Even with the current blood clan, the Holy Son felt terrified and did not dare to provoke too much.

Only when God comes in person can the Holy See dare to make a high profile, otherwise it will definitely become the first bird of all forces.

"Hmph, when my father comes, you will have no chance."

The Son of Jesus sneered, and then ignored the gods, so as not to embarrass himself.

At this time, the chaos between Western countries became more and more violent, and the people were divided into three factions, the blood family, the Holy See, and China.

"The blood race never participates in the struggle for power in the world!"

Mox didn't say much, but said a sentence to express the core idea of ​​the blood clan, and immediately shut up.

When this remark came out, the governments of all countries were shocked.

You must know that the Holy See has always been strong, and its control over the believers is extreme, and even the state power has to intervene.

For some high-level national leaders with self-thinking, they are not convinced.

Suddenly, many countries threw olive branches to the blood clan, hoping to get the protection of the blood clan.

The Western alliance is the main one, and most countries have doubts about the Holy See.

The Mediterranean Sea, the holy city of the three religions.

In ancient times, this city was a holy place where the three religions coexisted, and it was also the origin of the three religions.

The setting sun was setting on the horizon, and night was shrouded in darkness.

This is the only holy place in the world where members of the three religions can live in peace.

At this moment, the dim sky suddenly glowed with holy brilliance, like ripples in the sea, spreading toward the entire holy city.

A soft, magnificent, and vast aura slowly radiated from the blooming brilliance, making countless believers feel peace of mind.

In the Vatican, Saint Child Jesus is [-] meters tall, leading an army of thousands of angels, standing quietly on the ruins of the church.

The human pope, also leading hundreds of red-clothed archbishops, respectfully waited beside him.

Those high-level officials from various countries who came to question God's will shut up at this time and stood silently on the side with complicated expressions, and a look of astonishment appeared in the depths of their eyes.

The holy city in the distance, the holy light blooms, reflects the heavens, and the western world can be clearly seen by everyone.

It is so gorgeous, as dazzling as the sun, and the mind and sight are covered by holy light.

The parade on the street all stopped, couldn't help it, turned to look there, felt ashamed and wanted to kneel down to repent.

"Welcome to God!"

Vatican, the Son of Jesus knelt down on one knee, with a holy smile on his face and a radiance of confidence radiating from his body.

Immediately afterwards, the creatures where the Vatican was located and the Italian citizens outside were all overwhelmed by this breath, and they all knelt down and prayed.

In the Western world, no matter whether they are in high positions or low-level civilians, their faces are full of sincerity at this time.

The previous doubts, at this moment, instantly collapsed.

The influence of God, beyond imagination, moved the Greek gods and made the blood race feel dignified.

"It's finally here, this old guy is a lot stronger again, Lord Zhenwu, shouldn't it be a problem?" Dracula's hoarse voice slowly came out from the ancient castle deep in the Alps.

In the vampire tavern at the foot of the mountain, Mox's face was solemn, his eyes fixed on the direction of the holy city, and he fell into silence.

No matter how arrogant they were, and whether they were invincible in their respective territories.

At this moment, in the face of the coming of God, all living beings feel an invisible pressure.

Yanjing Military Region, inside the villa.

Li Zhenwu pushed open the door and came out, holding a wooden stick on the ground, his eyes were deep, looking in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's finally here. The alternative branch of Shi's, Zhunti Buddhism and Taoism, is really unfathomable!" He sighed in a low voice, his eyes became brighter and brighter, like the bright stars in the night sky.

At this time, the Western world is boiling.

Countless presidents and prime ministers, and even the British royal family, have personally traveled to Jerusalem to make pilgrimages there.

Western countries, unprecedented cohesion, cast aside their prejudices, and ordinary people no longer question it.

The offensive of public opinion, the turbulent society, was instantly calmed down by the coming of God.

Chapter [-] God Comes!


Over Jerusalem, a curtain of light shone into the heavens, filled with holy breath.

Suddenly, a loud bang shook, the sky trembled, and a crack appeared. Immediately, the crack expanded and turned into a white space hole.

The holy light inside was so strong that it almost turned into substance, causing countless believers to be ecstatic and cheering.

For these believers, the Holy Light can be regarded as a great tonic for evolution. All diseases are eliminated, their constitutions are changing, and the speed is terrifying.

The descent continued for a long time, and the holy light poured out from the space channel, like a nine-day Milky Way falling, submerging the western countries.

This is for the benefit of believers. The more faithful the faith, the more unimaginable the benefits.


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