I saw the scene of the cliff, magnificent and magnificent, with high mountains and mountains, misty clouds, big birds soaring in the sea of ​​clouds, with their wings spread, they are more than [-] meters long, just like a modern aviation aircraft.

The mountains are continuous, the towering ancient trees can be seen everywhere, and the fragrant fragrance is blowing along with the breeze.

This is a primitive mountain forest, there are unimaginable monsters, some monsters, the body is as huge as a mountain, and the walking is like a hill moving.

This picture is so shocking!

Quite a visual impact, dazzling, obsessed with it.

"Wait, what is this place? Is it only our team? Will Ye Tian and Hu Ming's team be nearby?"

Suddenly, Chu Tianjun woke up, couldn't help shouting, and was very excited.

You must know that in this ghost place, the number of people must be strength. Although there are also risks, as long as you are cautious, it is not difficult to survive.

At the same time, there was also a movement in this primitive world.

In a dense forest somewhere, Ye Tian led a team of hundreds of people and was busy fleeing.

They were extremely fast, galloping on the ground, and every time they leaped, they flew hundreds of meters in vain, and the scene was extremely spectacular.


Behind the crowd, the mountains and forests shook, sawdust swirled, and fallen leaves rustled.


An arrow-like snow-white shadow, hundreds of meters long, wandered in the mountains and forests. The speed was so fast that the strong wind swept the leaves into the sky.

This is a white snake, as thick as several floors, with a cold and severe light on the surface of its body.

The temperature dropped, and wherever it went, frost closed the world.

"Fuck, what the hell is this place, that big snake raised by a bastard, I won't be so unlucky, right?"

In front, Ye Tian's body is like a phantom, after helping the [-]-person team break.

Whenever the white snake came from the sky and was about to catch up with the crowd, Ye Tian would take action, attracting the white snake's attention, and immediately swam a few times in the forest.

This group of people was very embarrassed. Not long after they entered the forest, they were chased by the white snake, not even as good as a dog.

However, compared to Hu Ming in a certain place, the encounter between Ye Tian and Chu Tianjun was simply a heavenly enjoyment.

The deep pool was cold and faint, with a faint cold light, rippling slightly on the surface of the lake.

The white mist is permeating, the mist is flowing, and the hazy mist is transpiring on the lake, just like a fairyland legend.

"Looks like he's going to die."

Looking carefully, above the lake, there are dark heads.

Yes, the head among them is Hu Ming.

Not long after the team entered the forest, they were attacked by a fierce Peng, and in the end they panicked and fell into the lake.

But the lake water contained magical powers, which froze everyone's infuriating energy and blood, causing them to petrify in place.

Only Hu Ming is better, in addition to being unable to move, at least he can talk to himself.

Chapter [-]: The Land of Experience, the Desolate Fragments!

In the mysterious world, in the original environment, the three teams have experienced different things.

At this time, outside Shennongjia.

Li Zhenwu, dressed in a green robe, with flying black hair and a wooden stick, looked at the front lightly.

That is the Shennongjia of the earth, there is nothing strange, and the place where the three hundred soldiers of the Chutian Army experienced, does not seem to be in the same world.

Suddenly, there are ripples in the void, and a little wave spreads, just like the ripples on the lake.


A rather terrifying aura came out from the void.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the color of the sky and the earth changed, the sky dimmed, and in the ripples in the void, a whole body of fiery red creatures gradually emerged.

This is a huge monster like a mountain. Its body is covered by a hard carapace, and it is flushed red. It is like lava flowing, emitting a scorching high temperature.

The monster beast has two horns on its head, and the grinding eyes are full of violent aura.

But at this time, when he saw Li Zhenwu, the monster was obviously stunned, and immediately struggled to climb out of the void.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean by sending people in?"

This monster with a red body, spitting out human words and a bad tone, stared at Li Zhenwu with cold eyes.

It is very huge, eighteen stories high, like a giant looking down at an ant, completely arrogant and confident.

"It's not interesting, it's just to let them sharpen it." Li Zhenwu raised his eyes and said lightly.

It seems that he has long known about the appearance of this monster.

"Gaga, although you are very dangerous, you are too arrogant. If I take action, none of the people inside will be able to survive." The monster said coldly, still struggling, trying to break free.

However, the void seems to be imprisoned, no matter how powerful it is, it is difficult to break free.

With a faint smile on his face, Li Zhenwu said, "You are a volcanic giant, right? The innate spirit of Xiaotiandi is not bad. You can cultivate to this level in the world of debris."

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