In the living room, Li Zhenwu and Qin Nantian discussed their future plans for a few more hours.

Qin Nantian became more and more excited as he talked, and finally asked the old guys to come over and share the good news with everyone, so as not to worry about the future.

"Holy Father has this assistant, and the unification of the world is just around the corner." Qin Nantian couldn't help but flatter, his old face blossomed with a smile.

After Mox's troubles like this, the previous problem is no longer a problem.

Today's Huaxia can transfer most of its energy to China, stabilize the society, and take over the difficulties of various countries in the future.

"I didn't expect that it would not be long before the Western countries could not sit still. At that time, they would inevitably send troops to test it. At that time, you still need to solve it."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, his role is to wait until the last shot, otherwise he will definitely scare away those guys.

At the same time, the blood race has become a Western religion, and in a short period of time, it will definitely not cause too much influence, mainly because Mox wants to disgust the Holy See.

However, they all overlooked a problem.

The influence of Bangguo is greater than expected, shocking the world and making people in China panic.

The speed of that spread can be called the first battle of Li Zhenwu's island nation.

The Internet is already boiling, and all kinds of gossip spread like wildfire.

"The fall of the first immortal in China, will the history of the invasion of foreign powers repeat itself again?"

After the fanning of those who have a heart, the articles of the Chinese cultivators sing badly, like a violent storm, sweeping the entire land of China.

The first battle of public opinion started quietly.

The article has been modified and the words used are carefully chosen. It seems to restore the process of the naval battle.

"The blood clan attacked strongly, and the first immortal in China flinched and did not fight, and was finally blocked and killed by the blood clan Duke, and fell into the sea."

The title of the article is clear and full of worry.

In fact, the guy who colluded with foreign forces even found the fishing boat that escaped, to prove that the cultivator had indeed fallen.

"At that time, our fishing boat was chased by the Bangguo Coast Guard. Suddenly, the weather was abnormal. Before we could react, we were sent out of the war zone by a magical force. As for whether the immortals have fallen, I don't know."

The captain of the fishing boat, in the face of interviews with long guns and short guns, told the world truthfully what he knew.

Although the sentences are true, they still shocked Huaxia people.

You must know that if the Western news is false, then the Huaxia Immortal should come out to refute it, but the incident has been fermented for so long, and the impact is far-reaching.

In this way, it seems to confirm the advocacy of public opinion in Western countries.

Even the official did not respond, it seems that the network has acquiesced.

"Huaxia has no faith. Its cultivators snatch the luck of the world, but they go against the sky. If they want to go against the sky, they will pay the price."

"There are gods in the West, God is prosperous forever, believe in the Lord and get eternal life, and do not hear the suffering of the world."

The Western media's offensive did not stop, on the contrary, it intensified.

At the same time, Western countries have changed their previous weakness and become very strong in their diplomacy towards China.

Regarding the incident in the island country, Western countries have united and strongly condemned it and asked China to give an explanation.

Qin Nantian and the other bigwigs were so busy they were so overwhelmed with hatred in their hearts that they had to clear up these shameless guys in the future.

"Holy Father, I am afraid that the influence cannot be eliminated. The Western alliance headed by the United States has officially intervened in the matter of the North and South Bangzi. It is hoped that the two countries will unite and at the same time lift all blockades on the Beibang. The intention is very obvious."

"Not only that, the U.S. has already taken over the military operations in the island countries, the North and South Bang countries, and Southeast Asia, and it wants to take action against us."

During this time, not only Qin Nantian came to look for Li Zhenwu, but even several other bigwigs visited Li Zhenwu frequently.

Everyone can see that in a short time, the earth is about to change.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu is very calm, without any disturbance, let a few people stabilize domestic affairs and arrange the troops...

"Mox is so tossing. With him stirring the wind and rain in the West, I am afraid that within half a year, the alliance led by the United States will not be able to bear it." Li Zhenwu sneered in his heart, and was about to take action by those guys.

Of course, the West is not monolithic.

At least in Europe, the secret rivalry between the blood clan and the Holy See has gradually emerged.

"Master Zhenwu, now five countries in Europe have fallen to me. As long as you give an order, we will take action from the inside and disrupt their plans."

This is Mox taking the initiative to contact Li Zhenwu, in which the meaning of showing merit is very obvious.

The top leaders of the five countries secretly met with the blood prince Dracula, and after seeing the power of it, they completely obeyed the blood of the blood.

It has to be said that although the blood race is not welcomed by the Holy See, it still has a certain influence in this region of Europe.

Also, not everyone believes in the Holy See.

For example, Germany is one of them, the first powerful country to fall to the blood clan, which can be said to surprise and delight Mox.

King Dracula learned that in order to fulfill Li Zhenwu's orders, he personally went out of the castle, promising to cultivate the immortal blood demon and recover these countries for his own use.

"That's right, I've accepted your Lord Cain's wishes. After the threat from the mythical world is eliminated, I'll pass on your 5.5 Blood God Son's cultivation method."

Of course, Li Zhenwu was also unequivocal, throwing out a temptation against the sky, which directly shocked the blood clan of Dracula's lineage.

"Master Zhenwu, you will never delay your plan."

Dracula personally promised that he would rather die in battle than complete the task given by Li Zhenwu.

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