They want to restore glory and let Huaxia usher in a prosperous world of monasticism, when the invincible scene of looking down on the heroes of the world and suppressing the heavens.

Silent one by one, they sat down on the spot with their knees crossed, and soon entered a state of cultivation.

The volcano giant couldn't sit still. He walked east and west. He was looking for a perfect location and realized that there was a strong fire attribute there.

After a while, he also sat cross-legged and began to enter the state of cultivation.

At the scene, only Li Zhenwu was standing alone, with the corpse of the [-]-meter giant lying beside him, forming a rather strong visual contrast.

However, he was not idle either, summoning the Chaos Bell, hanging it in the sky, and drawing the spiritual energy from all directions.

At the same time, the bell mouth opened, like a black hole, not only swallowing the spiritual energy, but even the energy of this planet was madly absorbed.

Inside the Chaos Clock space.

Athena was sitting cross-legged on a planet to practice when suddenly, she opened her eyes, and a surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Is this the energy of the God Realm?" She exclaimed, she was too familiar with this kind of energy fluctuations.

In the space of stars, the brilliance of the stars is intertwined, and the energy is condensed, like a colorful waterfall, pouring out to the planet where Athena is.

so horrible!

These colorful energies are endless, and they have been refined by Zhou Tianxingdou, which can allow Athena to directly absorb and rapidly improve her strength.

"Thank you master!"

In an instant, Athena understood, and immediately stood up, with a graceful figure, bowing slightly to express her gratitude.

It is not difficult to guess that she knows that the master has reached the god realm on the other side of the starry sky.


The outside world, the sky of the God Realm, is colorful, bright and beautiful.

On the far horizon from where Li Zhen and the others were located, there stood a magnificent palace thousands of meters high, resplendent and splendid.

At this time, there was a coquettish rebuke from the palace, like a cold piano sound, arguing.

"Stupid, there are guards missing, what do you knights do? When the King of God is away, didn't you send more forces to investigate the lower realm?"

Inside the splendid palace, a thousand-meter-tall woman sat on the throne, looking down at the leader of the guards with cold eyes.

The woman has long coquettish purple hair, a fair and beautiful face, cold eyebrows, and a temperament that is as cold as ice.

"Your Majesty has left, and my daughter has also disappeared. Now even the guards of the God Realm are so unbearable, is there an intruder?" The woman stood up and whispered to herself.

She is tall and graceful. She wears a thin gauze skirt, which sets off her exquisite curves. She has fair legs, straight and slender. She wears high-heeled shoes made of gold silk, revealing crystal feet, which contains an indescribable charm.

At this time, because of the disappearance of a guard, the woman fell into anxiety and felt sad at the same time.

Thinking of her daughter who had left the God Realm before, she felt sad in her heart, and seemed to be disgusted by everything in this place.

The King of God led many of his children to leave and went to the land of creation, the huge God Realm, leaving only the woman alone.

The guards who were released now have also disappeared for no reason, and everything has happened to anxiety.

Chapter [-] Break through the shackles, three hundred immortals!

The golden forest is vast and boundless, like a golden ocean. It is also a famous scenery on this planet.

However, after the God King led the gods away, the inspection of the planet became more intensive.

Especially after the disappearance of a guard, in the sky, all the time, there are giants riding divine birds, patrolling the sky, for fear of other intruders.

At this moment, in the depths of the golden jungle, the energy there boils, radiates blazing light, and reaches the sky.


At this moment, the sound of the bell reverberated, the void was banned, and the blazing rays of light returned and landed on the ground, emitting scorching energy fluctuations.

In the dense forest, three hundred and three people were sitting cross-legged.

On their bodies, there is light transpiring, their hair is windless, their expressions are solemn, and a vague white lotus imprint appears between their eyebrows.

As for the three of Chu Tianjun, the lotus mark on their eyebrows was red and very coquettish.

These people are all breaking through the key to the shackles, and they are infused with endless spiritual energy in the sky, like a bottomless pit, swallowing three days and three nights.

"The same exercise, the same perception, the same opportunity, and the same luck are connected. They want to create the history of the earth and make breakthroughs at the same time."

In the distance, Li Zhenwu saw this, and a smile appeared on his face.

This phenomenon, for these people, the benefits are obvious. When fighting, because of their understanding of each other, the power they exert will increase by [-]%.

In the same way, they are more compatible in soul, and they are the best candidates for cultivating the killing spirit formation.


Suddenly, the blazing rays of light soared into the sky, dazzling and dazzling, and a vast aura emanated from the field.

This kind of breath, earth-shattering, absolutely surpasses the immortals, and even surpasses the real immortals of Taiyi.

Even the volcanic giant in the distance was awakened and looked over in a stunned manner.


The void burst, the energy boiled, and the momentum was intertwined like a rainbow, like the power of the sky, sweeping all directions.

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