One hundred soldiers were scattered around, and everyone was covered in paint and looked in a state of embarrassment.

A hundred meters away from them, there was a gibbon monkey, with smooth hair, a fierce expression, strong fangs, and a violent aura.

"A monster in the realm of immortals?"

Chu Tianjun stood in front of the monkey, his expression dignified and equally awe-inspiring, and he looked at him.

Just now, not long after they came in, they were attacked by monsters after they separated from Ye Tian and the others.

If they had not been alerted in advance, I am afraid that among a hundred soldiers, at least dozens of them would have lost their lives.

Chapter [-] The Primitive World!

"How is it possible, what the hell is this place, there are monsters in the immortal realm hidden?" a soldier exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

"The earth is shackled, this is another dimension."

One of the soldiers shook his head, pointing to the gray sky and the ridiculously tall towering ancient trees beside him.

The towering ancient tree is a hundred meters high, and the canopy covers the sky and the sun, like a castle in the sky, magnificent and magnificent.

"You all stand back first and be alert to the surroundings. Let me deal with this monster."

Chu Tianjun shouted, motioning them to step back, and at the same time, to prevent other monsters from attacking.


When one man and one ape fought, the divine light was soaring to the sky, and the power was surging and surging, blowing up several nearby mountain ranges.

The terrifying energy was boiling, large tracts of ancient trees were uprooted, the leaves were flying in the sky, and they were once again torn apart by the sharp wind, turning into dust and sweeping the surroundings.

"This is the ancient world."

Chu Tianjun roared, his arms stretched out, and the military body fist attacked brazenly, with unparalleled momentum, and collided with the gibbons and monkeys head-on.

At the same time, his mind became more and more calm, and he entered a state of battle in an instant.


The two collided, a loud noise broke out, and the wind swept all around.

The gibbon monkey suddenly backed away, coughing up blood, all his fur was stained red with blood, and he looked embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, this human being in front of him is so powerful.


The gibbon monkey had a fierce look in his eyes, his hair exploded all over his body, and he screamed in the sky.

After this monster was injured, it became even more ferocious, as if it was going to die, like a hill to suppress it.

For this, Chu Tianjun was well prepared and extremely calm. While sideways dodging the attack, his waist twisted, his right fist was flying like a blue dragon, and he punched the gibbon monkey's waist with a punch.


The loud vibration and the surging power can shatter a small mountain.

The gibbon monkey's waist and abdomen fur are weak in defense, and the infuriating energy is directly poured into the body. The hill-like ape suddenly flew out and smashed countless flowers and plants.

Rumbling, the dust rose to the sky, and the ground trembled.

The gibbons in the human-immortal realm lay on the ground with their heads tilted to one side, completely dead.

The field fell silent, dead silent.

Around the soldiers, some were left on guard, while the rest gradually approached Chu Tianjun.

"Brother Jun, I'm afraid this time is really dangerous." Someone said nervously.

Everyone's eyes are full of worry, everyone, more or less, is injured and very embarrassed.

"How did we come to this hell?"

After glancing at the crowd, Chu Tianjun's eyes were solemn, and he didn't answer the question.

As soon as these words came out, the field instantly became quiet again.

This ghost place seems to be in another time and space, no matter the sky or the plants, it is impossible to appear on the earth at all.

However, this is what people are suspicious of.

After all, they walked all the way, and they didn't seem to find anything strange. It was as if they were in another world when they were walking.

"Brother Jun, it doesn't seem right, you look around..."

Suddenly, a team member in the distance shouted and called everyone to come, looking very anxious.

"All assembled, [-] meters alert."

Seeing this, Chu Tianjun waved his hand and arranged for several innate powerhouses to guard, and then walked up with the others.

There is a cliff, the view is very wide, and you can look into the distance.

When everyone came near, everyone was shocked, and Qi Qi took a deep breath.

They were stunned, looking at the picture in front of them, they couldn't believe it, the whole person was stunned in place,

Even Chu Tianjun clenched his fists consciously, his eyes dignified like never before.

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