In an instant, his heart sank, and the enemy was stronger than he imagined.

"God called you home for dinner."

However, Ye Tian didn't stop, and shot again, flying like lightning from a distance, a pair of gilded wings glowing with a stern light.

"You dare to insult God, damn it!"

Seeing this, the eight-winged angel has a crazy face, and the white wings are blooming with blazing light, like a stream of water, outlines two lightsabers and shoots out. 713

"Small worm-carving trick!" Ye Tian sneered, his wings trembled slightly, and smashed the incoming lightsaber, his figure kept growing, and his speed was extremely fast.

"No, how is it possible, this seat is an eight-winged angel, a small cultivator, how can it be so strong?"

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the eight-winged angel panicked, screaming wildly there, spreading his wings, trying to wrap himself up.


The golden lightning swept past, and the sharp gilded wings directly cut off the angel's wings, turning them into light spots all over the sky, floating in the air.

Angels are creatures composed of energy, that is, the power of faith. The strength of their strength depends on the will of God.

At this moment, after the wings were cut off, it turned into faith and returned to God's side again.

Similarly, when they die, even if they are restarted again, their memories will disappear and be completely annihilated.

"I even dare to copy the king's nest, you are an eight-winged angel, do you really think you are invincible?"

Ye Tian sneered, feeling bored in his heart, never holding back, his wings swept past the angel and cut him off in the middle.


Under the serious injury, the body of the eight-winged angel was burning sharply, turning into a light spot in the sky, accompanied by an unwilling roar, floating in the heaven and earth.

Chapter [-]: The Hurricane Edition's Public Opinion Offensive!


In the distance, everyone looked at the billowing dust in the field, the light and rain were scattered, and it was extremely splendid and beautiful.

That is the power of faith and the energy that makes up the angels.

At this moment, it returns to heaven, it will return to God again, it will be reshaped, but the memory is gone, and all is no more.

This is the angel, God created the angel, but only to obey him.

Ye Tian stood in the light and rain, the gilded light on his body gradually subsided, and he regained his composure. His true energy was dormant in his body, and he could not see the slightest power.

"Hey, I still don't have enough strength. I wanted to learn from the instructor, but I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to pretend to be a force. In the end, I had to rely on running infuriating energy to fight." He whispered to himself, his mood was very low, and there was no joy after victory.

Because, from the beginning, he didn't run his true qi and wanted to use his own strength to fight against the eight-winged angel.

But the result was far from ideal, not even shaking the opponent's defense, let alone wanting to kill the opponent.

In the end, he was reluctant to use his True Qi to kill him. This result was not unacceptable to Ye Tian.

Compared to instructor Li Zhenwu, Ye Tian was still young and inexperienced, so it was already quite scary to have this victory.

You know, it's an eight-winged angel.

Moreover, there is also the blessing of God's oracle, which is comparable to the limit of the earth immortal. The Taiyi real immortal can't achieve such a clean and neat kill as Ye Tian.

"Captain, what should we do here?"

At this time, a team member stepped forward and pointed to the messy corpses to ask.

Ye Tian woke up, glanced around, waved his hand and said, "Clean up, the angel has already helped us destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, and this matter can't be hidden, there is no need to be so cautious."

After he finished speaking, he walked aside, took out the communicator, and contacted the senior management of Huaxia.

Yanjing Military Region.

At this time, the troops here were all mobilized to Changbai Mountain, ready to attack with sticks at any time.

The military district was quiet and was set up as a temporary command post.

All military actions are issued and accepted here.

At the beginning, many people did not understand why they chose the Yanjing Military Region. After all, the equipment of the Military Region is definitely not as perfect as the command post.

But the insistence of the five big bosses in China is only acceptable.

Just kidding, the place where the Holy Father is, the monsters and ghosts don't dare to invade, it is a perfect safe place, and it is countless times better than any safe house.

In a metal room, Qin Nantian was in the center of the command, while the surrounding correspondents operated the equipment in front of them.

"The team in the deep mountains of Laos has completed the task, he..."

At this time, a correspondent stood up to report. Halfway through his words, he seemed to feel dazzled, so he read it again and exclaimed: "They said they killed an angel, an eight-winged angel, an angel under the throne of God."

The correspondent, obviously shocked, repeated the word angel several times.

The voice sounded, and the entire metal house fell silent in an instant.

Countless eyes turned their heads to look at them, and their eyes were full of doubts.

Angels are divine powers. Huaxia's mysterious troops can even kill angels?

It was startling, and vaguely felt something unusual.

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