Everyone was stunned.

Even the soldier who was about to break through was stunned in place, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

Breaking through the realm of immortals, isn't everyone happy?"

To break through in this ghost place, for everyone, that is to increase the combat effectiveness, it should be a good thing.

However, Chu Tianjun did not let go and warned them that if they all broke through the realm of immortals, what would they do with experience, and if they couldn't suppress it, just speak up.

If you break through the realm of immortals here, the instructor will have severe punishment.

After he finished speaking, he didn't bother to pay attention to what everyone thought.

"Hey, what does Big Brother Zhenwu mean? Could it be related to this place?"

Chu Tianjun was puzzled in his heart, and he did not expect that Li Zhenwu would send a voice transmission to prevent everyone from breaking through the realm of immortals.

However, they are no longer on Earth.

How did you know that?

For a moment, Chu Tianjun looked around unconsciously, thinking that Li Zhenwu was hiding in a secret corner, secretly paying attention to them.


However, he obviously thinks too much.

Above the gray sky, a simple and simple clock hangs, and the stars are running in the sky, monitoring this small world.

There is a Chaos Clock to suppress, not to mention the fragments of the wild, even if the world is full of wild, as long as the strength is enough, it is not difficult.

The experience continues, everyone is improving rapidly, and the effect is very obvious.

Three hundred soldiers, for Huaxia, is the trump card of the trump cards, comparable to the role of nuclear weapons.


Europe, deep in the Alps.

In the primitive deep forest, there is an old castle, rusted and mottled, and the walls are covered with vines and moss.

In the old castle, the lights are dim.

Click, click, click...

The sound of the chain pulling reverberated endlessly in the empty and silent castle.

Outside the room on the top floor, the white-haired butler, with a peaceful demeanor, stood there quietly and waited.

I don't know how long it took, when the sound of the iron chain gradually disappeared.


The door opened, and a blond Prince Dracula came out, his face pale and his eyes still showing palpitations.

"Your Majesty!"

The white-haired butler saluted respectfully, and his demeanor was quiet and elegant, which was an innate aristocratic temperament.

"Well, when will those guys from the Holy See come, and the twelve main gods, the spatial fluctuations should be enough, is there something wrong?" Dracula sighed and asked lightly.

Since Mox came back, tell Li Zhenwu the news.

At that time, Dracula made a personal trip to observe Mount Olympus and the Vatican.

With his powerful cultivation and profound vision, he can naturally estimate the time gap.

"Respected Prince, the young master has already warned all countries. If there is any news, it will definitely be delivered as soon as possible." The white-haired butler smiled.

Now, half of the whole of Europe has fallen to the blood clan.

The main reason is that the Holy See has a very good relationship with Britain and the United States, and it seems that other countries do not seem to care much.

Moreover, it is now a global evolutionary process, and it is possible for everyone to gain supernatural powers.

In this case, the presidents and high-level officials of those countries must have chosen to cultivate their beliefs.


Dracula nodded noncommittally, and immediately said: "I'm going to the East, let that kid Mox, don't mess up Lord Zhenwu's plan."

"What, Your Highness Prince, isn't it too risky to go to the East in your current state?" the white-haired butler exclaimed, his face full of disbelief.

You know, Dracula's strength is unfathomable, but likewise, the backlash against cultivation is gradually becoming difficult to control.

Every time you fight back, you have to lock yourself up, otherwise you will go crazy and the whole of Europe will be dead.

Dracula shook his head, his face full of awe: "Lord Cain once said that Lord Zhenwu can solve my hidden dangers, and the future of our blood family lies in Lord Zhenwu."

Speaking of which, he paused slightly.

The meaning is obvious, that Master Dongfang Zhenwu can make Cain awe, there must be a reason.

"Then I wish the Prince success!" The white-haired butler bowed and saluted.


The voice fell, and Dracula turned into a bloody light and disappeared from the place.

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