.


The white-haired butler reminded again, the old body flickered and disappeared in place in an instant.

In the vagueness, the voice of the housekeeper came, "Master, Lord Zhenwu has already been found, so the old slave will go back and report to Lord Prince first."

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