The wooden stick moved with the shadow, like a spirit snake, followed closely behind, the tip was raised diagonally, and it was in the middle of their armpits.

Under the dull sound, the three of them were struck by lightning, and their bodies were slightly sluggish in the air, and they flew out at a faster speed.


The three of them flew out [-] meters away like cannonballs and smashed to the ground.

The hard concrete floor collapsed and shattered, the dust flew up, and the strong wind in the sky disappeared in an instant.


For a moment, the training ground was dead silent.

I don't know how long it took, and the painful moaning sounded intermittently, which made people feel pain all over the body.


Seeing this, the three hundred soldiers took a deep breath.

Those are three famous immortal powerhouses, but they were also stabbed and directly lost their combat effectiveness?

How powerful is this young instructor in front of him?

Chapter [-] The Road to Evolution!

At this moment, the three hundred soldiers disappeared in an instant because of their defeat.

For Li Zhenwu, there is only deep awe.

It is not ashamed to be defeated by such a strong man, and even in the hearts of everyone, it is a supreme honor.

You must know that they also suppress the cultivation realm at the peak of the day after tomorrow, and they have not yet exerted their infuriating qi. Just a wooden stick will make them lose their temper.

"Remember? It's fighting instinct."

In the field, Li Zhenwu's black hair was flying, the wooden stick was on the ground, and his eyes glanced at everyone in a circle: "The realm of cultivation is very important, but if you want to maximize your own strength, you need a super strong fighting instinct."

"I just used the strength of the acquired realm, the same as everyone here, but why are you so vulnerable?"

"It's not that your cultivation base is too poor, or that your strength is not enough, but that you lack the awareness of fighting."

"In ancient times, a mere mortal was capable of pulling a huge cauldron, tearing tigers and leopards with one hand, and taking the enemy's head from a thousand troops. This is the fighting instinct."

"It can't be taught, you can only comprehend it yourself, how far you can go on the road of evolution, everything depends on you."

"A cultivator walks against the sky. If you don't have the awareness to go against the sky, even if you achieve the supreme immortal method, you will not be able to escape the fate of the ants. The ants are always stronger."

The faint voice echoed over the training ground, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

At this moment, everyone was thoughtful, and there was a hint of enlightenment in their eyes.

They finally knew the gap between themselves and Li Zhenwu.

As just said, a wooden stick can make everyone jump around. In the final analysis, it is the fighting instinct.

"Brother Zhenwu, we have been taught."

In the distance, Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian, ​​and Hu Ming struggled to get up and bowed to Li Zhenwu to thank him.

When everyone saw this, they all endured the pain all over their bodies and thanked the young instructor.

This fat beating can be said to have wiped out everyone's arrogance.

At this moment, they felt that although they surpassed the limits of human beings, they were still very small in this world.

The seeds of the strong, quietly and silently, are planted in everyone's heart.

As long as it takes root and sprouts in the future, whether it can shake the world, then it depends on each person's chance.

"I'll be here today, halve the rest time at night, and practice those movements. As for the rest, continue tomorrow."

Li Zhenwu nodded slightly, with a faint smile on his face, holding the ordinary wooden stick, turned and left.

It has to be said that this kind of training has an amazing effect on cultivators who enjoy modern life.

The next day, there was no need for Li Zhenwu to speak out, and many people couldn't wait to volunteer and come to ask the instructor for guidance.

Stab it!

Li Zhenwu was lying reclining on the rattan chair, the whole person was extremely lazy, and with the wooden stick in his hand, he randomly ordered a soldier to come out.

This time, everyone came to the challenge individually.

However, still no one could resist a move.

Even Chu Tianjun and the other three ended up like this.

Once the wooden stick is stabbed, no matter what means you use, even if the movement technique changes, you can fly upside down with one stab.


As soon as a figure rushed to the front of the rattan chair, it flew straight out, and it was difficult to see the shadow of the wooden stick.

The boulders collapsed, and the concrete floor sank.

Chu Tianjun was embarrassed, got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and turned to look at the young man lying on the rattan chair.

"Brother Zhenwu, I seem to understand a little bit."

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