In this regard, the eight-winged angel seems to have anticipated it for a long time. Instead of panicking, he is very calm, but the holy light on his body is becoming more and more intense, almost turning into substance.

Chapter [-] Kill the Eight-Winged Angel!

In the field, the [-]-person team retreated far away, revealing enough position for their captain to show their talents.

The eight-winged angel and Ye Tian were confronting each other, with awe-inspiring aura on their bodies, colliding in the air, the air twisted, and the earth and stones on the ground floated silently.

"It seems that you are the leader of this gang." The eight-winged angel smiled and stared at Ye Tian's eyes, but he became more and more indifferent.

His blond hair fluttered, his wings were white behind him, and the holy light that bloomed on his body was purifying the pressure from Ye Tian, ​​and he seemed more and more calm.

You must know that between the strong, sometimes you can judge the strength of the opponent from the coercion emanating from the opponent without taking a shot.

Obviously, the eight-winged angel was not affected by Ye Tian's coercion, so he appeared arrogant. This was the look down on the weak by the strong.

"Yes, it seems that you are a good watchdog in the Holy See." Ye Tian sneered, unmoved, the wings behind his back, Chixia transpired, ready to shoot.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp. In front of God, all spirits are ants. As God's watchdog, I should feel honored."

The eight-winged angel said, the smile on his face was deeper, his eyes were bright and golden, and he was not angry.

On the contrary, for the believers of the Holy See, no matter how powerful they are, they consider themselves to be servants of God.

Being God's watchdog is not an insult, but an affirmation.

"Without my soul, I really lost my personality." Ye Tian shook his head regretfully.

It is obviously impossible to provoke the opponent with words, and it is only possible to crush the opponent in strength.


The gilded wings on his back fluttered, and the whole person disappeared in place, and the void was suddenly filled with his afterimages, densely packed, making it impossible to see the true and false.

At this moment, the red glow bloomed, like a scorching sun rising, and the whole person turned into an electric light, taking the lead in attacking the eight-winged angel.

The rumbling sound was endless, the air burst, and the surrounding rocks were silently cut, and the scene was terrifying.

"The speed is good, but this angel came with God's oracle, and naturally he is protected by God's mantra."

However, the eight-winged angel opened his mouth lightly, and the wings behind him had divine radiance flowing, covering the whole body, blooming with endless brilliance, resisting the attack from Ye Tian.


The two retreated at the touch of a button, the energy exploded on the spot, and the loud noise continued.

With a swoosh, Ye Tian's figure condensed in the distance, and he turned around suddenly, his eyes full of incredible.

The eight-winged angel did not move at all, the cutting of the wings was blocked by the divine brilliance, sparks flew everywhere, and the air waves rolled.

"I said, come with God's oracle, you cultivators are like ants." The eight-winged angel turned around and smiled.

Immediately, he shot.


When the pure white wings fluttered, his whole person turned into a beam of light, like a white lightning, swept across the void.

The next moment, when the figure condensed, it appeared in front of Ye Tian.

The two looked at each other with different expressions, and the picture was eerie to the extreme.

So fast!

At this moment, Ye Tian felt a little heavy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in terms of speed, someone can surpass him, and the defense is still very terrifying, and he is in danger in an instant.

"God said that sinners must die, go to hell to repent!" The eight-winged angel smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to catch it, and the holy light turned into a big hand, which was as huge as a mountain, and the wind was light and cloudless, and it suppressed Ye Tian.

so horrible!

That big hand covered the sky and the sun, covering a radius of [-] meters, blocking the escape route up and down in all directions.

Also, too arrogant.

That casual gesture, arrogant and indomitable, also makes people despair.

"Hmph, unless God comes, or it's up to you, you want to put on an aloof posture?"

Ye Tian calmed down instantly and looked at the big hand composed of Holy Light, like the hand of God, with unshakable power.

However, his face became more and more calm, and his infuriating energy surged.


In an instant, in this area, the energy exploded, and a splendid golden light shot straight into the sky, possessing unparalleled power.

When it collided with the big hand intertwined with the holy light, the gilded wings vibrated, and the golden light transpired, like a raging flame, and crashed into the past.


A loud bang broke out, earth-shattering.

The light there was blazing, and the big hand outlined by the holy light was pierced and shattered, like fireworks blooming, and countless light and rain drifted away with the wind.

"How is that possible?" The eight-winged angel was shocked, his face full of disbelief.

That is the power of God's oracle, with unpredictable power, even if the twelve-winged angel makes a move, they cannot do it so neatly.

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