Faced with the overwhelming public opinion, Western governments panicked and hurriedly asked the Vatican for instructions.

To this, the Son's answer was simple and indifferent.

"It is a sin to question God's oracles."

As soon as these words came out, the governments of various countries shut up and dared not ask any more questions. They could only activate the state machinery and try their best to control public opinion.

However, once the Western people start to reflect, they cannot stop at all.

The bad deeds of China reported by the media have been turned up by countless people, accusing the media of inverting black and white and black for black.

At the same time, there are also some emotional netizens who sincerely apologized to Dongfang Huaxia on social platforms.

"As human beings on Earth, we have been blinded by the gods, and I feel ashamed for the harm that China has caused all the time." Some celebrities stood up and expressed their anger at the malicious smearing of the West in the past.

You know, those media are controlled by the government and brainwash the people, which is an invisible mind control.

No one likes to be controlled by others, so the resistance was especially fierce and extreme, and demonstrations broke out everywhere.

"God is omnipotent, and God cannot be insulted. If you dare to betray God, that is original sin and will go to hell."

Of course, the faithful, [-] percent sincere to the Holy See, also held a procession, directly targeting those who questioned God.

So far, Western public opinion has been completely divided, and a violent conflict has broken out between the two.

Yanjing, inside the villa.

"Master Zhenwu, Mox of the blood clan, is very clever. In one sentence, he provoked chaos in all walks of life in the West, and also laid a solid foundation for us to unite the earth in China."

Qin Nantian was very happy. Similarly, the West began to be in chaos, and he began to come over when he had time to report everything to Li Zhenwu.

Although Li Zhenwu repeatedly stated that he would not intervene, the five Chinese bosses still came over to tell the progress and express their respect in their hearts.

"That kid deserves to live in the West for so many years. It seems that they are more familiar with the public opinion." Li Zhenwu shook his head and laughed, and was also amazed.

It is really terrifying that such a huge chaos can be caused without the use of any force, the power of public opinion.

The Holy See must be in a hurry. God's rule in the West for countless years has created a crack, and the Holy Son, Jesus, may not be noble.

"We're waiting for the west to take action now. Our army has already completed everything near Changbai Mountain, and we can give a happy blow when they arrive." Qin Nantian said.

"If you want the Holy See to take action, unless Zeus from Greece jumps out, they will have scruples with each other and won't come easily."

Li Zhenwu's fingers were light on the wooden handrail, and he smiled faintly: "But if God does not appear, Zeus will not take action, and the Holy Son does not dare to take action lightly because of Zeus' scruples. They are too boring, and it is difficult to make a great deal. "

While speaking, he sighed in his heart, it seems that none of the saints are really available.

Even if these small characters are recruited, it can be seen that the hatred of the saints for Li Zhenwu has reached the point of unscrupulousness.

"That's right, then we'll wait and see, what tricks they can play with these gods."

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Qin Nantian nodded, also expressing curiosity.

The more chaotic the West is, the more beneficial it will be for China, both now and in the future.

Chapter [-] The Holy City!

On the coast of China, the surrounding ocean border, the climate is abnormal at this moment, the temperature is cold, and there is actually frost floating on the blue sea.

This spectacle naturally attracted the attention of some reactionaries in the island country and Wanwan.

However, even if scientists arrive, they can't explain it. The vision in it is good or bad for the coalition forces.

The blue waves and oceans, overnight, the waters around China were covered with frost and mist, which is very strange.

While this made the island nation uneasy, it also felt fear.

Moreover, the chaos from the West has also made many allied countries start to think, what can they get for their own countries by following the Western world?

Although the coalition forces in Southeast Asia are still gathering not far from the Huaxia border, they have begun to subside.

The headquarters were all wiped out by the cultivators, and these alliance troops were panic-stricken and filled with unease.

Weird things, one after another, have dealt a blow to the firm confidence of the West.

The war has not fully started, and confidence has already been lost.

Immediately, the top leaders of the Western Alliance, led by the United States, all went to the Vatican, hoping to get instructions.

After all, the army has already begun to assemble, and wars will be launched at any time. Now that Western society is in chaos, this is embarrassing.

"God will reappear in the world, and sinful people should repent instead of questioning God."

The Son of Jesus flew into the sky of the Vatican, with infinite light, open arms, and a gentle voice resounding throughout the world.

In this regard, high-level officials of various countries are respectful on the surface, but they are very dissatisfied in their hearts.

"Greek gods, how long do you have to wait?"

After sending the high-level officials of the various countries away, Saint Child Yehe looked coldly at the direction of the Olympus Mountains, and spoke lightly.

This is a dialogue between the gods, and ordinary people can't know it at all.

"You are not qualified to talk to me, wait until your father arrives." God King Zeus was quite strong, and in one sentence, the face of the holy son was flushed.

However, facing the ridicule of the God-king, the Son of Jesus was helpless, unable to vent his grievances.

You must know that the army of angels who descended from heaven, although they were numerous, still did not dare to be careless in the face of Zeus.

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