"God, wait any longer, when the East fully recovers, then there will be no chance." Zeus growled, his blonde hair standing on end, burning like a flame.

Not long after, ten splendid brilliance flew from a distance and stood beside Zeus.

When the gods came, they knew that they could not wait any longer, and they had to make a break with the East as soon as possible.


Over the ruins of the church, the holy light shone down like a holy waterfall, drowning the holy place of the Holy See.

In the distance, the Pope led hundreds of red-clothed hierarchs, kneeling sincerely, looking excited, praying and singing in a low voice.

Finally waited!

After a period of silence, this passage connecting heaven has finally moved.

The holy light spewed out from the passage and turned into light spots in the sky, falling on everyone, like a gentle drizzle, washing the hearts and flesh and blood of everyone.


The void vibrated slightly, and ripples appeared.

The rich holy light, splendid and splendid, poured from the passage, like a waterfall composed of photons, which flooded the Vatican in an instant, and continued to extend outwards.

"God, God!"

"Holy Son, Holy Son!"

Outside the Vatican, countless sincere believers shouted loudly, which was comparable to a grand venue.

"My people, you have worked hard."

At this moment, a gentle and humble voice, clear and pure, slowly passed from the sky above the Vatican.

Hearing this, for some reason, the hearts of everyone present were filled with sadness.

In an instant, everyone, including the Pope, knelt down, silently repenting, leaving tears of remorse.

"God is fair and will forgive everyone as long as you sincerely repent."

The gentle voice sounded again, quite charming, and people couldn't help being immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

I saw a snow-white figure [-] meters high above the Vatican, striding out of the holy brilliance.

His hair was crystal clear and extremely gorgeous. He was only covered in a simple white cloth, walking barefoot, with one hand raised, and a warm smile on his face.


Seeing the visitor, the Pope's eyes widened, and he knelt down and shouted with hundreds of red-clothed sect masters.

Chapter [-] Break free from shackles and break through Earth Immortal

God Realm, inside the splendid palace.

Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and the green lotus mark on his eyebrows became clearer.

"The source of spiritual energy that has nurtured countless years is really strong, enough to allow me to break through the realm of Earth Immortal."

At this moment, his heart burst into light, blazing and dazzling.

If you can see it faintly, a sun-like source of spiritual energy is constantly being consumed, and is gradually dissolved by the power of true martial arts.

The vast spiritual energy nourishes the body, and even the soul is sublimating, becoming more and more condensed.

It doesn't take long for evolution to occur when the body and soul are sublimated to the extreme.

The way of true martial arts pays attention to evolution and self-sublimation, which can be described as a unique cultivation method in the world.

"Huh? Dao shackles?"

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu frowned, feeling the overflow of energy, and couldn't help being surprised.

I saw the shackles of avenues appearing on the skin of his body, extending from the eyebrows to all parts of the body, as if to trap the green lotus and prevent it from blooming.

This is the first time that Li 647 Zhenwu has encountered this phenomenon.

Unexpectedly, the true spirit of Bingjie also has the brand of Dao, which is the rhythm to imprison him.

"Hmph, how could the young master be blocked by the avenue and break it for me when he was reborn."

However, Li Zhenwu was not afraid, his fists clenched tightly, and he growled lowly.

As he resisted, the shackles were clearly visible, like a tattoo engraved on the skin, very strange.

Moreover, at the position of the heart, the light became more and more radiant, like the sun exploding, bursting with surging energy fluctuations.


The shackles around his arms were broken by the majestic energy, turned into surging energy, and were instantly absorbed by Li Zhenwu in the evolutionary process.

"That's the first step."

With a loud roar again, Li Zhenwu stood up as a whole, his eyes erupted with war intent, intense rays of light, blooming all over his body, constantly impacting the invisible shackles wrapped around his body.


Immediately afterwards, three loud bangs erupted, and the oscillating palace swayed, with an earth-shattering momentum.

The shackles of his feet and arms were completely broken, and the energy surged, turning into a force again, helping him to impact the chains of various parts of his body.

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