At this moment, Li Zhenwu's whole body glowed like the sun was blazing, and the shackles all over his body were shaken violently by the impact.


The Dao shackles wanted to imprison the energy in the body, but it was still useless, and the shackles branded on the body were still gradually breaking.

From his hands and feet, to his waist and abdomen, he rushed towards the green lotus mark on his forehead.

The boiling energy is very terrifying. This palace is shaking more and more violently, it seems that it can't bear it, and it will collapse at any time.

outside the hall.

Sitting on the throne, the purple-haired princess, her face changed drastically, and she turned to look at her room.

Not only her, but the generals of the gods standing below also clearly felt that the fluctuations there became more and more intense.

"Princess, we can't wait any longer, we have to go to investigate immediately, it may be related to the intruder." The strong man like a golden lion said in a deep voice, without questioning his tone.

"The King of God leaves, we have the responsibility to ensure the stability of the God Realm." A man in fiery red armor said coldly, holding a war spear, exuding awe-inspiring murderous aura.

After speaking, the two of them glanced sideways and looked at the two maids next to them.

Immediately, the two maids trembled all over, and immediately stepped onto the throne, sandwiched the purple-haired princess in the middle, turned around and flew out of the palace.

Regardless of the resistance of the purple-haired princess, the strength of the two maids is obviously very powerful, making it impossible to resist.

The other gods looked at each other, turned around, and strode towards the source of the earthquake.

When I came to the palace where the earthquake originated, I saw that the palace gate was closed, and a blazing light burst out from the gap.


The strong man like a golden lion strode forward, clenched his fists, shouted loudly, and bombarded it directly.


A loud bang erupted and the palace shook.

However, as if struck by lightning, the golden lion man staggered backwards, and his face turned pale in an instant, because he was injured by the force of the shock.

"what happened?"

When the others saw this, their faces were solemn, and their eyes burst into terrifying beams.

"It's weird, this is the princess' room, protected by a mysterious energy, I just punched with all my strength, and I was completely shocked back." The golden lion man sneered, his eyes were fierce, and he was not discouraged.

"In that case, all of us will do our best."

A man in red armor, holding a spear with awe-inspiring fighting intent, pointed at the gate of the palace.

"Hey, do you think that the princess is hiding something from us?" An old man in black robe said gloomily and coldly.

"So what? All conspiracies are broken."

The man with the spear stood proudly with a look of disdain on his face.

You know, everyone knows that the princess is a concubine captured by the king of the gods. As for the clan of the princess, they were slaughtered by the king of God during the war.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's all do it together!" The golden lion-like strong man, with a cruel smile, full of blond hair, exudes splendid divine light, surging energy, surging out of his body.

The others also shut up when they saw this.

Immediately, divine power was surging, and this place was blazing and dazzling. They were calm and prepared to attack with all their might to destroy the palace.

At this moment, in the palace room.

Li Zhenwu's arms shuddered violently, the mighty impact of the vast force, the shackles on his neck snapped, and with a bang, it turned into surging energy, hitting the shackles between the eyebrows again.

"Earth Immortal Realm has the shackles of the Great Dao, and if I don't take a step in the future, it will be difficult."

His eyes were bright and terrifying, and he whispered to himself: "However, my foundation will surpass everything, and when I return to the peak, Hunyuan Avenue will not be able to threaten me."

Being branded by the shackles of the Great Dao, Li Zhenwu was not angry, on the contrary, he was calm.

If you want to be the strongest, there must be nothing smooth sailing. The more you grind, the stronger you can be when you don't die.

"Break it for me!"

As soon as he thought of this, Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky, and the sound shook the sky, breaking through the barrier of the palace and transmitting it to the entire planet of the gods.

Chapter [-] Earth Immortal Power!


The next moment, a loud bang broke out.

The shackles imprisoned between the eyebrows were completely broken, the green lotus bloomed, and the mysterious green light bloomed, nourishing Li Zhenwu~'s body everywhere.

In an instant, the physique and soul rapidly improved, reaching the limit.

In the end, with a bang, it was completely sublimated, and a vast aura that seemed to come from the great wilderness burst out from the body.

Earth Immortal Realm!

Li Zhenwu stood on the spot, every cell in his body radiated vast energy, like the center of heaven and earth, incredibly powerful.

On the planet of the gods, no matter where it comes from, you can clearly feel that there is a terrifying existence rising.

Outside the palace gate.

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