"Oh, I see, is there any news from the Strait and Diaoyu Islands?"

However, when Qin Nantian heard the report, he didn't seem to be surprised at all, and turned away from the topic.

Just kidding, that was the power of slaughtering the gods. Killing angels was a normal thing in his heart, and there was no need to make a fuss.

However, Qin Nantian's expression fell into the eyes of the correspondent, but it was inexplicable.

In an instant, in everyone's mind, a cultivator soaring in the sky unconsciously appeared, who was a fairy in mythology.

When thinking of the previous war in the island country, I suddenly woke up.

Huaxia has been saved, and the blame of the global cooperation may not help this country.

"Head of the report, there is no news from the Strait and the Diaoyu Islands. Do you want to ask?" A correspondent from the nearby waters stood up and said loudly.

Qin Nantian waved his hand to signal no use, and immediately said, "I will try to spread the news of Laos to the western countries. I want everyone on the earth to know, especially the deeds of killing an angel. It must be shocking."

"Yes!" Someone took the order and immediately started.

Soon, in the vast ocean of the Internet, an inconspicuous piece of data was quietly sent from China and immediately spread among Western countries.

"The mysterious hundred cultivators killed the generals of the United States who were provoking international relations in Laos, thus attracting angels and causing unimaginable losses to the Holy See."

This post appeared on Western forums and social platforms, and immediately received enthusiastic attention.

Moreover, what the article said is very real, even the location, characters, and time are very clear, and if you want to question it, you can't find a loophole.

This caused an uproar in the West, shaking all countries at the same time, and the people were full of concerns about the strength of the Holy See.

Crush Huaxia, most of them are happy to see it.

However, no one likes it, and is missed by a powerful enemy.

At this time, the influence of the Holy See has almost dropped to the freezing point, especially when the blood clan shows up strongly, there are even more vulnerable remarks.

"Eastern China, stealing the luck of the universe, causing frequent natural disasters, that is the backlash of the universe."

The Son of God could not sit still, walked out of the Vatican, filled with holy light, and loudly proclaimed the sins of Huaxia to the world.

Among them, the Chinese monks, in particular, are almost depicted as demons who destroy the nature of the universe.

"Haha, the Holy See's strength is worrying. As a Western blood family, if you take action, Huaxia will definitely be caught, why let ordinary soldiers die?"

Blood Race Tavern, Mox made a voice full of disdain and contempt.

As soon as these words came out, the stable West fell into several factions in an instant, and public opinion was seriously polarized.

Blind people began to think, since the gods have unpredictable power, why send them ordinary people to die?

As soon as this idea came out, all walks of life in the West fell into contemplation.

Chapter [-] Western Public Opinion Splits!

You know, the Holy See has descended on the Son of God, and there are thousands of angels.

These supernatural powers are enough to destroy the world.

Since they want to pacify the East China, there is an army of angels to take action, and there is a holy son as a backer, so they will definitely be able to capture it.

But for now, as directed by the Holy See.

Not only did these gods not take action, they even needed the cooperation of Western countries to send as many soldiers as possible, and there was no explanation yet.

At the beginning, because of the fanaticism of belief, everyone lacked thinking and would only be blind and sincere.

Now, through the inadvertent questioning of Mox, the young master of the blood tavern, most people woke up.

I have to say that the question was so sharp that the Holy See was unable to guard against it.

The focus of public opinion is on the balance between the gods, cultivators, and ordinary people. How to solve it?

"This is the oracle of God, the provocateur will be punished by God!"

In the end, Saint Son Yehe spoke again with a stern attitude, which was also an invisible warning to the blood tavern.

God is honorable. As God's servants and the Son, he is equally honorable. In their hearts, human beings are only created by them, and naturally they need to do anything for them, and there can be no complaints.

The Son's warning was very effective, and within half a day, public opinion was already under control.

The Western media worked together to describe the dignity of the gods and the supreme glory as incomparably superior and noble.

However, at this moment, an anti-war article appeared again on the Western Internet.

"In China, cultivators can fight bloody battles in order to protect the interests of the country. In the West, in order to maintain their noble status, gods can ignore the deaths of human warriors from various countries, just to show the superiority of gods."

"In China, the monks fight for the people. In the West, the people of the country fight for the gods."

"In China, cultivators take the lead. In order to minimize the casualties of human warriors, they can come forward as soon as possible. In the West, in order to maintain their own mystery, the gods abandoned human warriors, made them despair, and asked them to pray, Finally, we will take action, so that the believers can be grateful to Dade!"

This article, with fierce words and every word, can make people emotional and blood boil when they read it.

Not only in the West, but even in China, it has been wildly reprinted.

No one knows where it came from, but no one has paid attention to it, because the content in it is enough to make people excited and angry.

The formation of Western countries, public opinion is completely one-sided, and a large number of people marched, demanding the government to withdraw those fighters.

In fact, these public opinions also affect the soldiers stationed around the world. Many soldiers have applied to their superiors to return to China or even retire.

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