The breath alone is enough to feel the terrifying power of the battle armor, and, looking at the shape of the design, it seems to be tailor-made for melee combat.

"This is for me?" Chu Tianjun, who has always been calm, was constantly breathing cold air at this time, his eyes staring at the armor, emitting a blazing light.

The words ferocious and wild are vividly expressed on this set of battle armor, and it is simply a work of art born for battle 14.

"Of course!" Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and threw the flaming red armor over. His vision was quite high, and the weapons chosen according to personal characteristics were difficult for these people to be immune to.


After getting the armor, Chu Tian couldn't wait to put it on, covering [-]% of his body, with only one pair of eyes showing a fierce fighting spirit.

On the joints of the limbs, the thorns are ferocious, exuding a fierce breath, like a fierce beast born for battle.

When infuriated, the entire set of armor roared, the light was blazing and dazzling, and the surface had raging flames transpiring, extremely dazzling and terrifying.

"It's so strong. After wearing this armor, I feel that under the operation of infuriating energy, my body is filled with infinite power."

Chu Tianjun stood there, looking down at his hands and muttering to himself.

When the people next to him saw this, they couldn't help but feel shocked and felt the powerful aura.

Even the volcano giant has bright eyes, and he is quite envious, mainly because of the attributes of the battle armor, which is very consistent with his physique.

"You are already at the peak of Earth Immortal, and if you take another step forward, you will be able to enter the realm of True Immortal. These things are of little use to you."

Li Zhenwu glanced at the volcano giant lightly, reminding him that he should not rely too much on magic weapons in his current state.

"Yes, Instructor!"

The volcano giant was solemn and saluted loudly.

"Well, let's get acquainted with it during this time. It won't take long for this land to fight with your blood."

Li Zhenwu shook his head lightly, waved everything out from the Chaos Clock, and then turned to leave.

Watching his back, everyone was solemn and felt a pressure in their hearts.

Now the world is turbulent, and the countries around China are all about to move.

The European Union, North America, and even the Asia-Pacific region were all overwhelmed by the alliance led by the United States, and began to fall into the army of the crusade against China.

War broke out at any time, and people from all walks of life panicked.

The Western public opinion offensive has never stopped, and the civil power of the Holy See has gradually surfaced, even with a high profile.

However, in China's five thousand years of civilization, after all, most people are calm.

Moreover, the influence of Li Zhenwu in the World War I of the island country has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They believe that the immortals of China are not comparable to those of Western myths.

In Southeast Asia, those small countries wanted to stay out of the way, but they could not resist the pressure of the Western Allied Forces, and began to gradually move closer to the Chinese border.

On the eve of the war, Huaxia seemed precarious, but in the eyes of the foreign powers, it was just a dying eastern giant.

But the core executives of Huaxia know that if there is a battle, the result is still unknown.

After all, the Holy Father Honghuang is here, not to mention that China is an enemy of the world, even if the main star is an enemy, they all have strong confidence.

The only thing that worries people is the current situation of the Holy Father, how big is the upper limit.

In the villa, Li Zhenwu answered a call from Europe, which was called by Dracula himself.

"Master Zhenwu, the previous change in the Pacific Ocean probably came from the place where the two young ladies are located, and the change process of the earth's spiritual energy should also be related to this."

Dracula reported the recent movements in detail, and, in that mysterious place, there were people from the blood clan inside, to protect the safety of the two young ladies.

Otherwise, the dignified blood race, how could only three people remain on Earth.

Obviously, the blood clan is very interested in Xiaohua and the others, and has done their best. In the first time, they sent countless blood clan members in, and used various means to know the general situation inside.


Hearing this, Li Zhenwu froze and thought of a possibility.

The source of the spiritual energy of the earth, that is, the will of this planet, is likely to be in the mysterious place where Xiaohua and the others are.

However, in the deep sea, it is really too strange.

Using the Chaos Clock as a medium, Li Zhenwu could not know where the origin of the 760 Dao was. Obviously, there were secrets that even saints could not know.

Although, at this moment, he really wants to go and see, but the war will come at any time, and Xiaohua and the others are not in danger, so they can only put it down temporarily.

"It seems that you have a secret method to communicate with the people inside. That's good. I want to know the situation inside. I have to go in after the war." Li Zhenwu said lightly while pinching the communicator.

Far away in Europe, Dracula was stunned for a moment, and his tone became solemn, and said, "Don't worry, Lord Zhenwu."

"The twelve main gods are handed over to your blood clan."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu hung up the communicator, turned his head and looked out the window, his eyes were as deep as the vast universe.

At this time, the undercurrent of the earth is surging, and the armies of various countries are ready.

The Huaxia border also has a large number of troops deployed, and the streets in the country are closely patrolled to prevent spies from disturbing social stability.

Moreover, the evolution rate of the earth these days is beyond imagination.

Ordinary police can no longer suppress some evolutionaries, and the cultivator alliance is also on the stage of history at this time to cooperate with the police system.

"Master Zhenwu, the Western Allied Forces have begun to take action."

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