But now, he was actually beaten up by Chu Tianjun alone?

Although it has been frozen before, it is still shocking, beyond the power possessed by the realm of immortals.


The volcano giant pushed away the body buried by the rocks, stood up slowly, and looked at the people in the canyon in surprise.

At this time, Ye Tian and Hu Ming had already helped Chu Tianjun up.

The three looked solemn, stood in front of the 557 hundred people, and prepared a counterattack before death.

However, Chu Tianjun was mentally atrophied and vomited blood. Obviously, he was seriously injured and almost hurt his vitality.

The venue was silent and the atmosphere was depressing.

Everyone's face is full of resolute, unyielding eyes, and the body exudes the momentum of seeing death, standing together solemnly.

"You still want to fight?"

The volcano giant's eyes widened, his voice boomed, and he stepped forward, looking down at the crowd.

When the voice fell, everyone was stunned.

What do you mean?

They are so stunned, can they still shake hands and make peace?

"What do you want?" Ye Tian said with a cold face and a bad tone.

Anyone who was tortured so badly would probably not be happy. If they were strong enough, they would have killed the creatures in front of them long ago.

"You guys have passed the test, and now you can leave this world." The volcano giant curled his lips and turned into a four-meter tall man.

The head is bald, the skin has flame marks, and the breath is fierce.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

It took a moment for him to react, and he looked at each other in disbelief.

You know, just now I gave you my life and death, and now I can leave?

"What did you say, are you a strong person sent by the instructor to sharpen us?" Ye Tian asked in disbelief.

"Instructor? Hmph, it's really interesting." The volcano giant grinned and said with a smile: "Yes, this seat is the means sent by the Immortals to sharpen you, now you know you're afraid?"

When he laughed, the pain on his body was involved, and he couldn't help but take a few breaths of cold air.

He murmured in his heart, these guys can't be compared with normal cultivators, one is more evil than the other.

"So that's the case, but we have other people..." Hu Ming suddenly realized that he had the illusion of escaping from death.

The volcano giant waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, those people are all safe, they naturally have other exits to leave, now you come with me!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked away.

Everyone in the canyon looked at each other, unable to make up their minds for a while, and they all felt like they were dreaming.

"Let's go, it's easy for him to kill us, there's no need to play so many tricks." At this moment, Chu Tianjun gritted his teeth and spoke while enduring the pain.

Everyone heard it and thought it was reasonable.

For a time, Ye Tian and the two supported Chu Tianjun, and a group of people followed behind the volcano giant.

The road is full of ruins, the ancient trees were broken, the mountains collapsed, and almost turned into ruins.

This is the destructive power caused by the battle just now, and at the same time, it also made everyone present feel arrogant in their hearts.

The range of a hundred miles is all created by them just now, what a powerful strength this is.

"Hey, you little guys are not bad. It's really unfathomable to see Shangxian."

Occasionally, the volcanic giant turned his head and said a few words to the crowd.

The greater the potential of these people, the stronger the strength of Li Zhenwu, which is what the volcano giant is willing to see.

Unconsciously, the surrounding scene changed.

Although it is still a virgin forest, the trees next to it are not so exaggerated.

Obviously, they returned to reality again and left that ghost place completely.

After a while, the familiar scene came into view again.

"We're finally out."

"I remember that when I went in, it was in front of this cliff."

"Anyone else?"

Everyone was talking, but as soon as the voice fell, they heard the sound of dense footsteps.

Not long after, a group of people in tattered clothes came from the depths of the jungle.

When they saw the three of Chu Tianjun, they were all excited and rushed over with cheers.

"Everything is quiet, we still went to see Lord Shangxian, and now we are all quiet."

However, a four-meter-tall red-skinned man made a sound like thunder, and the two hundred people who were shocked were stunned.

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