After all, the Chaos Clock is at stake and cannot be missed.


The bells are echoing, clear and clear.

On the ground of the training ground, lines gradually appeared, complicated and mysterious, interweaving a huge formation, exuding inexplicable energy fluctuations.


Suddenly, the starlight in the sky distorted, wisps of dazzling starlight, pulled by the texture of the ground, sprinkled from the sky, like a golden waterfall, very beautiful.

This place is too bright, with mysterious fluctuations circulating.

The people next to him were already obsessed, and the pupils reflected the stars, bright and dazzling.

This picture, like a work of art, is perfect.

The golden waterfall is endless, falling from the dark sky, pouring into the texture of the ground, the energy is boiling, and the main space is shaking, it seems that it can't bear this kind of power.


There was a crisp sound, and the complicated 577 lines were glowing with dazzling gold.


The void vibrated sharply, and the rays of light were blazing, illuminating the entire military region.

But strangely, from the outside, it was pitch black inside and nothing happened.

"This is?"

On the training ground, everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the picture in front of them.

I saw that they were illuminated by the golden light, as if they were wearing golden armor, and their bodies were flowing with secret power, shining brightly.

A starlight avenue leading to the unknown universe appeared in front of everyone. It was condensed by starlight and turned into substance, which could shatter the void.

This scene, like a dream, is too beautiful to be true.

"All members follow me."

At this time, Li Zhenwu shouted loudly, with the Chaos Clock hanging above his head, he took the lead and set foot on the path of starlight.

Everyone in the field was suddenly shocked.

"Follow the instructor's footsteps!"

Chu Tianjun and the others shouted loudly. First, they stepped forward and stepped on the star road, as if stepping on a hard concrete floor, without the slightest tremor.

When the others saw this, they were all about to move, and immediately stepped forward and followed behind.

This star road is not long, only [-] meters long. After reaching the end, the scene in front of them changes. Countless stars are rapidly changing and flying in their field of vision.

During this period, everyone was silent, their emotions were high, and they were extremely excited.

After a while, a dazzling, dazzling, colorful energy appeared in front of everyone, reflecting into everyone's pupils.


Immediately afterwards, the void trembled slightly, and the world seemed to be spinning.

The next moment, when everyone blinked, the road ahead disappeared, replaced by a magnificent and magnificent scenery.

"Has it arrived yet?"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, with a very excited tone.

The star road disappeared, and they were in a deep forest, with golden towering trees standing around them, and the human body seemed very small.

At the end of the forest, there is a magnificent and magnificent palace, golden light, and some energy fluctuations are flowing.

"The spiritual energy here is very strong."

The volcano giant suddenly screamed, his eyes full of surprises.

Between the heavens and the earth, invisible aura particles floated everywhere, surrounded everyone, and burrowed into their skin all the time.

It is so dense that it almost turns into mist, making this golden forest, surrounded by clouds and mist, very beautiful.

"Everyone, we have reached the world of the gods, which is far away from the earth, not in the Milky Way, or in other words, it is on the other side of the universe."

Li Zhenwu turned around, faced everyone, and explained with a light smile.

Hearing this, the three hundred soldiers had not yet reacted, but the volcano giant was already shaking all over.

"Instructor, is the so-called spiritual world a star?" he exclaimed.

When everyone heard it, they were all shocked, and their faces showed inconceivable.

This is so subversive!

Walking on the star road, I actually reached the other side of the universe. How long is this journey?

No, they all looked around and observed it carefully.

"Look, there are starlight positions in the sky, which are completely different." Suddenly, someone pointed at the sky and shouted.

The crowd raised their heads one after another, inexplicably shocked.

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