After the temptation of the Blood God Son Kung Fu, the effect is amazing. Next, the blood clan has almost incorporated most of the countries in Europe, which can be said to be very popular.

"With the help of Mox's lineage, it made me relax. In the past half month, the changes of the [-] soldiers have almost reached their limit."

On this day, Li Zhenwu completely blocked the contact with the outside world, and put all his attention on training.

Chapter [-] Reborn!

However, the alliances of Western countries are still trying their best to suppress China on the bright side, showing concerted efforts.

The Vatican, above the razed church.

The holy radiance permeates, illuminating the Holy Land of the Holy See.

The energy fluctuations here are getting stronger and stronger, and the Pope will stand in front of the ruins every day, sincerely telling the world what happened.

Although the space channel has not been closed, and I don't know if God can hear it, the mutation has not disappeared, which gives all Western countries a glimmer of hope.

Those who are not of our race will have different hearts, and in Western countries, they are most vividly expressed.

The borders of China often have friction with soldiers from various countries, and the smell of gunpowder is so intense that even ordinary people can clearly feel it.

In particular, the mobilization of various military regions in China has become more frequent.

"You can handle it, let the situation develop, don't pay attention, don't bother me during this time."

After the notification, Li Zhenwu directly turned off the communicator and completely lost contact with the outside world.

Of course, after Qin 14 Nantian and others received the news, they did not dare to come to the Yanjing Military Region to disturb them.

It takes time and energy to deal with the affairs of the country. Even Li Zhenwu felt that he couldn't bear it, so he simply acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

Fortunately, Qin Nantian and the old guys are not vegetarians, as long as they give a guarantee, they will know what to do, and they can be said to be able to handle foreign affairs with ease.

The sky was slightly bright, and the sound of neat footsteps echoed over the Yanjing army.

The three hundred selected soldiers, led by the three Chu Tianjun, arrived at the square on time, and the timing was just right.


Suddenly, the neat crowd became slightly messy.

In three hundred pairs of eyes, the familiar rattan chair and the familiar figure appeared again after the first day of meeting.

"Line up neatly!"

Seeing this, Chu Tianjun shouted loudly.

Immediately, the slightly turbulent team returned to its original position within a second, neatly arranged in a square formation.

"The report, three hundred people will bring it." After arranging the report, Chu Tianjun looked excited, strode to Li Zhenwu, and reported in a deep voice.

Even Hu Ming and Li Tian, ​​who were following behind, looked at Li Zhenwu with excitement.

"Well, yes, you haven't been lazy during this time, have you?"

Li Zhenwu stood up and nodded slightly towards the three, with a rare faint smile on his face.

The instructor laughed?

Is this acknowledging us?

Seeing this scene, the three hundred soldiers were stunned and their eyes were wet.

It seems that the recognition of this young instructor is a bright glory in their hearts, and a heroic aura pervades everyone.

"Report, eighteen actions, everyone has completed it, and it only took fifteen days."

Hearing Li Zhenwu's question, Chu Tianjun spoke loudly, raised his chin, and stood proudly.

"That's right, let's take a look at it first, then show it to me, and I can stop it when I say it's ok." Li Zhenwu nodded slightly, also very satisfied with their endurance.

Half a month, eighteen movements, it is not difficult, but it is not easy.

After all, for ordinary people, eighteen movements and standing still for half an hour are already the limit.

In fact, on the first day, the three people from Chu Tianjun beat him badly.

After being carried away, many people retreated and contacted the original Shangguan, crying to leave this ghost place.

However, when they were forced to finish soaking in the liquid medicine, they basically didn't leave.

It had to be said that the medicinal liquid prepared by Li Zhenwu had a very strong effect on the three hundred soldiers and the three people of Chu Tianjun.

After being beaten so badly, I went back in the evening to soak in the medicinal liquid, and the next day I was back to normal.

At the same time, the muscles and bones that have been pulled by the action are also surprisingly repaired.

Three hundred soldiers are getting stronger every day, and the progress is amazing.

Even the three Chu Tianjun, who used to be a pair of [-] people, were easily brought down.

But now, the siege of sixty people is already the limit of the three of them.

The speed of this evolution has alarmed the senior management of Huaxia.

If it is not under the name of Li Zhenwu, I am afraid that some forces will be infiltrated.


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