But they all flew out in one hit.

bang bang bang...

More than [-] people, with awe-inspiring momentum, just rushed to the front, and then they were stabbed and flew out.

The dense crowd is like raindrops falling, and the sound of falling to the ground is almost continuous.

This scene is very spectacular, and everyone present is unmoved.



The breeze blows the Buddha, and the dust is flying.

A peerless figure, standing in the field, with the breeze blowing, black hair fluttering slightly, those deep eyes, bright like the stars in the night sky.

This is their instructor.

Peerless and invincible, it gives people the illusion of looking up at the mountains.

"Brother Zhenwu is too powerful." Ye Tian couldn't help but exclaimed when he looked at the graceful back. He couldn't be so calm in the face of three hundred soldiers.

The shot was clean and tidy, without the slightest sloppiness.

A wooden stick, in Li Zhenwu's hand, is like a weapon of magic, and a poke is enough to make one feel unbearable.

"Yes, although we have broken through to the realm of immortals, we are still too far from Brother Zhenwu." Hu Ming said with emotion.

"Didn't you see it?"

At this time, Chu Tianjun looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice.

"See what?" Ye Tian and Hu Ming asked in confusion.

Chu Tianjun's face was sullen, his breathing was heavy, and he said with difficulty: "Zhenwu instructor, did not use any true energy."

After saying these words, it seemed that Chu Tianjun had exhausted all his strength, and the whole person was in a cold sweat.


When Ye Tian and Hu Ming heard this, they gasped.

Only then did they notice that Li Zhenwu did not have the slightest infuriating fluctuation in his body.

This is shocking!

"Not only that, the strength used by Zhenwu instructors is not beyond the acquired realm at all." Chu Tianjun continued.

The voice fell!

The field was quiet, and the three of them were completely shocked.

What does this represent?

With only the physical strength of the acquired realm, and not even the use of true qi, three hundred cultivators of the acquired and innate realms were smashed to the ground.

What kind of strength is needed to do this?

For a moment, Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian, ​​and Hu Ming were stunned and speechless.

"Now it's the three of you."

Suddenly, a faint voice woke the three people who were in the same place.

Turning his head to look, he saw a smile on Li Zhenwu's face, warm and bright.

Chapter [-] The terrifying fighting instinct!


Facing Li Zhenwu with a bright smile, they felt their scalps go numb, as if they were being stared at by a supreme beast, making their backs chill.

The shot without the smell of fireworks just now is still vivid in my mind.

The field fell silent.

The three of Chu Tianjun looked at each other, then turned to look at Li Zhenwu, with a solemn expression, hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped forward.

It has to be said that after breaking through the shackles of the earth, the three of them have powers beyond the limits of human beings.

The training with [-] soldiers was no longer enough to temper himself.

They need stronger opponents.

And Li Zhenwu is obviously very suitable.

There is too much difference between the two levels. For the three of Chu Tianjun, they can sharpen themselves and see their own shortcomings clearly.

"Brother Zhenwu, if you fight here, I'm afraid you won't be able to let go." Ye Tian said in a deep voice.

The realm of immortals is enough to withstand most of the hot weapons on the earth.

But it is impossible to reach the level of Li Zhenwu. Under the same realm, the difference in strength is countless times.

This is a fact that they already knew when they broke through the realm of immortals.

Because of this, Ye Tiantian would say Li Zhenwu, not the three of them.

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