"A shrewd person, is he qualified to question us?" Chu Tianjun stepped out of the void and looked down coldly.

They are condescending and strong, and they are not interested in the Holy See or the entire Western gods.


An eight-winged angel pointed at them and scolded them, and was very angry.

Angels are born high above, these ant-like cultivators actually speak madly in front of them, which is really unforgivable.

"Very well, God said, you are guilty. Since you are sent to your door to seek death, let's solve it together!"

Facing the three hundred oriental immortals, the Holy Son Yehe was not afraid, and walked barefoot, as if there were invisible stairs in the void, walking towards the cultivator step by step.

At the same time, the thousands of angels followed closely behind them, their expressions solemn, their holy light blooming and dazzling.


Finally, Saint Child Jesus led thousands of angels out of the energy shield and came to Chu Tianjun and them, condescendingly, looking down at them.

The Holy Son is a hundred meters tall, dressed in plain white cloth, with dazzling blond hair, crystal-clear hair, and his entire aura climbed to the peak.

Even those angels, with white wings and feathers, radiated divine light and were very powerful.

"Now, give you the opportunity to repent, follow me to the holy city, kneel down and beg God's forgiveness, maybe you can still live." Holy Son Yehe held the divine staff and pointed to the opposite side with a sympathetic look.

On the opposite side, Chu Tianjun and the others felt disgusting, how arrogant did they have to be to be so confident?

Ye Tian's gilded wings vibrated lightly, flew to the front, glanced coldly at the Holy Son's party, and smiled lightly: "In the deep mountains of Laos, there was also a bird man who said the same thing to me, and then I sent him to your God. already."

As soon as these words came out, the Pope and others below were shocked.

It seems to be true. The eight-winged angel sent out at the beginning was indeed beheaded by these cultivators and fell to the earth.

"You have successfully angered me, and you must be prepared to bear the consequences of death."

At this moment, Saint Child Yehe's eyes were murderous, and the divine scepter in his hand became brighter and brighter.

Holy light has the effect of purifying, and it can easily resist the pressure of cultivators.


On the opposite side, the volcano giant sneered and took the lead, burning flames and flying over.


In an instant, the war broke out.

The volcanic giant was brave and unparalleled, with a blazing flame, and he faced the Son of God alone.


When the dozen or so eight-winged angels saw this, they shouted loudly, and the divine radiance flowed through their bodies, flying over, killing the creatures who had insulted the Son of God.

"Your opponent is me."

Ye Tian's wings lightly shook, and under the infuriating infuriating, divine light bloomed, and the air vibrated sharply, blocking the front of the army of angels in an instant.

"And me!" Hu Ming's wristbands exuded a faint blue light, and the surrounding air dropped sharply, forming frost in an instant.


Chu Tianjun was wearing a battle armor, with only one pair of eyes showing, his body was covered with ferocious spikes, like an ancient beast, very violent.

Chapter [-] The Devil Monk!

At the same time, the three hundred immortal warriors also rushed out.


The war broke out, the divine light was dazzling, this void, ~ energy boiling.

This time, Chu Tianjun and the others will use all their strength to make a move, and they must make a quick decision.

Because the weapons on their bodies came from the wrong way, fearing that they would attract the attention of the gods and cause unnecessary trouble.


Hu Ming's eyes were fierce, his hands were braced, and the ice was spraying thinly, forming a cold and evil spirit that swept all around, and wherever he passed, angels fell in pieces.

The infuriating ice attribute, cultivated to the extreme, can even freeze space.

At this time, once it is cast, this area is filled with frost, and the wind is raging.


Ye Tian took this opportunity, the gilded wings vibrated, and the sharp edges crossed the bodies of those angels.

The speed is fast enough to travel through thousands of troops, and wherever it passes, it will take the lives of dozens of angels.

"Kill 1"

Chu Tianjun roared loudly, like a human-shaped weapon, his body was covered with spikes, ferocious and brave, and the body surface was even more flaming, and it was extremely powerful.

Seeing this, the Tianshi army on the opposite side did not dare to fight with them, but they were still chased and killed by Chu Tianjun.

Moreover, relative to the angel army, there is no formation at all, three hundred monks, combined into a killing god array, can advance and retreat freely.

Even in the face of the eight-winged angel's attack, he can take it easy, and he can even fight back and kill the weaker angel.

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