During this time, Li Zhenwu cut off contact with the outside world, and even Mox did not know where the adults were.

Dracula naturally didn't know either, but he knew that in the east, someone could contact Lord Zhenwu.

Yanjing, a loft in Zhongnanhai.

Qin Nantian was sitting in the office, concentrating on dealing with affairs at home and abroad.

Suddenly, the surrounding air changed, and the aura became restless.


Qin Nantian suddenly raised his head, his cloudy eyes burst into fierce light.

I saw that in the room, the void was distorted, and a bloody light appeared out of thin air, gradually condensing a blond man.


Seeing the person coming, Qin Nantian exclaimed in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

587 In this world, although Dracula's name is not known to ordinary people, the high-level officials of various countries still hear a little.

This is a legendary figure.

It once competed with the Holy See, shocked Europe, and in a fit of rage, slaughtered millions of people in Europe.

Of course, in the historical records, that event was caused only by the plague.

But high-level officials from various countries know that the death of millions of people was caused by the man in front of him.

Also because of that time, the Holy See's eastward expedition stopped and did not continue eastward.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people who know me. Your Excellency is Qin Nantian, right?" Dracula was wearing a black and red dress, polite and elegant.

If you don't know, it may be difficult to see that this is a super ruthless character.

Qin Nantian was stunned for a while, but there was no panic on his face. He stretched out his hand to invite: "Prince Dracula is here, so he shouldn't come to me, please take a seat."

"No, I'm here to find Lord Zhenwu, and I hope you can tell you where you are." Dracula shook his head and declined, explaining his intentions directly.

"Prince came at a wrong time. Lord Zhenwu left Yanjing a few days ago." Qin Nantian said regretfully.

"I know, that's why I came to your Excellency, hoping to inform Lord Zhenwu."

Qin Nantian has nothing.

The [-]th picture of the ancestor of the blood family, Dracula! (Second more)

Indeed, in the whole of China, there are only a few people who can contact Li Zhenwu, and Qin Nantian himself is one of them.

However, Li Zhenwu had instructed that everyone should not disturb him unless it was a matter of life and death.

Although the undercurrents are turbulent in various countries in the world, at least on the surface, it is still stable, so the senior officials of Huaxia are also happy to relax.

It is only in the dark that the deployment of the army is arranged.

"Well, since Prince Dracula is here, I can help you try to get in touch."

After pondering for a moment, Qin Nantian took out the communicator and directly connected with Li Zhenwu right in front of Dracula.

Seeing this, Dracula was a little nervous and nervous.

When he came to the East this time, it can be said that he mustered up his courage, and in addition to being nervous, he still had some expectations.

After all, that Lord Zhenwu is stronger than Lord Cain, but it is only because of some secrets that he looks like this.

From the very beginning of the blood race, Dracula knew it.

Their mission is to find Lord Zhenwu, and then meet all the conditions of Lord Zhenwu, and even sacrifice all the lives of the blood.

"Yes, don't worry, my lord, I will tell Prince Dracula."

At this moment, Qin Nantian kept nodding his head and replied respectfully.

This scene had a great impact on Dracula. Even the senior officials of Huaxia had such respect for Lord Zhenwu. The conspiracy of the Western countries seemed a bit underwhelming.

China has declined for hundreds of years in modern times, but it cannot erase its former glory.

At that time, Huaxia was extremely brilliant and dazzling. In the whole world, the nearby starry sky was an unshakable force.

However, due to the changes in the world in modern times, after the glory, it is the ultimate withering.

At this time, Qin Nantian ended the communication and looked over with slightly complicated eyes, "Master Zhenwu is in Shennongjia."


Hearing this, Dracula's pupils shrank suddenly, as if thinking of something, his expression became solemn.

"Qin, thank you." However, he said nothing, thanked him, and turned to leave.

That black and red dress, with a noble demeanor, and her back behavior, are full of unspeakable extravagance, making it impossible to give birth to the slightest disgust.

Qin Nantian's mood was quite complicated. Who would have thought that this blond man was the legendary god of blood.

Yes, it is comparable to the existence of gods.

After the slaughter of millions of souls in Europe, this god disappeared. When everyone thought that he would never appear again, he now stood in front of Qin Nantian.

"Huaxia has been adhering to the concept of peace for thousands of years. I hope the prince can understand the suffering of this land."

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