"Of course it's true. China's cultivators are a security threat to us in the West, and even the whole world. All countries are ready to send troops to China."

Admiral Kaus sorted out his thoughts and said slowly: "I just worry about that cultivator, but even the Holy See gods can't do anything, so I have to be cautious."

In fact, after the First World War in the island country, the influence of the Chinese monks was huge.

One person is hostile to one country, that terrifying power makes the Western Alliance fearful, and can't wait to get rid of it.

Therefore, when the Holy See angels came, led by the United States, the army quietly dispatched, just to take the lead in attacking China after the monk was killed.

It is really this behemoth, and the terrifying potential revealed by the hidden Ruth makes Western countries very afraid.

But unfortunately, because of the bell ringing the earth, all their plans were disintegrated.

If there is a chance now, Western countries will never show mercy.

"Don't worry, the cultivator has been killed."

Mox looked arrogant, glanced at the other side, and his face suddenly became solemn: "However, Huaxia is very mysterious, and supernatural forces cannot enter at all, and there are mysterious energies in it. If Western countries really want to destroy this country, the only The method is to dispatch ordinary soldiers to fight a war of mortals in a dignified manner."

Of course, this is just to cooperate with Li Zhenwu's plan, he made it up by himself.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that even the Pope is uneasy. It turns out that there is a mysterious power guarding him."

"Haha, you've already heard my young master's secret. Shouldn't it be up to me now?"

Mox sneered, his eyes red and coquettish, staring at Admiral Cowes faintly.

With this strange look, Admiral Kaus, who was looking straight at him, felt his scalp numb, and quickly waved his hand: "God of blood, don't worry, I will contact the senior management now, and I will get the result soon."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, dare to play with me, and I will send you to hell immediately." Mox nodded slightly, carrying his hands on his back, his eyes full of pride.

"No no no no!"

Admiral Cowes broke out in cold sweat, shivered, took out a special communicator, and directly contacted the Atlantic Ocean in front of Mox.

The communication process was surprisingly smooth, without even the slightest hindrance.

In order to express sincerity, what Admiral Coase said, as well as what Minister Max said, can be clearly conveyed.

Minister Max expressed regret for what happened to the top executives of Bangguo, and then strongly agreed with Cowes's behavior, and sincerely expressed his belief in Mox.

The process was quick and everyone was satisfied.

Even the President of the United States came over and expressed enough respect for the Mox family to set up a blood family tavern anywhere in the Western countries to gather believers.

Afterwards, Mox did not make another move, leaving hundreds of thousands of Bangguo soldiers dead.

The President of the United States promised that he would immediately send people to accept the country, and at the same time, he would use this place as a springboard for attacking China.

"As for the Holy See, if you take action against me, this young master doesn't mind turning the United States into hell."

Of course, Mox wasn't interested in empty promises and ended up threatening.

He has this strength, and Western countries know it, so he really dare not betray, for fear of being targeted by this demon.

After a short while, after the negotiation results, Mox will go to the United States in person to discuss the meeting of the crusade against China with the leaders of the alliances of Western countries and the Pope of the Holy See.


Yanjing Military Region.

The sky was slightly bright, and it was close to the early morning, and the world was shrouded in darkness.

As soon as Li Zhenwu finished talking with Mox, Qin Nantian came to visit.

However, anyone can see that the anxious look in it is obviously troubled by something.

"Elder Qin, it's a coincidence that I came here. I also want to wait for dawn to find you."

The two sat opposite each other, without anyone accompanying them, Li Zhenwu teased.

"Holy Father, don't make fun of me, the old man's hair has turned white in such a hurry today." Qin Nantian said with a wry smile.

"Oh, for Bangguo's affairs? Or for the vampire's affairs? Or for what the vampires said?"

"Does the Holy Father know?" Qin Nantian was stunned when he heard the words.

He didn't expect that Li Zhenwu knew it in advance, and listening to his tone, he was obviously clearer than his Chinese senior.

"It's okay, calm down, it's not a big deal." Li Zhenwu reprimanded with a faint smile.

Qin Nantian almost cried, his face full of bitterness: "Now that the blood clan and the Holy See have joined forces, China is afraid that disaster is imminent, how can I calm down."

"Hehe, haven't you seen the blood clan? I really thought that we would join forces, just want to slap those guys from the Holy See, and also helped us solve some problems by the way."


Hearing this, Qin Nantian was shocked and looked at Li Zhenwu dully.

However, in just a moment, he suddenly woke up, and soon caught the meaning of it, and suddenly he was shaking with excitement.

"Think clearly? Then calm down. This time, those guys will throw themselves into the net."

Seeing Qin Nantian's reaction, Li Zhenwu also felt amused.

Unexpectedly, Mox not only completed the explanation, but also gave him an unexpected surprise. At least the unified global plan eliminated most of the obstacles.

Chapter [-] The effect is amazing!

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