In the middle of the night, Qin Nantian came uninvited, and even forgot to knock on the door, he pushed the door and went in directly.

Chapter [-] On the eve of the World War!

There was emergency information on the border, and the Southeast Asian coalition, under pressure from the West, finally took action.

However, the impact is not large, only serious military frictions can be counted.

Just in the evening, several soldiers of the Southeast Asian coalition army crossed the border of China and were killed by the Chinese army.

Although they clearly knew that it was caused by the violation of the border, but countries want to take action against China, they naturally need to find a suitable reason.

This is the excuse of Western countries.

"Holy Father, it was originally just a trivial matter, but according to the information, some of the Southeast Asian coalition forces refused to accept it, so they brought the army to take revenge, but they were all killed by border soldiers. Now diplomatically, it is impossible to negotiate."

Qin Nantian's expression was solemn, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was intentional.

As everyone knows, China is now an enemy of the whole world, and any action will become an excuse for war by Western countries.

Now, the Southeast Asian coalition forces have assembled on the Sino-Vietnamese border on a large scale to put pressure on China.

"Pressure? What an unqualified actor!" Li Zhenwu couldn't help laughing at Qin Nantian's anxious face.

The so-called pressure, asking Huaxia to give an explanation, is just an excuse.

Even if Huaxia is soft this time, the other party will definitely not give up. At that time, I am afraid they will make other demands.

At this time, Huaxia's attitude is very important for Western countries.

"Now the neighboring countries seem to have fallen to the Western Alliance, and the only breakthrough left is the Pakistani country."

Qin Nantian was still calm and continued: "It's just that India will obviously contain the country of Baki. At that time, all of China's exports will probably be blocked."

There was another word that he didn't say.

If it is blocked by the world and cannot enter and exit, even if there is no need to invade by the troops of various countries, China itself will be in chaos first.

Such a result is a lose-lose situation with all countries in the world, but the oracles issued by the Holy Son of the Holy See, countries do not dare to mark, they can only bite the bullet.

"The sum of the troops in Southeast Asia doesn't seem to be too much, and in terms of modern weapons, it is not something that the rabble can resist." Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"But with the help of advanced weapons from the United States, the weapons of the coalition forces over there have begun to pose a threat." Qin Nantian's face was bitter.

You know, Western countries don't have much of anything, but a lot of weapons are terrifying.

Especially led by the United States, it is the world's largest arms supplier and can be called the arms dealer of global wars.

Now there is the support of the Holy Son of the Holy See, and the whole country is used to produce weapons. The scale of imagination is terrifying.

"Are you going to keep defending?"

After pondering for a moment, Li Zhenwu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Qin Nantian without sadness or joy. His indifferent gaze made Qin Nantian very stressed.

In the end, he smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest with the Holy Father, the original plan was indeed just defense, but now, after we have seen three hundred warriors, we plan to attack."

"On the Sino-Vietnamese border now, only the coalition forces in Southeast Asia gather, which is the best time to attack. Moreover, Siberia is cold all the year round, and Western countries can only enter from Inner Mongolia, and the sea exit is more troublesome, because the coastline is too long, it must be airtight. , obviously impossible."

"That is to say, before the Western countries are ready, they must defeat the coalition forces in Southeast Asia. They cannot be soft-hearted. Even if the land is thousands of miles away, these coalition forces must be defeated.

"Only in this way can we concentrate more troops and deploy defenses on the coastal line."

"On land, the weather in Inner Mongolia is harsh. I think they have no choice but to attack from there. That is to say, the only places are the coastline and the North and South Bangguo."

Having said that, Qin Nantian's whole person's aura changed abruptly, becoming more aggressive.

It's just that he was wrong, and there is no need to worry too much about the coastal border.

Because the aircraft carrier group of the United States has all been buried in the sea, it is impossible to break through China's radar skynet by relying on warships alone.

The only thing to worry about is the North and South Bangguo, because it is too close to Yanjing. According to the arrogance of Western countries and their blind faith in the Holy See, they will definitely launch a general attack from here.

Li Zhenwu did not point it out, but praised: "Since you have already made up your mind, let's do it. The three hundred cultivators outside are already mature. In Southeast Asia and the coastal areas, two teams of Ye Tian and Hu Ming can be dispatched. go out."

Hearing this, Qin Nantian's eyes lit up.

Ye Tian is good at speed. For the war, as long as those Western command headquarters in the Southeast Asian coalition are destroyed, the process will definitely be twice as smooth.

Hu Ming, on the other hand, pays attention to the infuriating energy of ice, and in the coastal areas, he can obviously play a greater role.

As soon as he thought of this, Qin Nantian stood up and bowed to Li Zhenwu, all his words of thanks were silent.

"These powers are Huaxia's trump cards. They can't be exposed so quickly. Let's wait and see the situation."

Qin Nantian didn't use Chu Tianjun and the others immediately. In his heart, these were Huaxia's bargaining chips. As long as they were hidden behind their backs, they could deter the surrounding Xiaoxiao.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly and reminded: "Do you think this person can fight against the Holy See and the twelve main gods?"

It has to be said that it is really difficult to see the situation of the earth clearly below a certain height.

"Let me tell you, these people, even if you mobilize them, even if they are exposed now, the West's footsteps will not stop, it will only accelerate."

Li Zhenwu explained: "Do you want to delay slowly, or do you want to cut through the mess quickly?"

Having said that, he was too lazy to explain any more, and waved Qin Nantian away.

As for how to choose, as long as you are not too stupid, you should know.

Moreover, the target of the Western countries is the land of China, and Li Zhenwu, who wants to intimidate the other party, unless he takes action in person, or the exposure of others will only speed up the time for the end of this war.

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