As soon as the voice fell, a cultivator walked out, holding a long sword, slowly approaching dozens of white soldiers, his eyes glowing with cold light.

Looking at the murderous attacker, Admiral Jakes trembled, his eyes darkened, and he was already desperate.

God has oracles to send angels to come, but this place is thousands of miles away from the west, and it is definitely impossible to arrive in a short time.

At this moment, dozens of soldiers were heartbroken, and they no longer had the slightest pride in being white.

In front of cultivators, their lives appear fragile, like ants, being manipulated at will by these powerful supernatural forces.

"I don't want to die!" Finally, Jakes knelt down and cried aloud.

When the other soldiers saw this, even the commander lost their dignity. They also knelt down and begged for mercy, hoping to get a chance to live.

However, there are also some who are unwilling to give in, feel disdain for the behavior of Jakes and others, and shout loudly.

"People die like lights go out. Since you are willing to die for your faith, let's do it!"

Ye Tian stared at the unyielding white soldiers and said indifferently.

The next moment, a cultivator walked out, armed with weapons, and chopped off the heads of several people to satisfy their beliefs.

The head fell to the ground, blood covered the ground, and the smell of blood was quite pungent.

This picture made the living people tremble, their heads lowered, touching the ground, and their gestures were as small as dust.

"Captain, what should I do?"

A cultivator stepped forward and whispered in Ye Tian's ear.

You must know that the Huaxia army has never been soft-handed towards the enemy, but it is difficult for them to kill the captives who surrender.

This is not benevolence, but an ideological exclusion from modern society.

After all, it is a living life, and it is also a human being. If it is said that it is like killing a pig and a dog, it is impossible.

Ye Tian is also in trouble, and he is not a person who kills extravagantly.

"Keep it first, bring back Huaxia, and let the court try their charges." In the end, he made a decision with a big wave of his hand.

Hearing this, the Chinese people have no opinion.

And Admiral Jakes was overjoyed in his heart, even if he had no dignity, at least he could pick up a life.

Just as everyone wanted to step forward and capture these captives alive, an indifferent voice echoed from the end of the sky.

"God said that everyone is guilty, and as long as they repent, God will forgive them. But those who are in the company of the devil will be punished."

The faint voice fell, and a dazzling beam of light burst out, bursting with vast power.

The accident happened suddenly, everyone reacted quickly, their bodies flashed, and they immediately retreated from the place.


The holy beam of light came and landed next to Jakes and others, and suddenly burst out, the mighty energy flooded the nearby area.

At this time, the energy boils, and all things are reduced to ashes in a radius of a thousand meters.

Those captives of the white soldiers who surrendered were also turned into ashes under the holy light...

"God said that cultivators are demons, and the land of China that nurtured cultivators is the original sin."

As the voice fell, a holy figure descended from the sky.

This is an eight-winged angel, with loose blond hair, a face that is not angry and arrogant, wearing a white robe, and coming from the sky with bare feet.


In an instant, the vast power radiated from this angel, and the blazing light was dazzling, as if to purify all things, very powerful.


In the distance, Ye Tian's figure condensed, with a team of [-] people behind him, his expression dignified to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, the angel of the Holy See still came.

Moreover, the eight pairs of pure white wings fluttering slightly behind the viewer, the divine radiance circulates, and it is full of inviolable majesty.

"You are the Chinese Taoist monks?"

At this moment, the eight-winged angel turned around, his golden eyes burst into light beams, staring at Ye Tian and the others indifferently.

His tone was arrogant and his demeanor was detached, as if he had no fear.

"Yes, you are the birdman in Western myths and legends?" Ye Tian sneered, not impressed by the arrogance of the angel.

"Come with me, kneel down before the Son of God and repent, maybe you can save your life."

The eight-winged angel said with an air of arrogance. Obviously, he did not take 4.6 seriously for Ye Tian and others.

Hearing this, everyone laughed in anger, and they all yelled in anger.

It is too arrogant and arrogant, and it treats everyone as nothing, which is unbearable.

"Presumptuous, a bird man, also wants us to submit?" Someone wanted to rush out and beat the bird man violently.

However, Ye Tian waved his hand to stop him, feeling the strength of this angel, and was worried about the team members behind him.

"It's not necessarily an angel with wings, it could be a bird man, just like you." Ye Tian stepped out, the gilded wings behind him vibrated violently, bursting with splendid golden light.

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