"No need, stay with me here, wait for the vision to end, and then go check it out, what kind of intruders are there in this palace." Princess Zifa smiled sweetly, thinking of the name she met in ancient times. The fairy in white once had a prophecy about her.

'When the oriental monks come to the realm of the gods, your mother and daughter will both gain new life and freedom. '

The ethereal voice seemed to echo in her mind, making Princess Zifa's anxiety gradually calm down.

In any case, in order to get rid of the shackles of the God Realm, she has to try it out.

Chapter [-] Global Variation, Prosperity Rise!

at the same time.

The earth, the vast Pacific Ocean, a certain undersea area, here is dark and dead, only the undercurrent is surging, no other creatures are seen.


Suddenly, a dazzling light erupted from the depths of the dark seabed.

Immediately afterwards, countless bubbles rushed up from it, wrapped in turbulent water, and rushed towards the water surface.


The bubbles broke through the water surface, setting off a huge wave of [-] meters, and the water column went straight to the sky, which was very spectacular.

boom!boom!boom! ...

In this sea area, the water column is densely packed with countless air bubbles, rushing out from the depths of the sea, from an unknown place.

For a time, the bubbles rushed out of the sea, melted with the air, and finally drifted around the world with the wind.

Jiangnan Sujia Manor.

Su Quan was deeply immersed, sitting cross-legged in the pavilion, every breath and breath, there was a faint white mist lingering.


Suddenly, he woke up with a start, took a few breaths on his nose, and immediately had a startled look on his face.

He smelled a faint fragrance, was sucked into the body, and his whole body felt refreshed.

This feeling is like taking a panacea.

"Wait, my God, is this aura?"

The next moment, Su Quan reacted and couldn't help exclaiming.

At the moment, he sat cross-legged to practice the exercise, and found that the speed of cultivation was ten times higher than before.

This is so shocking!

The speed is increased tenfold, what a terrifying thing, one day of cultivation is equal to ten normal days.

Moreover, he vaguely felt that this speed was still slowly increasing.

"What happened in this world?"

Su Quan was shocked, realized that something was wrong, and immediately took out the communicator, wanting to contact Li Zhenwu.

But obviously, Li Zhenwu was on the other side of the starry sky and could not be contacted at all.

So, he dialed the number again and contacted Qin Nantian directly. The result was shocking. It was not that there was a problem with cultivation, but that the world had really changed.

"I feel that the exercises given by Mr. Zhenwu will be a major opportunity in this kind of world variation." Su Quan said, excited in his heart.

Moreover, he has already thought about it, and he will immediately pass on the exercises to the disciples of the family, so that the strength of the Su family can be continued before the world changes.

On the other hand, Qin Nantian was also extremely shocked. He knew that Su Quan knew Li Zhenwu, but the two discussed for a long time and could not come to a conclusion.

In the end, they speculated that this might be related to Li Zhenwu.

Since it is related to this existence, they are relieved, but they can't contact Li Zhenwu, which makes people a little nervous.

Wudang Mountain, a Taoist immortal, with a white beard, fluttering in the wind.

"The rise of the prosperous age, finally waiting for the records of the ancestors, the prosperous age of cultivation is about to come."

At this time, the Taoist was crying bitterly, with tears and snot left behind. He did not care about his image, and his emotions fluctuated greatly.

The spiritual energy of the earth reappears, and the dead oriental monastery will gradually recover and embark on the road of prosperity again.

The land of Europe, the Alps, and the fortified castle.

Dracula woke up from the practice, his eyes were deep, looking at the far east, a smile gradually appeared on his pale cheeks.

"Lord Cain once predicted that when Zhenwu is born, the heavens and the world will be shaken."

A faint voice echoed in the room, "Is this the Lord announcing his return to the heavens and the world?"

After endless years, Dracula was created by Cain, and he also experienced ancient civilizations, from the prehistoric universe to the earth.

At this moment, that glorious course will be created by him.

On the earth, the supernatural powers of various countries, no matter which country they belong to, feel the changes in the world at this moment.

Although only cultivators can absorb the large amount of spiritual energy, the faint fragrance, with its original taste, lingers on the tip of everyone's nose.

Olympus Mountains.

A group of blazing rays of light descended from the sky, revealing the figure of Zeus, who was a thousand meters high.

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