"Listen to him, let's go to see the instructor first." Chu Tianjun spoke, and everyone shut up and silently followed behind the volcano giant.

After the explanation of their companions, the two hundred people were shocked when they learned the identity of the volcano giant.

Countless eyes, looking at the four-meter giant at the forefront, felt a trace of fear.

It turned out that the strong men who had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth were actually sent by the instructor to test them.

But after thinking about it, I found that three hundred and three people did not seem to have damaged one, and I immediately felt it.

"Lord Shangxian, the little demon is fortunate enough not to be humiliated, and has finally completed your entrustment."

The volcano giant strode forward, raised his head and shouted towards the cliff.

dong dong...

The voice fell, and on the cliff, there were several sounds of hitting the ground.

The next moment, a ladder, above the cliff, gradually emerged, winding straight up.

"Follow me. Whoever has the strength will help the wounded. No one can be left behind!"

The volcano giant turned his head and shouted at everyone.

Immediately, he took the lead to walk up the steps, and his appearance made a group of people dumbfounded.

Chapter [-] Western Changes!

The stairs that suddenly appeared on the cliff made hundreds of people very rare, and their hearts were suddenly curious.

What kind of magic is this?

The crowd helped each other and walked up the cliff step by step.

Even the three Chu Tianjun did not fly, but walked on foot just like the volcano giants.

Soon, the vision in front of him was wide, and he could clearly see the dense forest in the distance, as well as the young instructor who turned his back to the crowd.

The instructor was still holding a wooden stick and stood against the wind, as if it was not surprising that everyone was coming.

Under the scolding of the three people from Chu Tianjun, the three hundred people quickly lined up neatly.

"Report to the instructor, three hundred people are here." Chu Tianjun said with a grin while enduring the pain on his body.

It was only at this time that Li Zhenwu slowly turned around and glanced at everyone indifferently.

"Yes, rest on the spot, let's take care of the injury first." After putting down a sentence, he turned around again, and looked at the distant sky.

After receiving the order, the crowd scattered, everyone was exhausted, and some people had no image, so they fell on the ground and fell asleep.

These days, in that small world, everyone has been exhausted.

The volcano giant glanced sideways at everyone, and immediately stepped forward with a respectful gesture: "Master Zhenwu, the little demon is fortunately not humiliated, the potential of these little guys is indeed unexpected!"

The name of Zhenwu, he also learned from the chat of everyone, at this time, he also learned the name of Dracula.

"Well, since you want to follow me, you can do whatever you want. If you regret it now, it's still too late." Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile without turning his head.


The volcano giant was the first to deny it.

Just kidding, even the legendary character Dracula can kneel down and kowtow, he is a little demon, so he is not so useless.

"What did Lord Zhenwu say? Although the little demon is humble, he also knows the word "loyalty" and will never do anything to leave."

Li Zhenwu turned his head, stared at him lightly, and said, "Really?"

"Of course it is."

I have to say that the volcanic giant looks unreliable, but he is dedicated enough to accept it.

"Well, follow me and you'll be free. You are a congenital soul, and you have a strong innate advantage over cultivation."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, pointed at the three hundred people who were stumbling around, and said, "These people have been handed over to you to sharpen them. As for the rewards, they will naturally not treat you badly."

While speaking, he raised his hand and lightly tapped a few times.

The azure light burst from the fingertips and turned into a mysterious symbol, like flowing water, sinking into the volcano giant's forehead.

The volcano giant had seen this scene before, and his face was filled with joy.

Even Dracula kowtowed solemnly, and his exercises would definitely not be too bad.


The next moment, the depths of his mind exploded, and the volcano giant almost stood unsteadily, shaking his whole body.

In the depths of his soul, there are countless mysterious symbols, which have been transformed into Dao Tianyin, which have been echoing in his mind endlessly.

"This is..." The volcano giant was shocked and shivered with excitement.

"This is a fire-attribute cultivation method, which is suitable for your talent, but can also make up for each other."

Li Zhenwu flicked his fingers, as if to say something trivial.

But only the volcanic giant knows how precious it is, it is absolutely beyond imagination, and it will be able to reach the peak of Da Luo Jinxian after the completion.


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