This is a group of tigers and wolves, as if jumping into the flock and killing them.

"Do not……"

In the distance, the holy son Yahe, who was entangled by the volcanic giant, screamed in the sky, his golden hair was crystal clear, and the holy light was infinite, and erupted from the divine scepter.

Seeing that more than half of the angel army he brought with him had been killed or injured, he couldn't bear it, and he had to use the strongest means to kill these cultivators.


The divine scepter bloomed with holy light, the rays of light flowed, and the blazing energy erupted from it, forming a terrifying coercion.

Holy Son Yehe holds a divine staff, as if holding a magic weapon, powerful and terrifying.


The vast holy light, wrapped in a divine scepter, attacked the volcano giant, knocking it out and spitting blood.

"You're all going to die."

Saint Son Yehe fluttered with blond hair, his eyes were cold, and he stepped forward to kill among the three hundred cultivators.

You must know that the three of Chu Tianjun are in the realm of earth immortals, and it is difficult to kill them with one blow, but the three hundred cultivators are human immortals. In the eyes of Ye He, they are like ants.

The first big realm, killing them, is like crushing ants.


Saint Child Jesus came to the front, holding a flaming divine scepter, and launched an attack on the three hundred monks, which was very powerful.

In the distance, Chu Tianjun and others saw this, but their eyes flickered, but they did not come to rescue, but turned around and rushed towards the army of angels, continuing to slaughter.


This bizarre phenomenon made Ye He stunned for a moment, but then his face turned cold, and he made a bold move, unmoved.


The divine scepter smashed down the crowd, the energy was dazzling, and a vast power erupted.

However, it was imagined that the monks fell in pieces, which did not happen.


Among the three hundred monks, they stepped on the mysterious position, blooming red glow, interweaving the mysterious rune, and resisted the lore blow of Saint Son Yehe.

At the same time, three hundred cultivators flew out and were also injured.

Even the volcanic giant couldn't resist a single blow, but one could imagine how terrifying the divine scepter in the hand of the Holy Son was.

"Not even dead?"

However, this unreasonable scene also shocked the Son of God, and his face was full of disbelief.

The divine scepter in his hand is of great origin. It is a weapon that God has nurtured for countless years. It has been contaminated with God's will and can exert the power of Taiyi Zhenxian.

However, the ants in the immortal realm of three hundred people in front of them actually blocked it.

This is beyond imagination, surprising and unbelievable at the same time.

"Ha ha!"

The three of Chu Tianjun laughed loudly. At this time, they slaughtered the last dozens of angels, and they laughed loudly, very happy.

The Killing God Array is taught by the instructor, and it can mobilize the power of everyone in the array, so as to achieve the superposition of power.

Now the three hundred immortals are no longer the mortals they used to be.

Even if Chu Tianjun joined forces with the volcano giant, it would be difficult to break through the God-killing Formation displayed, let alone the Son of God, but the weapons were powerful.


Being ridiculed by Chu Tianjun and others, Saint Son Yehe was going crazy.

Born is the Son of Heaven, his father is God, and his status is noble. Once upon a time, he has suffered this kind of insult, and his self-esteem has been hit a lot, and he is mad.

Believers on the ground, in the Vatican and outside, were all stunned.

They saw thousands of angels die and fall as light rain, and it was a splendid sight, very beautiful, but also cruel.

"Devils, these eastern demons, cultivators demons..." The Pope looked sympathetic, pointed to the sky and cursed at everyone, full of anger.

Even those red-clothed archbishops couldn't help trembling all over.

Beheading thousands of angels, making a cold, cruel and ruthless attack, and leaving no one at all, is to put the Holy Son Yehe to death.

"Is this the oriental cultivator? Even the gods are not opponents. Are cultivators really so terrible that they want to devour the luck of the whole world?" Some people murmured to themselves, extremely desperate.

However, they didn't think about it, if the West didn't deceive people too much, how could these cultivators come here?

Moreover, during the battle, Chu Tianjun and the others deliberately avoided the ground, just not wanting to cause too many murders.

"Have you had enough? Then I'll send you to hell." Chu Tianjun's expression was icy cold.


The power of hundreds of people intertwined, as vast as the ocean, blooming with blazing rays of light, illuminating the sky, just like the sun.

In the distance, Saint Son Yehe was mad with hatred, and under the collapse of his mind, he was so mad that he did not retreat but advanced.

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