
The lotus marks on the foreheads of the three hundred soldiers are white and clear, like snow lotuses, gently swaying, exuding a mysterious rhythm.

As for the three Chu Tianjun, the red lotus blossoms on their foreheads, blazing like flames, and the rhythm of Taoism is mysterious and complicated, and they can feel the vast aura.

"Breakthrough, is this the realm of immortals?"

"Haha, Earth Immortal Realm, I finally broke through."

"We are already immortals, the immortals of China, the guardians of China."

"In the past, I thought immortals were just legends, but now, I... I have become immortals."

Three hundred soldiers, many weeping with joy, tears streaming down their faces.

The feeling of getting stronger fills every part of the body. At this moment, they can feel that they have transcended certain rules of the universe, and they can soar in the sky and fly high from now on.

"Earth Immortal, why do I feel that even after breaking through to Earth Immortal, facing the instructors, I feel like an ant?"

On the other side, the three of Chu Tianjun were full of resentment and felt a blow.

After they broke through to the Earth Immortal, they thought that their realm surpassed Li Zhenwu, and their strength should be similar.

However, the reality is cruel!

There is no feeling of getting closer at all. On the contrary, they feel more and more that Li Zhenwu's unfathomable, immortal realm, can be like this, it is too hard for the three of them.

"Hey, do you understand my pain now?"

In the distance, the volcano giant was gleefully laughing, with a feeling of having more partners.

Everyone present, only he has not broken through, has reached the bottleneck, the spiritual energy is sufficient, but the realm is not up.

Today, the volcano giant can only comprehend that exercise, hoping to have an epiphany from it.

When you reach the realm of Taiyi True Immortal, it is not a matter of enough spiritual energy, but it belongs to internal and external dual cultivation, and the soul and body are sublimated at the same time, so that you can take a small step.

"Report to the instructor, fortunately not humiliated, we all broke through."

When the commotion gradually quieted down, the three of Chu Tianjun stepped out and respectfully reported to Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu nodded slightly and said with a light smile: "It's all good, I'll teach the three of you a pair of formations, and combine attack and defense. When you've finished your practice, come back to me!"

As he spoke, he pointed out, and three blue rays of light sank into their foreheads...

Immediately, a complicated and mysterious formation was imprinted in the souls of the three people, full of the meaning of slaughter, as if the formation was born for slaughter.

"Is this?" Chu Tianjun was shocked, but he quickly realized that he couldn't help asking: "Instructor, are you leaving?"

When everyone heard the words, there was a commotion.

This is the realm of the gods, they can relax and not worry about safety, just because Li Zhenwu is around.

But now, Li Zhenwu is leaving?

Thinking of the power of this planet, everyone felt chills, this is the rhythm to experience again.

"Don't worry, I'm still on this planet, but you have made a breakthrough, so I also have to practice." Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly and spread his hands.

Hearing this, everyone understood.

"Instructor, shall we hide here, or go to the outside world to see?" Ye Tian asked, with excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

The world of gods, where everything is different from the earth, is very attractive to them.

Just like traveling abroad and seeing different scenery, it is also a process of mental experience.

"Free action, you can arrange it. You don't need to ask me about such trivial matters in the future."

Li Zhenwu shook his head helplessly, then turned around and waved at everyone, took 2.9 steps and disappeared into the golden forest.

After watching Li Zhenwu leave, everyone was speechless for a long time.

"That formation is very important. Let's master the initial cooperation first, and then go out to see the world of the gods?"

After a long time, Chu Tianjun broke the silence and suggested that he first cultivate the Killing God Array to improve his strength.

"Yes, although I can't understand it, I can feel that as long as we succeed in cultivation, the superimposed combat power will definitely be terrifying." Ye Tianning nodded and agreed.

"Since there is no opinion, then you should first practice the formation technique and improve your strength before you can go to more worlds to see various styles."

Hu Ming had no objection, because the God-killing formation was really important, and they knew the importance of it, so they didn't get carried away.

Chapter [-] New evolution, the realm of the gods shakes!

The sky is still blurred, and the wonders of the strange land are very beautiful and attractive to ordinary people.

The realm of the gods is similar to the earth, and there are countless mortals.

It's just that these mortals are tall, newborn babies are a full one meter in size, and adults are more than ten meters tall.

Everything here is huge, and it is physically different from the human beings on Earth and in the wild.

Of course, there is no comparison with the original Wu clan.

The height of the Wu clan can often be hundreds of meters tall, and the ancestor Wu is even more than [-] zhang tall. It is a giant who truly stands tall and can look down on the existence of the vast land.

The gods and mortals here are obviously not branches of the witch tribe.

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