The team of [-] people stopped in an instant, held their heads high, and waited for the next step.

The order and prohibition among the soldiers are vividly reflected at this moment.

"Disband, rest time, don't be so serious." Li Zhenwu waved his hand impatiently.

Everyone had to disband on the spot, but they did not leave, but stood at a distance, waiting for Li Zhenwu's explanation.

Only the three of Chu Tianjun were more familiar with each other, and they all gathered around and greeted them like flattery.

"Brother Zhenwu, what happened to the heat just now?"

"I feel that the true qi of cultivation seems to have been assimilated, and the physique has become stronger and stronger."

"Not only that, I can feel that when the heat flow runs through the body, it seems like swallowing an elixir, and there is an illusion of skyrocketing."

Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian, ​​and Hu Ming were all shocked, as if they were dreaming.

That feeling is stronger than they have cultivated for many years.

"The exercises you practice are a kind of body exercise called Sanjiu Xuangong, which is definitely not comparable to the Eighty-Nine Xuangong in the age of mythology, but your practice is enough."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and said that this exercise was created by him borrowing from Yang Jian's eighty-nine profound arts.

Of course, it was not difficult for him to create a practice technique based on his original prehistoric realm.

The Three Nine Profound Techniques is just one of the least popular among the exercises created at the beginning.

However, as he said, it is enough for these guys to cultivate, and after the completion, they can also reach the realm of Taiyi True Immortal.

As for further up, it depends on each person's opportunity and understanding.

After thinking for a while, Li Zhenwu continued: "Of course, for Huaxia's cultivating alliance, it also belongs to the top-level exercises."

Monastic Union?

When the three hundred people in the distance heard it, they suddenly took a deep breath.

When they were in the army, they had also heard all kinds of rumors about the Chinese cultivators, but they were only legends and had never seen it with their own eyes.

Now, even participating in the practice.

If this is left, they will be able to blow their lives in front of their former comrades.

"The top-level exercises? Brother Zhenwu, do we still need to continue the exercises we practiced at the beginning?" Ye Tian asked, that's what they care about.

"No need, the true qi you cultivated in the past can only be regarded as laying a solid foundation for the Sanjiu Xuangong. As for the future, you can directly cultivate this practice. I will write the second half to you when I have time. "

Li Zhenwu didn't care about waving, and pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of the three, which benefited them a lot.

Next, the three hundred soldiers were completely convinced by Li Zhenwu.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, anyway, it's not yourself who teaches these guys.

The training was still tight, and after knowing Li Zhenwu's harsh training, everyone dared not relax.

Even the three of Chu Tianjun put aside their other thoughts and threw themselves into the arduous training. For several days in a row, none of them made a mistake.

However, they obviously underestimated Li Zhenwu's determination.

It didn't matter if he didn't make a mistake, he still had to fight, and he personally shot.

Half a month later, the day's training is over.

Just when everyone thought they could be disbanded, Li Zhenwu stayed behind.

"Well, the results of the training are almost the same. You have the lowest cultivation level, and you all have acquired peak realm, and the highest are all innate."

Li Zhenwu held a wooden stick on the ground, like a crutch, and tapped the ground lightly.

As for the three Chu Tianjun, they had already entered the realm of immortals.

The breath on the body is leisurely and long, and the temperament that has been tempered has a few more indifferences.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and a trace of unease emerged in their hearts.

"You three stand aside!" Li Zhenwu raised his hand, pointed the wooden stick to the three of Chu Tianjun, and raised his chin to signal.

Chu Tianjun and the others looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.


The three of them touched the ground with their toes, their bodies were light, like goose feathers, and they flew over [-] meters in an instant, and they really stood far enough.

Immediately, Li Zhenwu turned around, faced the three hundred soldiers, and smiled slightly: "Okay, now you can take action, don't be merciless, just treat me as an enemy."

Hearing this, no one dared to move, all of you look at me, I look at you.

"The instructor asked you to take action, why are you still standing?" Seeing this, the three of Chu Tianjun in the distance immediately frowned and yelled loudly.

Obviously, because they get along with the three people more, their words are obviously better than Li Zhenwu's.

The voice fell, and the three hundred soldiers no longer had any scruples, and their figures rushed out one after another.


Three hundred figures, the speed exceeded the speed of sound, and a thick white fog erupted in place, with an extremely fierce momentum.

After more than a month of tempering their physiques, their strength has long broken through the limits of human beings.

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