Seeing that Dracula's figure gradually dimmed and disappeared, Qin Nantian suddenly spoke out in a sincere tone.


The red light shattered, turned into tiny light particles, and disappeared in place.

"I only follow the orders of Lord Zhenwu, right or wrong."

A faint voice came from the distant sky, without the slightest wave.

Prince Dracula left Zhongnanhai, turned into a red glow, and crossed in the void. The speed was so fast that satellite images could not capture it.


As the sun sets in the west, the splendid rays of light dye the sky red, like a raging flame covering the world, magnificent to the extreme.

On the edge of the cliff, Li Zhenwu held a wooden stick, looked up at the clouds in the sky, and stood still.

The cold wind blew, black hair flying, and after restraining his breath, his whole person merged with nature, and it seemed difficult to sense it unless he watched closely.

In the distance, the void is stable, and half of the volcano giant's body is imprisoned, unable to enter or exit.

At this time, seeing the demeanor of the young man on the cliff, the volcano giant couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Once upon a time, such a monstrous cultivator appeared in this area of ​​China?

I have to say that the impact of that mind made this innate soul quite afraid.

The last bit of brilliance disappeared, the night shrouded Shennongjia, the stars twinkled in the sky, reflecting the stars in the sky, and it was instantly beautiful.

The night is getting darker, birds and insects are lurking in the mountains, and the chirping of animals occasionally echoes.

The volcano giant couldn't hold it anymore, half of his body was imprisoned, his mana couldn't run, the red light flowing from his skin gradually dimmed, his eyelids were heavy, and he wanted to fall into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, a majestic breath came from the end of the sky at high speed.

"Huh?" The volcano giant woke up suddenly, turned his head to look there, and then looked at the teenager on the edge of the cliff.

I saw that Li Zhenwu was still indifferent, with a calm demeanor and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

This bizarre scene shocked the volcano giant.

"Senior, there seems to be an uninvited guest."

Seeing that Li Zhenwu was indifferent, he couldn't help but remind him that he was actually thinking of his own safety.

That breath is boundless and full of strange fluctuations, making the volcano giant, the Earth Immortal powerhouse, feel that his heart is fighting.

It is terrifying, beyond the shackles of heaven and earth.

At the end of the sky, a red light flickered, and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

But, the next moment.


The volcanic giant screamed in shock, his fiery red skin turned pale and gray in an instant.

I saw a blond man in a black and red dress quietly emerging from the edge of the cliff... It was so weird that even the volcano giant couldn't tell when this blond man appeared.

As if appearing out of nowhere.

The breath that followed was shocking and terrifying.

In the cognition of the volcanic giant, this is definitely a super strong, extremely terrifying.

However, the next moment, when the blond man spoke, his cognition was completely subverted, and he was shocked and inexplicable.

"Master Zhenwu!"

I saw the blond man stepping on the void and bowing to the boy on the edge of the cliff.

The respectful attitude was astounding.


For a moment, the volcano giant was stunned, feeling that the world was too unpredictable.

"Blood Dracula, what are you doing here?"

At this time, Li Zhenwu seemed to have reacted, his eyes lifted, staring at the blond young man, and said lightly.

Dracula was wearing a black and red dress, solemn and solemn, with an unspeakable extravagance all over his body.

"Dracula, the god of blood?"

Next to him, the volcanic giant who was imprisoned in the void was shocked when he heard it, and stared at the two in front of him in stunned eyes.

For a while, he was a little stunned.

Chapter [-]: Meet Lord Zhenwu!

The name of Dracula is too loud, and it has been circulating in this world since ancient times.

But now, the legendary character actually salutes a young man respectfully?

This completely subverted the cognition of the innate creature of the volcano giant. The whole person was petrified in place, and he couldn't believe it.

He is only the overlord of the Great Desolate Fragment, and he has also mastered the method of communication between the two worlds.

Even if the cultivation base is only in the realm of Earth Immortal, he can still ignore many strong people, but now, this mysterious young man in front of him can send people into the small world.

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