When Li Zhenwu's voice fell, everyone was already prepared, and they practiced one move at a time.

Every movement is quite precise, and the wind whistles as the hands and feet flicker, forming a strong momentum.

Continuous physical exercise is the first time for everyone.

"Huh? I feel a heat flow in my body, running with the movement."

Suddenly, Chu Tianjun stopped, shouted, and stared blankly at Li Zhenwu in the distance.

So weird.

It made him uneasy and wanted to ask more clearly.

However, Li Zhenwu grinned and said lightly, "Fight!"

The voice fell.

Ye Tian and Hu Ming seemed to react instinctively, and they suddenly attacked like a vigorous cheetah under the swaying figure.


The two shot with great strength, knocking Chu Tianjun to the ground with one punch and one kick.

In normal times, Chu Tianjun would have lost his combat effectiveness long ago.

However, when the whole body was tingling, the invisible heat flow gradually emerged, and the pain in the body disappeared instantly.



Chu Tianjun was lying on the ground, stunned.

At this time, Hu Ming and Ye Tian continued to attack, like two lightning bolts, one from the left and one from the right.


Facing the awe-inspiring offensive, Chu Tianjun stood up, his arms shook, and the heat flow merged with true qi around his arms and bombarded the two of them.

In an instant, a loud noise erupted, stirring up the dust.

Under the horrified gazes of the three hundred people, Hu Ming and Ye Tian were seen staggering back.

A violent wind swept all around with Chu Tianjun as the center.

So fierce!

Seeing this scene, this terrifying thought appeared in everyone's heart.

"How is that possible?" Ye Tian and Hu Ming were equally horrified.

"Nothing is impossible!"

At this time, Li Zhenwu stood up, walked slowly, and explained: "It seems that Xiaojun is not slack, and in terms of physique, he has a good talent."

"The strength of the three of you was originally comparable, but why is this happening?"

"It's because of the heat flow that Xiaojun said."

"Continue to practice for me now, until the heat flow in the body can stop."

Li Zhenwu glanced at the crowd lightly, his tone unquestionable.

One hundred and thirty Zhang Sanjiu Xuan Gong!

On the training ground, it was quiet in an instant.

The instructor spoke up, no matter what questions, not even Chu Tianjun and others dared to ask again.

The three were puzzled and had to return to their original positions to practice.

The mysterious heat flow in the body, since Li Zhenwu had known it for a long time, would definitely not harm them.

Not long after, the crowd erupted in exclamations one after another.

However, everyone did not stop and continued to practice meticulously.

In addition to Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian and Hu Ming were the quickest to discover the heat flow.

The three of them already have the foundation of cultivation. While practicing, they are also observing the operation of the heat flow in the body, and carefully comprehend the process of the body's evolution.

The results were shocking.

The heat flow runs along the muscles, bones and blood, and wherever it passes, every cell is nourished, as if charging, so that every part of the body is filled with powerful power.

In less than half a day, the strength of the three of them increased by at least [-]%.

This is absolutely beyond imagination, and at the same time, he is even more in awe of Li Zhenwu.

Even such amazing skills can be taught at will, what a profound background.

Of course, they don't know the identity of the Holy Father, but they can also feel from the side that even the high-level officials of Huaxia want to flatter the object, they can follow, it is simply the accumulation of virtue from the ancestors.

"Okay, everyone has cultivated the heat flow!"

After half a day, Li Zhenwu stood up and clapped his hands to signal everyone to stop.


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