I saw that the sky is not blue, nor is it pitch black, but blurred colors, like colorful ribbons, very gorgeous.

Moreover, there are huge stars running there, and there are ten huge stars. Surrounding this star, there are also various satellites with the size of grinding discs, which seem to be close at hand.

Everyone has an illusion that the stars in the sky can be reached at will.

Of course, this is because the stars in the sky are too huge, beyond common sense, covering the sky and the sun, and can clearly see the scenery on the ground between each other.

"God, so many planets are concentrated in one type, and gravity should be messy. It's unbelievable that it can still operate safely." A soldier exclaimed, feeling the subversion of the world view.

"Stupid, this is the world of gods, it must be different from the earth!" Someone explained.

All violations of common sense should be related to the gods.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu did not explain, the vast universe is full of wonders, and scientific exploration is not even the tip of the iceberg.

"Instructor, are we going to practice here?"

Chu Tianjun's eyes flickered, and he clenched his fists, looking eager to try.

The aura here is too strong, compared with the dry and withered earth, it is simply the difference between heaven and hell.

"Yes, your foundation is solid enough, so I will only give you three days. After three days, if you haven't broken through the shackles, then stop cultivating immediately." Li Zhenwu nodded slightly.

When everyone heard this, they laughed uncontrollably.

Three days, for them, is enough, this is self-confidence.

"Who are you, why did you break into the Sacred Star Territory, do you know where this is?"

At this time, in the nearby jungle, a [-]-meter giant rushed out, holding a golden axe, extremely fierce, and discovered the vision here.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and glanced at Chu Tianjun.


Chu Tianjun understood that when he jumped, his fists glowed with radiant light, and when he squeezed the fist marks, the majestic force was vented, like a stormy sea.


The axe giant shook violently, his body was translucent from front to back, and immediately fell to the ground softly, kicking up countless dust.

Chapter [-] God's Domain Invaders!

The golden ancient tree was smashed, and the dust was flying. Similarly, the giant's wound also had golden blood flowing, exuding brilliant golden light.

There was not much movement here, but it still alarmed the little creatures nearby.


A golden-haired lion was awakened, roaring and fleeing from here, the thick side hair, like silk, ~ the luster of flowing metal,

This is a creature of the innate realm. It is so fast that it disappears in the blink of an eye. Obviously, it has opened up its intelligence and knows that this group of people is very dangerous.

"Instructor, gold seems to be everywhere on this planet, is there anything weird?" The volcano giant frowned, his eyes uncertain.

"It's just that the so-called gods of this planet love it. However, for the exercises you practice, these energies may have amazing effects." Li Zhenwu pointed to the corpse of the giant in the distance.

The wound caused by the fist mark, flowing with golden blood, blazing like a flame, can feel the burning sensation.

"Is this the energy of the flame attribute?"

Li Zhenwu nodded, indicating that the exercises he gave were originally the ultimate fire attribute.

However, he did not clearly tell the level, only said that in the prehistoric era, the beings who practiced this technique could almost traverse the world.

In fact, this fire-attribute technique is the cultivation technique of the Golden Crow.

It has been improved by Li Zhenwu, and now he can also train fire-type creatures, but if he wants to reach the level of the prehistoric world, he must be consistent in terms of innate physique.

"Instructor, why is the spiritual energy here so rich, but the earth is withering, after all, the gods don't practice spiritual energy, it seems a bit different."

At this time, Ye Tian observed and frowned, thinking of a certain question, he couldn't help but ask.

You must know that the elemental energy on the earth seems to be very rich, which is very suitable for these so-called spiritual cultivation.

But this planet of gods, on the contrary, this is very strange, it seems that something has changed.

After all, the withering of the earth's spiritual energy has only occurred in hundreds of years in modern times.

Li Zhenwu shook his head lightly, and said, "That's just your illusion. The aura of the earth is dense. In its heyday, it was dozens of times more intense than this planet. It's just that it withered for some reason."

"What? There are dozens of times more intense. How powerful were the monks in China at that time?" Chu Tianjun and others were shocked.

If it is dozens of times richer, it is definitely a cultivator's prosperous world, and countless strong men are born, which is absolutely beyond cognition.

"Hehe, let me tell you, back then, in the prosperous world of cultivation on Earth, at my level, I was not strong enough to be crushed by one finger." Next to him, the volcano giant said faintly.

He's been around for a long time, and he's very knowledgeable about what's going on on Earth.

If it wasn't for the secret path leading to the two worlds, in the prosperous world of monks, I am afraid that I would not be able to live long ago.

Hearing this, everyone was solemn, and the eyes lit up.

It is conceivable that at that time, what a prosperous world, I am afraid that cultivators are all over the nearby star field, right?

"Okay, from now on, even if you enter the state of cultivation, I will protect the Dharma for you." Seeing that everyone's fighting spirit was aroused, Li Zhenwu immediately struck while the iron was hot.

Sure enough, after learning of the glory of the ancient times, these Chinese disciples all felt a natural sense of mission.

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