If you let the world know that even the twelve main gods are coming, I am afraid that China will really be the enemy of the world.

"So what? Huaxia doesn't need friends, you just need to know that when this farce is over, whether you like it or not, they are all under the jurisdiction of Huaxia. I want you to do it, infiltrate into every place, and not show up in the slightest. Careless!" Li Zhenwu raised the corner of his mouth and sneered.

His meaning is obvious, he has long known about the arrival of the so-called Western gods.

Moreover, he knew more than Qin Nantian knew, but he still didn't care and seemed indifferent.

It is precisely because of this attitude that it is reassuring and full of confidence.

"I understand Holy Father!" Qin Nantian stood up to leave, suddenly thought of something, and asked inadvertently, "By the way, Holy Father, Yao'er seems to have evolved very rapidly during this period of time, I am afraid it will be bad for her. ."

"Fast? It's normal, she can evolve faster."

Li Zhenwu waved his hand to signal him to rest assured that when Qin Yao really got up in the future, he might be scared to death.

In this regard, Qin Nantian smiled bitterly. His original intention was to have his granddaughter by Li Zhenwu's side as soon as possible, but unfortunately, Luo Hua was intentional and Liu Shui was ruthless.

However, how did he know that since the granddaughter and the holy father in front of him, he could not guess.

Watching Qin Nantian leave, Li Zhenwu pondered for a moment, thinking that he had copied Zeus' belongings in the Chaos Clock, and couldn't help showing a smile.

"These guys really know how to play. If Zeus knows about it, I don't know if they will vomit blood."

Li Zhenwu was looking forward to this scene.

What kind of experience would it be when this guy, known as the God of Creation, saw the enemy on the opposite side holding the weapon that he had treasured back then.


Li Zhenwu summoned the Chaos Bell, sensed the types of weapons in it, and thought a little about the respective advantages of the three hundred soldiers.

In the end, in the Star Dou space, the weapons that are suitable for everyone are classified into categories.

As for other superfluous things, he is not interested, and he will just throw others away and divide the spoils.

"By the way, Athena's mother, why do I feel that my eyes are weird, is there something hidden in it?"

After finishing the distribution of weapons, Li Zhenwu suddenly remembered the situation when he met Princess Zifa, and felt strange in his heart.

Chapter [-]: Dividing the spoils!

The night is getting darker.

In the Yanjing Military Region, the training ground was brightly lit at the moment.

The [-]-meter site is surrounded by a three-meter-high stone wall to prevent the secrets of this place from leaking, and at the same time, to prevent the three hundred soldiers from being too shocking to the world.

At this time, three hundred soldiers, led by Chu Tianjun and others, stood neatly on the training ground.

The volcano giant walked back and forth in front of the crowd, with his hands on his back, a four-meter tall figure, and a ferocious breath, which filled him with overwhelming pressure.

Since taking the place of Li Zhenwu, he has become more attentive, and he can be considered to have taken root in Yanjing.

"Stand still for me, the instructor will come later." Looking at the people who were looking forward to it, the volcano giant scolded in a deep voice.

You must know that after copying Zeus's lair, they have gained quite a lot, which is equivalent to the countless years of the gods, and the value is terrifying.

It's just that those weapons and gems are very mysterious, and people don't know much about them, so they don't know how to use them.

However, now that I know that the instructor personally assigned it, I am naturally excited and looking forward to it.

For the scolding of the volcano giant, everyone smiled and didn't take it seriously.

After returning from the realm of the gods, the instructors have already granted them permission, so they don't need to be so restrained, saying that it is not good for future cultivation, so everyone is very easy-going.

However, when they saw Li Zhenwu's arrival, all of them looked solemn and withdrew their hippie smiles.

Everyone present can be said to be calm in the face of the Chinese bosses, and the only one who is in awe is the young instructor.

"Hello, instructor!"

Including Chu Tianjun and the volcano giant, everyone greeted them loudly.

"Well, click on the name and come out."

Li Zhenwu carried his hands on his back, nodded slightly, and said no nonsense, straight to the point.

The voice fell, everyone's spirits were shocked, their eyes lit up, they didn't dare to let out the air, and their necks were stretched.

"Lin Feifan!"


Immediately, a tall and thin man strode out, his excited cheeks trembling.

Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand and turned over, and there was a golden spear in his hand.

"This is a weapon selected according to your fighting style."

While speaking, the long spear flew out and landed in Lin Feifan's hands. He was so excited that he shook a few spears on the spot, and the air roared.

After holding the long spear, it is obvious that the momentum of the whole person has changed.

"On the one hand, I'm familiar with it. When fighting in the future, try to use the advantages of this weapon as much as possible, infusing True Qi, and it can be invincible." Li Zhenwu said.

"Thank you, Instructor!"

Although this item was not given by Li Zhenwu, Lin Feifan still saluted and expressed his gratitude.

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