At this time, only the Son of Jesus was in the Vatican.

So, without even thinking about it, they went directly to the Vatican to take away the symbol of God's belief.

Italian city within a city, Vatican City.

At this time, half a day has passed since God came.

In the ruins of the church, Saint Child Jesus stood up, emitting a soft holy light all over his body, facing the holy city, and praying sincerely.

The army of thousands of angels behind them, most of them are two-winged angels, are relatively strong in the acquired realm of cultivators.

But there are also eight-winged angels, standing beside the Holy Son, guarding the surroundings strictly, not being approached by any creatures.

"Master Holy Son, the Lord has come, and the plan to attack Dongfang Huaxia must be implemented immediately?"

The human pope wears a golden robe. He is the spokesperson of God in the world. He has a high status and status, and is also a bridge between the gods and human beings.

At this time, the Pope was in high spirits, which can already be imagined.

When Huaxia was trampled down by angels, and after God and the others returned to heaven, the world would belong to him alone.

Even the hundreds of red-clothed archbishops looked excited.

They are the servants of God, and they are the managers who govern the world on behalf of God. Similarly, but after God leaves, they can be kings on the earth and achieve the supreme religion.

Saint Child Yehe smiled gently, his eyes fixed on the Pope, very satisfied with this servant's performance.


When Shengzi Yehe was about to speak, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the colorful streamer flying from the sky, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

That mighty aura, murderous aura, and a splendid fairy light blooming on his body, assembled into hundreds of people, killing them directly from the east.

The monks are here?

Chapter [-] The war between the gods!

Over Italy, the dark night sky was illuminated by splendid fairy lights, colorful, and the energy of countless weapons bloomed, very bright.

Countless people looked up, stunned in place, and were shocked by this picture.

Some people woke up, took out their mobile phones, took pictures of the sky, and uploaded them to the online platform.

"A cultivator? How brave!"

At the Vatican, Saint Son Yehe's eyes turned cold, and his gentle temperament suddenly disappeared. Instead, it was cold to the extreme.

He reacted extremely fast, and with a stab of the divine staff on the ground, he wanted to activate the sacred energy shield to protect the Vatican.


The ground spit out brilliance, the divine light intertwined, and it was dazzling. In an instant, a huge energy mask was formed, which surrounded the entire Vatican.

At this time, everyone present, including which angels, reacted.

"What? Daoists dare to come to the West?" the Pope exclaimed, his face moved, he couldn't believe what he saw.

When the gods in the West were unparalleled and God descended, the cultivators in the East dared to come here, which was absolutely beyond expectation. 580

However, when he saw more than [-] cultivators floating in the air, the Pope's face changed drastically.

You must know that for hundreds of years, the Eastern monasticism has withered and is already in a precarious state.

In the decades of modern times, cultivators have almost been cut off, and those who can reach the innate realm are already immortals.

But now, three hundred floating cultivators are equal to three hundred immortals...

"How is that possible? Dongfang Huaxia, there are so many immortals?" The Pope exclaimed, his face full of astonishment.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the Vatican changed their faces drastically.

Knowing this time, they noticed that the three hundred cultivators came by flying.

"It seems that the information is wrong, they have reached the realm of immortals in the cultivation way." An eight-winged angel held an axe and said in a deep voice.

Everyone was shocked and fell into a brief panic.

"No, there are still four immortals in the realm. Could it be that the base in Laos was done by these cultivators?" Saint Son narrowed his eyes slightly, his blond hair was scattered, and his expression was extremely indifferent.

Hearing this, the Pope shivered and thought of this possibility.

Otherwise, why did an eight-winged angel perish in the mountains of Laos, silently.


Three hundred cultivators, majestic, flew from the sky, densely packed, suspended over the Vatican.

The energy mask is sturdy and wraps the Vatican, making Chu Tianjun and the others stop there and cannot enter it.

"Gaga, bastard, we've come from afar, is this how your Holy See treats guests?" The volcano giant was four meters tall, with red skin, muscles coiled like a dragon, and his imposing manner was like a red volcano, full of oppression. .

When he was speaking, he stared at the copper bell and looked down at the Son of God at a high altitude, with disdain in his eyes.

On the ground, Saint Son Yehe raised his head, his eyes were gloomy, and he looked at him, invisible coercion, collided in his eyes, and the energy was extremely flaming.

"Are you talking to me?" Saint Son Yehe said, with a high tone, elegant blonde hair, and a very noble temperament.

The angels glared at them, their bodies filled with divine light, ready to strike at any time.

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