Li Zhenwu turned his head lightly and looked at the three hundred soldiers at the banquet, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Okay, that's the end of the banquet. What's the matter? Let's talk about victory." Qin Nantian growled, trembling all over, feeling a trace of unspeakable excitement.

Others are also in high spirits, feel their blood is boiling, and their hearts are full of pride.

Next, after discussing the progress of the plan, the brief meeting ended.

They walked back to the banquet side by side, and suddenly the venue was quiet.

In fact, everyone at the banquet focused their attention on this side. When they saw Qin Nantian and the others coming back, they were quiet, knowing that something must have happened.

"Everyone, today's banquet is over. As Chinese warriors, I will toast with you when you return."

Qin Nantian's five bosses spoke and ended the banquet early.

The three hundred soldiers immediately gathered at the training ground, neat and solemn.

After a while, the volcano giant, Chu Tianjun and others also came out, shock in their eyes, and they seemed to hear a shocking event.

"This time, is there still no experience?" Someone whispered to himself, looking forward to it.

"We are already at the peak of the innate, and if we go further, we can reach the realm of immortals. I think the instructor must let us break through the shackles." Some people speculate that it is very close to the truth.

More than [-] people are not calm, because they see the captain as well.

Even the volcano giant, after coming out, his limbs were trembling, and the horror on his face could not be concealed.

"Okay, I think you can all guess, so I'll make a long story short."

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu appeared out of thin air and raised his hand to calm everyone down.

For a moment, the training ground was silent, and countless eyes looked over.

"In the small world, you have experienced nine deaths and a lifetime, and your foundation is already very solid. If you have the task of hunting power users, you have reached the limit in the innate realm, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time."

A faint voice echoed in everyone's mind.

The words are not intense, the tone is indifferent, but it makes people look forward to it.

I saw Li Zhenwu smiled faintly and continued: "This time, I will take you to the world of the gods, and when you get there, you will have enough spiritual energy to break through the existing realm."

The voice fell, and there was an instant uproar in the field.

The world of the gods?

This unfamiliar word is surprising, but literally, it can be known that it must be an amazing world.

The four Chu Tianjun stood aside with bitter smiles on their faces.

There is the world of the gods, and it is the lair of the Western gods after all. Well, the idea is crazy.

So much so that after Li Zhenwu told them, they were all shocked.

Even the volcano giant was shocked. If Li Zhenwu hadn't said it himself, he would have thought it was a joke.

That is the old lair of the Western gods. It is the empire that the gods have run for countless years. The foundation is so deep that even the volcano giants feel fear.

Moreover, according to Li Zhenwu, the gods of the West have descended on the earth.

At this time, the state of Huaxia is very dangerous, and it is unknown when the Western countries will launch an attack.

And now, they are going to enter the world of the gods, that scene, just thinking about it, makes people feel incredible.

After the uproar, the training ground gradually quieted down.

There was no fear on the faces of every soldier, only an unspeakable excitement.

For each of them, because the news is closed, they don't know what's going on in the outside world at all, but they just feel that it must be an unprecedented experience to be able to go to the world of gods.

"Okay, you all go back and line up."

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Li Zhenwu motioned to the four volcano giants.

Immediately, he waved his hand to summon the Chaos Bell, and his quaint and magnificent will instantly enveloped him.


The Chaos Bell was rang, and the sound was clear and clear, without the slightest impurities. It seemed to wash people's souls and make people settle down.

It was the first time that everyone saw this treasure of chaos, and they immediately opened their eyes, full of curiosity.

Only the volcanic giant's face changed drastically. He thought of the myths and legends handed down by the ancestors. It is said that in the prehistoric world, there is a treasure, which is a part of the axe of the gods.

Compared with the Chaos Clock in front of him, it is indeed very similar.

"By the way, Lord Zhenwu must be a wild creature, otherwise how could he be so evil." In an instant, the volcano giant was relieved, and his heart was beating.

He found that his choice this time seemed to be the right one.

To be able to follow the wild creatures, how terrifying the chance of luck will be?

Chapter [-] Arrived at the other shore!

The darker the night, the darker the sky, and the stars hang and twinkle.

At this time, the Yanjing Military Region was silent.

This time, not only are outsiders isolated, but even Qin Nantian and others have the same fate.

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