"It doesn't matter, I still limit my strength to the acquired realm, you can do it anyway." Li Zhenwu held a wooden stick, poked the ground lightly, and smiled lightly: "When facing me, throw away your luck, or you There was no chance of a shot."

The tone is indifferent, and when others hear it, it is very arrogant.

But in the eyes of the three hundred and three people in the field, they felt it was a matter of course, and it seemed that it was correct to say so.


A wisp of breeze came, and Li Zhenwu let the breeze blow on his face, his hair was flying, and the temperament of the whole person was neither sad nor happy, ordinary and ordinary.

However, no one dared to be careless.

The three hundred soldiers rolling on the ground seemed to have forgotten the pain when they looked at the young man in the field.

It was as if that young man was the only one in the world.

"Let's start, show your true strength." Li Zhenwu's eyes drooped slightly, staring at the wooden stick poked on the ground, and said lightly.


The voice fell.

Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian, ​​and Hu Ming looked at each other without hesitation.

Five times the speed of sound!

When the dull loud noise reverberated, the three figures had already come to Li Zhenwu, and they were separated at a touch.

At this time, the voice echoed in everyone's ears.

bang bang bang...

Three crisp slaps sounded continuously.

Immediately afterwards, the three figures retreated violently, retreating at a faster speed, trying to distance themselves from the boy holding a wooden stick.

Swish!When they regained their stability, the three of Chu Tianjun were full of surprise.

I saw Li Zhenwu's figure was still, but the wooden stick in his hand, I don't know when, was already in front of him.

"It hurts!"

Ye Tian grinned, his forehead was sweating coldly, and his gaze, looking at the bloodstain on his wrist, was startling.

Not only him, but Chu Tianjun and Hu Ming, everyone had a bloodstain on their bodies.

It was where the stick was hit, and without exception, the pain was unbearable.

"Even with ordinary strength, why do I feel tingling all over my body." Hu Ming's back was sweating coldly, he gritted his teeth and held back, so he didn't fall down immediately.

"What is the method then?"

Chu Tianjun's cheeks twitched in pain, this was because they were running fast, just swiped it lightly.

If he had been drawn from the front, he would have been lying on the ground long ago.

"Too bad. The modern technological world has brought a lot of convenience to life, but it has also annihilated the human nature of fighting." Li Zhenwu shook his head with emotion.

In fact, he has been very restrained.

The strength that is displayed now is indeed only the acquired realm, and it does not even use the understanding of the Tao.

In the acquired realm, in the face of three famous immortals, the immortals actually grinned. If this is said, it will definitely make people laugh out loud.

Li Zhenwu raised his head, glanced at the three of them lightly, and continued to speak: "Do you know that in the ancient prehistoric world, the power of human beings and immortals is enough to destroy everything within a thousand miles, and you, I am afraid it is difficult to even reach a thousand kilometers."


It's too big!

Under the same realm, the prehistoric world and the earth are like the difference between clouds and mud.

"Brother Zhenwu, how did you do this?" Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian, ​​and Hu Ming were shocked and dumbfounded.

"Use, the use of power, battle is the use of power." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

These words are mysterious and mysterious, making people feel confused.

However, the three of them woke up in an instant, their hearts stunned, and their expressions became solemn.

"I've been taught, I hope Brother Zhenwu can give me some pointers." The three of them cupped their hands and said.

Immediately afterwards, it rushed again and turned into three phantoms. Wherever it passed, the air roared.

This time, the three of them didn't dare to be careless, they concentrated their minds to the extreme, their bodies glowed with light, covering the whole body, as if they were wearing armor.

The young man standing in the field, calmly, poked the wooden stick in his hand towards the three people's faces.


The body protection infuriating, like paper paste, shattered in an instant.

The sharp stick shadow, flying in the sky, is everywhere, and it is terrifying to the extreme.


At the approaching moment, the three of Chu Tianjun were already prepared, but they still retreated at the touch of a button, not daring to stay.

However, this time they still underestimated Li Zhenwu's shot speed.

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