"Yes, you should adjust your breath as soon as possible, go in before the evening, each with a team of [-] people, as for the details..."

Having said this, Li Zhenwu smiled mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes, but I remind you that if you are careless, if your life is in danger, you can't blame others."

Hearing this, the three of them were silent, and their expressions became solemn.

After getting along for so long, they have some understanding of Li Zhenwu.

Anything, as long as Li Zhenwu said, they will magnify countless times and treat it with caution.

Life-threatening, seemingly easy.

But in the heart of the three people, it is definitely an extremely dangerous place.

"Don't worry, just be careful, there will be no surprises."

Feeling the solemnity of the three, Li Zhenwu poked the ground with a wooden stick and comforted softly.

It's just that his comfort was obviously ineffective.

On the contrary, it made everyone more dignified and felt that this place was not simple.

"Okay, let's get ready. This is not the ultimate training ground, it's just for you to warm up."

Li Zhenwu looked at the mountains and saw towering ancient trees everywhere, which is simply the primitive landform of modern society.

Huaxia has experienced thousands of years of changes, and people can be seen living anywhere.

Only Shennongjia, no matter how advanced the equipment is, is difficult to conquer its dangers, and it has not been fully detected so far.

After half an hour, everyone adjusted their breaths.

In order to find a safe place to spend the night inside before dark, the three of Chu Tianjun decided to go in now.

"Brother Zhenwu, don't say anything else, thank you for your guidance during this time." Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian, ​​and Hu Ming bowed and saluted Li Zhenwu.

For Li Zhenwu, their relationship is very complicated, they are both teachers and friends.

When they wanted to apprentice, Li Zhenwu didn't care about refusing, but in their opinion, it was all about giving advice.

In the whole of China, I am afraid that there is no cultivator who can treat this young man so generously.

The magic of Sanjiu Xuangong, the disclosure of the training content, and even the formula for soaking the medicinal liquid, were thrown out without caring.

This background is simply awe-inspiring.

"Thank you Instructor!"

The three hundred soldiers, also from the heart, bowed and saluted Li Zhenwu.

Although they didn't spend much time together, they were able to do this, and in the whole of China, they couldn't find a second one.

Because they have been with the three of Chu Tianjun for a long time, they naturally learned some inside information about the Taoist Alliance.

Like Li Zhenwu, a person who can throw out the peerless exercises at will, can be said to be unique.

"Go away, I still say that, as long as you are careful, you will be safe." Li Zhenwu waved his hand, his face impatient.

Everyone knows the character of the instructor, and they don't expect anything in return, they just want to do what they want.

At the moment, three hundred and three people, without any hesitation, turned around and left, rushing into the primitive mountain forest.

More than [-] people stood up with great power.

But it was thrown into the endless forest, as if a drop of rain fell into the sea, and disappeared in an instant.

The mountain wind is blowing, the leaves are rustling, and there is silence in the mountain forest.

Li Zhenwu stood on the edge of the cliff, his eyes were deep, looking at the direction where everyone disappeared, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile.

This army can also become a sharp knife in a world where spiritual energy is poor.

Just, it will take some time.

"When you return from your training, your foundation will be almost solid. At that time, you will be taken to another world to explore."

Li Zhenwu lowered his head, lowered his eyes slightly, and whispered to himself.

The voice fell, and a loud noise came from the mountains in the distance.

There was a battle there, the aura fluctuated violently, the dust was flying, the boulders collapsed and rose into the sky.

"It's started, then look at your potential."

Li Zhenwu turned his head slightly, his eyes fell there, his eyes were deep.


The mountains and forests rioted, the earthquake trembled, and the towering ancient trees were broken by the waist.

Within a radius of [-] meters, there was a mess, bloodstains flowing on the ground, and the attention was startling.


I saw a burly big man in the distance, with divine light blooming on his body, awe-inspiring, and swept out from the place.


A loud noise erupted, and the wind raged and raged, lifting countless trees.

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