Immediately, he walked to the side alone and began to practice with a long spear.

"Next, Chen Junjie!"

"Next person……"

Li Zhenwu took the trouble to call them out one by one, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of weapons, and what they should pay attention to.

The three hundred people took turns to come down, and it took a full three hours.

At this time, the night was getting darker, but on the training ground, the divine light was blooming, and the sky reflected was dazzling.

For the weapons that Li Zhenwu assigned, everyone couldn't put it down, and they practiced their power through trial and error.

The background of the lair of the gods is really amazing. After the distribution, there are still hill-like items and weapons.

These things can almost arm an army.

It is no wonder that the gods have been invincible in the battle of the universe, losing a lot, but gaining more.

"Hu Ming!"

Li Zhenwu's faint voice sounded on the training ground.

For a moment, everyone was quiet and turned to look.

As the captain, he is the center of the killing god formation, and the formation eye responsible for mobilizing the overall energy must be as strong as possible.

Therefore, everyone was very curious about the distribution of weapons among the three Chu Tianjun.

Hu Ming strode forward, his eyes also looking forward to it.

A good weapon or magic weapon can enhance the power of the cultivator. For them, it is an opportunity that cannot be found.

"This bracer is for you." Li Zhenwu turned his hand and took out a pair of blue bracers.

After the appearance of Youlan Bracers, the surrounding air was filled with frost in an instant, and the evening wind became cold and severe.

"If I'm not mistaken, this Frost Bracer is made of Innate Five Elements Extreme Narcissus Gold. It will have a complementary effect on your True Qi attribute..."

Li Zhenwu said with a smile: "It can be regarded as a spiritual treasure that can increase the power by [-]%."


Hearing these words, everyone looked at them with dismay.

I saw Hu Ming didn't say a word, took the frost wristband, turned his infuriating energy a little, and with a touch, the surrounding temperature dropped to freezing point, and dense frost appeared, surrounding him, and the power was astonishingly terrifying.

You must know that this is just running infuriating energy, and it has such a powerful power.

"Great, [-]%, combined with the killing god formation, it is really gods blocking killing gods, Buddha blocking killing Buddha." Hu Ming's small eyes stared back and forth on the wristband, and he couldn't put it down.

When Chu Tianjun and Ye Tian saw this, their eyes lit up.

For them, this is an artifact with unpredictable power.

"Ye Tian!" Li Zhenwu turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​flipped his hand and took out a pair of gilded wings, thin as cicada wings, covered with runes, and glowing with a cold light.


Ye Tian put on his wings, infuriated with infuriating energy, the wings erupted with sword sounds, and the golden clouds rose up, dazzling and dazzling, just like the sun.

Immediately afterwards, he flapped his wings and flew into the sky, almost to the extreme, like a beam of light, a thousand meters in an instant.

Too fast!

Meat 4.0 eyes are difficult to capture, only a ray of light can be seen, and it flashes away in the field of vision. Only his spiritual sense can be used to capture his trajectory.

Also, flying without the obstruction of air is astonishing.


A golden light descended from the sky, the splendid wings were retracted, and Ye Tian's face was full of excitement.

"These wings can not only increase the user's speed, but also have a hard body and sharp edges, which can be defended and attacked."

Li Zhenwu made a final comment, and immediately turned around, his eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at Chu Tianjun lightly, "Although he is brave with bare hands, his momentum and spirit are still slightly worse."

Seeing this, everyone looked shocked, and they all looked over.

What is the weapon assigned to the last captain?

Chapter [-] Undercurrent!

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Chu Tianjun turned his head to look and was stunned for a moment.

You must know that with the strong infuriating qi, the military fist is enough to kill most of the powerhouses.

In his opinion, weapons are not suitable for him.

However, since the instructor opened his mouth, it is naturally different, and it must have its meaning.

"This is your weapon. After thinking about it, this armor should be the most suitable for you to use in close combat." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, waved his hand gently, and a set of armor flew out.

The whole body of the battle armor flickered, blooming with red glow, like a raging flame. The most special thing was the unique design of the battle armor. Everywhere on the body was full of ferocious spikes, just like a hedgehog, a magic weapon that combined attack and defense.


As soon as this set of armor came out, everyone present was full of shock.

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